What's the real story of the US in the Middle East? Is the current US/Israel relationship healthy for both parties? Are the "White Helmets" the selfless heroes they are made out to be in the Western media..or are they just an arm of al-Qaeda? Can President Trump find a way to jettison his neocons and forge a foreign policy more like he promised as a candidate? Ron Paul Institute executive director Daniel McAdams joins Steven and Jana Ben-Nun of Israeli News Live for a detailed look at the...
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Lying Adam Schiff Censured By House…Is It Enough?
US Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) abused his position as Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee to push false statements that former President Trump had colluded with the...
Lying Adam Schiff Censured By House…Is It Enough?
US Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) abused his position as Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee to push false statements that former President Trump had colluded with the...
Peace & Prosperity Blog
Obama Taps the Clapper to Present Syria Intelligence Dossier
President Obama, stung by the defection of the British government from his very tiny "coalition of the willing" to attack Syria, has decided to push on ahead without allies. To...
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Who Cares if Someone Somewhere Used ‘Chemical Weapons’?
A reader writes to make an excellent point about the pitfalls of focusing on the chemical weapons issue in Syria: What difference does it make if Obama has “evidence” or not that...
US Bombing Syrian Chemical Weapons Stockpiles Will Kill Many Thousands
The Obama Adminsitration is reportedly planning a cruise missile attack on what it believes are the Syrian government's chemical weapons stockpiles. This is said to be in...
‘Antiwar’ Hagel: Pushing for War on Syria
Several months ago, a large chunk of the antiwar movement expended a great deal of "ink" arguing that the confirmation of Chuck Hagel to be Secretary of Defense would be a great...
Kerry’s Syria Morality Tale Carries Scent of Hypocrisy and Mendacity
US Secretary of State John Kerry said Monday that it was undeniable that the Syrian government had used chemical weapons earlier this month, killing anywhere from a few dozen to...
Ron Paul Talks Syria, Egypt on the Scott Horton Show
From Scott Horton's website: Former Congressman Ron Paul discusses his video interviews on the Ron Paul Channel; why the US has no business telling Egyptians what to do with...
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