Eric Margolis

What an Awful Choice!

What an Awful Choice!

This week’s presidential debate made me both horrified and dismayed. Here was the world’s most powerful nation trying to decide which elderly candidate to select as its presidential candidate. Maybe the best expression is ‘cringe-worthy.’ Joe Biden was left looking...

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Wild, Wonderful New York

Wild, Wonderful New York

NEW YORK – This city’s splendid Fifth Avenue and parts of the adjacent Central Park were thronged last weekend by masses of pro-Israel demonstrators demanding even more US support of Israel’s laying to waste of Gaza. New York is the world’s leading Jewish City,...

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How to Waste Two Trillion Dollars

How to Waste Two Trillion Dollars

Brown University’s cost of the Afghan war project just concluded that America’s longest war cost an estimated $US 2.2 trillion dollars – that’s ‘trillion dollars.” If we add in George W. Bush’s fake `war on terror,’ Brown’s scholars estimate that the cost rises to US...

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Students Go After the Hypocrites

Students Go After the Hypocrites

New York – I was kicked out of New York’s prestigious Collegiate private school many moons ago for "revolutionary and disruptive activities." Thank goodness my wise parents sent me to the International School of Geneva, Switzerland where I thrived. The underground...

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Murder in Gaza

Murder in Gaza

Good work, Mr. President Biden. You have managed to do what America’s enemies have not – creating widespread hatred for the United States around the globe. Your destruction of the Gaza refugee camps has inflamed antisemitism everywhere. There is widespread disgust and...

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Don’t Spare the Billions

Don’t Spare the Billions

When I was a boy growing up in New York City I was taught – and re-taught – to always save half of my weekly allowance and never spend more than I had in savings. Too bad Joe Biden was not taught this useful Presbyterian virtue. Recently, Biden’s government has sought...

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Stop the Slaughter in Palestine!

Stop the Slaughter in Palestine!

Palestinians have become sand in the eyes of the Mideast. How did this happen? From where did they come? Nowhere, according to the late Israeli prime minister Golda Meir. She insisted Palestinians did not exist and were merely human flotsam and jetsam. That was pretty...

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Kill Al-Zawahiri

Kill Al-Zawahiri

It is unsettling to see a democratic government like the United States beating its chest over the high-tech murder of a retired jihadist, Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri. The 71-year-old al-Zawahiri succeeded the assassinated Osama bin Laden as chief of the anti-US underground...

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Stop the Crazy War in Ukraine

Stop the Crazy War in Ukraine

The brazenly biased western media is giving us the impression that the Ukraine fighting is some sort of sports competition. Russia’s media, now shamefully silenced in the west by the banning of Russia Today and Sputnik News, portrays the so far modest war in Ukraine...

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Nuclear War Over Ukraine?

Nuclear War Over Ukraine?

How many American soldiers will die in the battle for Luhansk? Or Kerch? Not 1 in 1,000 Americans could find these drab Ukrainian (formerly Russian) industrial cities on a map.How many Americans are aware that a unit of the Florida National Guard is stationed in...

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Rebuild America and Fight China?

Rebuild America and Fight China?

In an age of TV politicians, President Joe Biden is a figure from another age. He is deeply unexciting and suffering from advanced age – a time in life which the great Charles de Gaulle compared to a “shipwreck.” No mobs of baseball hat-wearing yahoos are about to...

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Saving for a Rainy Day

Saving for a Rainy Day

The really wealthy, vexed by tax collectors, pesky relatives, ex-wives and just plain thieves, long ago learned the wisdom of hiding their money and property. This is twice true for politicians. An investigation by an international consortium of journalists just...

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Afghanistan: Where’s The Cash?

Afghanistan: Where’s The Cash?

Afghanistan’s US-run government was the world’s largest producer and exporter of opium, morphine, and the end-product, heroin. As it did after first seizing power in the mid-1990’s, Taliban, the Islamic anti-drug and anti-communist movement, is shutting down the...

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Graveyard of Empires

Graveyard of Empires

The US-led war in Afghanistan looks to be ending, and not a day too soon. America’s father, Benjamin Franklin, wisely wrote: ‘No good war; no bad peace.’Yet for 20 years, the United States waged all-out war against this small, remote, impoverished state whose only...

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