Adam Dick

Julian Assange Speaks

It was wonderful news to many people last week when word came that Julian Assange would speak publicly this week. For a long time it seemed that such a day would never come as Assange suffered in harsh conditions in a British prison under the threat of extradition to...

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J.D. Vance, Israel Firster

J.D. Vance, Israel Firster

Donald Trump likes to talk about how he puts America first. Last night, Trump’s presidential race running mate J.D. Vance made it clear that Vance has other priorities. In answer to the first question of the vice-presidential debate, Vance asserted that his allegiance...

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When Vladimir Putin Was Pootie-Poot

When Vladimir Putin Was Pootie-Poot

United Sates President Joe Biden has spent most of his presidency refusing to talk with Russia President Vladimir Putin. This is despite — or maybe because of — the fact that such discourse could have led to an agreement ending the US government’s proxy war against...

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US Military to Leave Iraq

US Military to Leave Iraq

In August, the news arrived that United States military forces and assets had been removed from Niger. Writing about this development, I opined on August 6 that “the US would be well served to start initiating the withdrawal of its military from many additional...

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