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Trump Puts his Logo on the Military-Industrial Complex, Sets Up US Arms Sales with Syria Demo

Trump Puts his Logo on the Military-Industrial Complex, Sets Up US Arms Sales with Syria Demo

The week after the US, along with the UK and France, launched unilateral strikes against the Syrian government, the Trump administration is rolling out a “Buy American” weapons-selling initiative aimed at allowing other nations to buy even more weapons from US-based arms manufacturers. According to Reuters, the initiative, set to be announced today, will speed up the approval of arms deals to US allies and will call for members of President Donald Trump’s cabinet, as well as the president...

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Why Each US President Ends Up As Ruthless Interventionist These Days

Why Each US President Ends Up As Ruthless Interventionist These Days

In the wake of last week’s cruise missile attack on Syria, there was a joke going around the internet saying that it doesn’t matter who Americans vote for, they always wind up getting John McCain as President of the United States. The humor derives from the fact that the past three presidents all ran for office committed to reducing America’s interventionism overseas but once in office they reversed course and expanded US military commitments worldwide, turning them into facsimiles of John...

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UN Security Team Delays Inspectors Entrance to Douma for ‘Safety’

UN Security Team Delays Inspectors Entrance to Douma for ‘Safety’

The UN Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS) continues to prevent chemical inspectors from entering Douma for their investigation, citing safety concerns. They have offered no timetable for when the Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) inspectors will be allowed in.The OPCW inspectors did not visit Monday, and there were a lot of allegationsexchanged as to why. Though British officials blamed Russia for the delay, it is now clear that the UNDSS is driving the...

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America First — RIP

America First — RIP

When the Cold War officially ended in 1991, Washington could have pivoted back to the pre-1914 status quo ante. That is, to a national security policy of America First because there was literally no significant military threat left on the planet.Post-Soviet Russia was an economic basket case that couldn't even meet its military payroll and was melting down and selling the Red Army's tanks and artillery for scrap. China was just emerging from the Great Helmsman's economic, political and...

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The Skripal Case: 20 New Questions That Journalists Might Like to Start Asking

The Skripal Case: 20 New Questions That Journalists Might Like to Start Asking

While the world’s attention has been largely focused on Syria for the past couple of weeks, we must not forget the Skripal case. The reason for this is that the two events appear to be inextricably linked, either because they show that the Russian and Syrian Governments are willing and able to use chemical weapons for their own ends, or because they show that the Governments of the United States, United Kingdom and France in particular are willing to use false accusations for their own...

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Bitter Lessons 25 Years After Waco, Texas, Siege

Bitter Lessons 25 Years After Waco, Texas, Siege

Twenty-five years ago this week, FBI tanks smashed into the ramshackle home of the Branch Davidians outside Waco, Texas. After the FBI collapsed much of the building atop the residents, a fire erupted and 76 corpses were dug out of the rubble. Unfortunately, the American political system and media have never faced the lessons from that tragic 1993 day.Fifty-one days before the FBI final assault, scores of federal Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms agents launched an attack on the Davidians’ home...

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False Flags are Real – US Has a Long History of Lying to Start Wars

False Flags are Real – US Has a Long History of Lying to Start Wars

Use of the term "false flag" is often met with raised eyebrows and accusations of conspiracism. But false flags are a very real and very present feature of geopolitics — and denying that is simply denying reality.Last week, the United States, along with the United Kingdom and France, bombed Syrian government targets, ostensibly in retaliation for an alleged chemical attack which was carried out one week before in the city of Douma.The story we’re told is simple: Syrian President Bashar Assad...

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How the US Occupied the 30 Percent of Syria Containing Most of its Oil, Water and Gas

How the US Occupied the 30 Percent of Syria Containing Most of its Oil, Water and Gas

DAMASCUS, SYRIA – After the U.S. launched “limited” airstrikes on Friday against Syria, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley announced that the U.S. will maintain its illegal presence in Syria until U.S. goals in the area are fulfilled, opening the door for the U.S. occupation to continue indefinitely. While the U.S. military presence in Syria has been ongoing since 2015 – justified as a means of countering Daesh (ISIS) — U.S. troops have since turned into an occupying force with...

