The Liberty Report

The British Are Coming! (To Interfere In Our Elections)

Turns out it wasn’t the Russians or the Iranians! A bizarre plot was uncovered this week involving operatives from the UK Labour Party being dispatched to the US to assist Democratic Party presidential candidate Kamala Harris. But the plot thickens more when it turns out this is part of a larger UK plot to smash our First Amendment! Also today: Secretary of State Blinken back from Israel – mission success?

Will Neocons Weasel Their Way Into A Trump 2.0 White House?

Politico has published at least two speculatory articles on what the top personnel in a second Trump White House might look like. Several prominent neocons are on the list. Will the neocons move back in and run the show? Also today, tens of thousands of soldiers are deserting the Ukrainian army. What happens when there is no one left to fight?

Who Leaked The Israel Attack Intel…And Why?

Over the weekend an obscure Telegram account leaked two apparently highly-classified US intelligence documents related to Israel’s attack plans for Iran. Was it a genuine leak? Was it meant to obfuscate? Who benefits? It’s a hall of mirrors. Also today: reports that Israeli soldiers are refusing orders to return to battle. Has war exhaustion set in?

Lindsey Graham To Ukraine: ‘Draft Younger Men!’

As Ukraine continues to be destroyed in the US proxy war with Russia, some Ukrainian lawmakers are reporting that US politicians including Sen. Lindsey Graham are furiously pressuring Kiev to draft younger and younger men to the front lines. They are fighting Russia down to the last Ukrainian. Also today: Netanyahu’s Likud Party is promoting post-war settlements in Gaza as US troops arrive to fight in Israel’s wars with its neighbors. Finally: Who would send a mother to prison for 3.5 years for peacefully protesting outside an abortion clinic? Biden/Harris!

Zelensky Unveils ‘Victory Plan’: ‘Gimme Money And Fight Russia!’

Ukraine’s “President” Vladimir Zelensky has unveiled his big “Victory Plan” and it’s more like reheated leftovers: “Let us in NATO, give us more weapons, let us attack Russia.” Is this the end for “Project Ukraine”? Also today: Biden gets “tough” wish Israel: “you have 30 days to stop starving the Palestinians!”

California Votes to CANCEL SpaceX…Over Musk’s TWEETS!

While the rest of the world is astonished over the SpaceX “Super Heavy” booster rocket caught by “chopsticks” over the weekend, California bureaucrats are unimpressed. The company is fine, they admit, but the California Coastal Commission voted “NO” to increased SpaceX launches from their state because of…CEO Elon Musk’s Tweets! Also today…California brings back mask mandates because…science! Finally, a new Gallup poll confirms what we already know: US confidence in the mainstream media continues to plunge.

DoD Permission To Use Lethal Force Against AMERICANS?

Just in time for the election! A new Defense Department directive spells out the scenarios whereby the Defense Secretary can put US troops on US soil in situations where lethal force may be required. Also today: Biden rushes US troops into Israel’s war on Lebanon…without Congress! Finally: Record low numbers are registering for Selective Service…we wonder why!

Did 60 Minutes Commit Fraud In Its Kamala Interview?

Political forces aligned with former president Donald Trump are screaming “foul!” over CBS News’ 60 minutes program seemingly editing out the “word salad” answers given by Democratic Party presidential candidate Kamala Harris in her interview this week. Is it just good editing? Biased editing? Or fraud? Also today: “bake the da*m cake” baker kneecapped by a Colorado appeals court.

US Officials: Biden Admin Considering Direct Attack On Iran!

NBC News is reporting that at least two US officials have revealed to them that the Biden/Harris Administration is considering directly participating in expected Israeli attacks on Iran. Will the president, without Congressional authority, open the Pandora’s box leading to World War III? Also today: Yet another huge corruption scandal in Ukraine. Is this where our money is going?

So…How’d Kamala Do?

In the widest-reaching interview of her presidential campaign, Vice President Kamala sat down with 60 Minutes’ Bill Whitaker for some questions about her positions. It didn’t go well. We’ll have some of the highlights and lowlights. Also today: Frightening new legislation aims to muzzle US non-profits who challenge US government narratives.

Hillary: Censor Speech Or ‘We Lose Total Control’!

Hillary Clinton became the latest big-name Democrat to outright demand that the government crack down on speech, telling CNN that if they don’t get a handle on Facebook, Twitter/X, TikTok and others they will “lose total control.” But should they have total control? Also today: As Russia moves closer to capturing a major fortified strategic town, the US and EU keep pushing Ukraine to continue a bloody and losing battle.

America LAST: Billions To Ukraine And Israel While Hurricane Survivors Get $750!

Homeland Security Director Mayorkis admitted that after spending hundreds of millions helping illegal migrants, FEMA has no money left to help American hurricane victims. That on top of recent billions the Biden Regime has sent overseas to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. Also today: Biden disturbed that Netanyahu refuses to listen to him.

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