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Who Cares What the Government Thinks?

Who Cares What the Government Thinks?

In 1791, when Congressman James Madison was drafting the first 10 amendments to the Constitution -- which would become known as the Bill of Rights -- he insisted that the most prominent amendment among them restrain the government from interfering with the freedom of speech. After various versions of the First Amendment had been drafted and debated, the committee that he chaired settled on the iconic language: “Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech.” Madison insisted...

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Netanyahu’s Likud Organizes Event Promoting Israel’s Post-War Resettlement Of Gaza

Netanyahu’s Likud Organizes Event Promoting Israel’s Post-War Resettlement Of Gaza

Since October 7th, 2023, Israel's war that initially began as a response to attacks led by Hamas has mutated into a larger conflict that has brought the same carnage to Lebanon and increased hostilities with Iran. As the stability of the region continues to deteriorate with mass civilian casualties at the hands of the IDF becoming all but a daily occurrence, questions have arisen about what the true endgame of the Netanyahu regime is. While Israel's wartime government has maintained its...

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Brace Yourselves: A Tsunami Approaches

Brace Yourselves: A Tsunami Approaches

Brace yourself: a tsunami approaches. While we squabble over which side is winning this losing battle to lead the country, there is something being concocted in the dens of power, far beyond the public eye, and it doesn’t bode well for the future of this country. Anytime you have an entire nation so mesmerized by the antics of the political ruling class that they are oblivious to all else, you’d better beware. Anytime you have a government that operates in the shadows, speaks in a language of...

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THAAD Ain’t So Good

THAAD Ain’t So Good

Some of you know how my mind works. When I hear the word, “THAAD,” my brain immediately registers a Porky Pig voice saying, “THAAD’s All Folks.” THAAD is the acronym for Terminal High Altitude Area Defense. It is essentially a large bullet that is supposed to strike an in-bound missile and break it up. It is a kinetic weapon, i.e., it does not explode. So Israel, who claims (mistakenly) to have the best air-defense system in the world, now wants the THAAD. If you got the best, why do you...

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US Threatens Israel With Arms Embargo As Evidence Of War Crimes Becomes Impossible to Deny

US Threatens Israel With Arms Embargo As Evidence Of War Crimes Becomes Impossible to Deny

For as long as Joe Biden has been in politics, he's kept his hand in the pockets of the Israel lobby. As president, the man who once declared that "you don't have to be Jewish to be a Zionist" has practiced what he has preached by providing Israel with a whopping $17.9 billion dollars in military aid since the outbreak of the war in Gaza. Although Biden has continued his staunch support of Israel, the rapidly deteriorating humanitarian crisis in Gaza has brought pause to his the core...

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Cut the Truth Out of Our Heads

Cut the Truth Out of Our Heads

The censors are losing patience. They have gone from regretting the existence of free speech and gaming the system as best they can to fantasizing about ending it through criminal penalties.  You can observe this change in temperament – from frustration to fury to calling for violent solutions – over the last several weeks. And it serves as a reminder: censorship was never the end point. It was always about controlling society’s “cognitive infrastructure,” which is how we think. And to...

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‘No Kidding! No Joke!’ Liberals Call on Biden to Commit Unconstitutional Acts in his Final Days

‘No Kidding! No Joke!’ Liberals Call on Biden to Commit Unconstitutional Acts in his Final Days

With the end of the Biden Administration in sight, liberal pundits seem to be striving to prove that the only difference between a lawbreaker and a law-abiding citizen is the ability to get away with the crime. Popular figures on the left from Michael Moore to Keith Olbermann are calling on President Joe Biden to commit overtly unlawful acts in his final 100 days in office, including targeting his political opponents. In one of the few statements of Moore with which I agree, he...

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Do they WANT American Troops to Die?

Do they WANT American Troops to Die?

(This article first appeared as an exclusive to RPI subscribers. Subscribe for free updates here.) Biden Administration mismanagement - or worse - from day one of the latest Israeli multi-front war in the Middle East has led us to where we are today, at the brink of an all-out regional war with some 40,000 US troops and multiple US military bases in the region with targets on their back. Biden's blank check to Israel after the attacks of October 7, 2023, to launch multiple wars against its...