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Syrian Strikes are ‘Legal’ – But Only According to the ‘Law of the Jungle’

Syrian Strikes are ‘Legal’ – But Only According to the ‘Law of the Jungle’

The full extent of the damage to international peace and security caused by the US-led Syrian strikes will take some time to become clear. But its impact on the very concept of legality in international affairs is already evident.Simply put, the most powerful county in the world and its chief satellites, the UK and France, have thrown the rule of law into the trash can. The only "law" now is the law of the jungle. There is no going back.Ironically, the attack itself was claimed by its...

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Trump’s Disastrous Syria Attack

Trump’s Disastrous Syria Attack

Over the weekend, President Trump celebrated firing more than 100 missiles into Syria by Tweeting, “Mission Accomplished!” They say if you cannot learn from history you are condemned to repeat it. So I guess we are repeating it. We all remember that “Mission Accomplished” was the banner behind then-President Bush as he gloated aboard a US navy ship that the war in Iraq had been won. After his “victory,” however, some 4,000 US military personnel were killed, perhaps a million Iraqis were...

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Caught in a Lie, US & Allies Bomb Syria the Night Before International Inspectors Arrive

Caught in a Lie, US & Allies Bomb Syria the Night Before International Inspectors Arrive

The US, Britain and France trampled international law to launch missiles against Syria, claiming to have “evidence” of the government’s use of chemical weapons. That evidence is based on terrorist lies.After a week of outrageous tweets and proclamations by POTUS Trump, which included continued accusations that Syria’s president ordered a chemical weapons attack on civilians in Douma, east of Damascus, with Trump using grotesque and juvenile terminology, such as “animal Assad,” the very evening...

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Bombing Syria: Trump Earns His Neocon Gold Star

Bombing Syria: Trump Earns His Neocon Gold Star

It’s official. Donald Trump is now a full-blown neocon.This was obvious even before he appointed the war criminal John Bolton to be his senior advisor. In fact, as predicted before he was elected, it was inevitable he would join the neocon club, although most neocons dislike him, just like the establishment dislikes him -- not because he won’t follow instructions, but because he’s an interloper, an outlier, somebody who didn’t come up through the ranks, never mind he’s moving the agenda...

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The Skripal Case: 20 New Questions That Journalists Might Like to Start Asking

Independent Swiss Lab Says ‘BZ Toxin’ Used In Skripal Poisoning; US/UK-Produced, Not Russian

Somebody has some explaining to do... or did the Syrian airstrikes just "distract" the citizenry from the reality surrounding the Skripal poisoning. Remember how we were told my the politicians (not the scientists) that a deadly Novichok nerve agent - produced by Russia - was used in the attempted assassination of the Skripals? Remember the 50 questions (here and here) we had surrounding the 'facts' as Theresa May had laid them out? Ever wonder why, given how utterly deadly we were told this...

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Why Theresa May Must be Impeached

Why Theresa May Must be Impeached

So the moment we’ve been holding our breaths for a week finally came. In the end, I am mighty glad that this particular strike seems more like the impotent thrashing of the neocon snake that didn’t dare to attack places where Russian servicemen were likely to be killed, than it does the start of World War III. For the moment, at least, thank God.But the fact that it was a fairly limited strike — compared to what it might have been — in which the majority of missiles failed to hit their...

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Daniel McAdams on What You Need to Know About Syria

Ron Paul Institute Executive Director Daniel McAdams appeared on Mises Weekends with Mises Institute President Jeff Deist earlier today to try and make sense of what's going on in Syria, what the policymaking might be in Washington on the topic, and whether President Trump will really risk starting a nuclear war to avenge the alleged civilian deaths in a Syria chemical attack:

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Western Hawks Come to Roost in Syria, but Will Trump Torpedo the Coalition?

Western Hawks Come to Roost in Syria, but Will Trump Torpedo the Coalition?

Grasping at a tenuous casus belli in Syria, major Western powers appear anxious for a military showdown. But many allies have declined to join the war party. Will others follow?What is it about springtime that brings out the worst side of the West's neoconservative pro-war faction?On March 20, 2003, a coalition made up of the US, UK, Australia, and Poland opened a military campaign against Iraq; on March 19, 2011, the US, UK, and France led a NATO charge against Libya; and now here we are, in...

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