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Hurricane Response Proves Volunteerism is Better Than Authoritarianism

Hurricane Response Proves Volunteerism is Better Than Authoritarianism

Following Hurricane Helene, many private helicopter pilots launched their own search and rescue missions. One would think government officials would welcome the help of these volunteers, but instead they harassed them and even threatened to arrest them! For example, one private helicopter pilot rescued an individual stranded by Helene. Unfortunately, he was threatened with arrest if he flew his helicopter back into the impacted area to save someone left behind on the earlier flight. In a video...

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Adversarial Process or Oppo Research? Judge Agrees To Release More Trump Material Before the Election

Adversarial Process or Oppo Research? Judge Agrees To Release More Trump Material Before the Election

It appears that U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan and Special Counsel Jack Smith are not done yet in releasing material in advance of the election. In a previous column, I criticized the release of Smith’s  180-page brief before the election as procedurally irregular and politically biased, a criticism shared by  CNN’s senior legal analyst and other law professors. Nevertheless, on Thursday, Judge Chutkan agreed to a request from...

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The US House of Representatives, where Only the Ending of the Afghanistan War is Condemned

The US House of Representatives, where Only the Ending of the Afghanistan War is Condemned

A majority of United States House of Representatives members voted on September 25 to approve a resolution (H.Res. 1469) condemning 15 members of the executive branch “for their role in the Biden-Harris administration’s withdrawal from Afghanistan and noncombatant evacuation operation, which led to the injury and death of United States servicemembers, injury and death of Afghan civilians, abandonment of American civilians and our Afghan allies, and harm to the national security and...

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The Fall of Israel

The Fall of Israel

I have previously written about Hamas’ Oct. 7, 2023, attack on Israel, calling it “the most successful military raid of this century.” I have described the Hamas action as a military operation, while Israel and its allies have called it a terrorist action on the scale of what transpired against the United States on Sept. 11, 2001. “The difference between the two terms,” I noted, is night and day — by labeling the events of October 7 as acts of terrorism, Israel transfers blame...

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The Government Compels Silence Again

The Government Compels Silence Again

When Congress enacted the Stored Communications Act of 1986 (SCA), it claimed the statute would guarantee the privacy of digital data that service providers were retaining in storage. The act prohibited the providers from sharing the stored data, and it prohibited unauthorized access to the data, commonly called computer hacking -- except, of course, if the recipients or the hackers were working for the federal government. Just as it did with the Patriot Act of 2001 -- which permits one...

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Did the US Government Orchestrate a Color Revolution in Bangladesh?

Did the US Government Orchestrate a Color Revolution in Bangladesh?

A violent coup in Bangladesh went unnoticed as much of the world remained focused on the war in Ukraine & escalations in West Asia. The western media romanticised the coup as a successful student revolution. In reality, it had all the markings of yet another regime change operation by the USA. This article discusses the reason that sparked the protests in Bangladesh, how the protestors shifted goal posts and escalated the violence leading to the coup, and the reality vs the western media...

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Government Can Fix neither Food nor Farm

Government Can Fix neither Food nor Farm

With the national health crisis, food debauchery, and farm exploitation suddenly jumping to headlines via RFK, Jr., numerous people have offered solutions but nothing I’ve seen truly gets to the heart of the problem. Recently RFK, Jr. gave his recipe but in general, it’s yet another request for government intervention in these fields (pun intended). Capping drug prices, prohibiting research grants from going to people with conflicts of interest, and reforming crop subsidies to incentivize...

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Disinformation Isn’t the Problem. Government Coverups and Censorship Are the Problem

Disinformation Isn’t the Problem. Government Coverups and Censorship Are the Problem

In a perfect example of the Nanny State mindset at work, Hillary Clinton insists that the powers-that-be need “total control” in order to make the internet a safer place for users and protect us harm. Clinton is not alone in her distaste for unregulated, free speech online. A bipartisan chorus that includes both presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Donald Trump has long clamored to weaken or do away with Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which essentially...

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Peace & Prosperity Blog

Foreign Policy Illiterate

It is often said foreign policy is rarely top of mind in American presidential elections. For the most part this is true, but not in this election. We have witnessed the...

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Julian Assange Speaks

It was wonderful news to many people last week when word came that Julian Assange would speak publicly this week. For a long time it seemed that such a day would never come as...

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J.D. Vance, Israel Firster

J.D. Vance, Israel Firster

Donald Trump likes to talk about how he puts America first. Last night, Trump’s presidential race running mate J.D. Vance made it clear that Vance has other priorities. In answer...

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