A mystery for months is how it is that so many governments in so many different places on earth could have adopted the same or very similar preposterous policies, no matter the threat level of the virus, and without firm evidence that interventions had any hope of being effective. In the course of two weeks, traditional freedoms were zapped away in nearly all developed countries. In a seriously bizarre twist, even the silliest policies replicated themselves like a virus in country after...
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Peace & Prosperity Blog
Ron Paul Rewind: Real ID is National ID
Pursuant to the 2005 Real ID Act, the United States government is on schedule to prohibit many Americans from domestic flights unless they present US passports or other approved...
Is There a War on Police or a War on Us?
There has been much talk about a “war on police” in 2015. The story goes that police in America are in great danger from a rise in violent attacks against them. It is suggested...
US Now World’s Top Arms Dealer
In most people’s minds, America’s biggest exports are things like iPhones made in China, or swank Levi’s made in China. But in fact, America is the world’s leading seller of one...
Federal Court Strikes Down Federal Provision Used To Bar Trademark Protection For Redskins and Other Controversial Names
I have previously written about my disagreement with the US Patent and Trademark Office decision to rescind federal trademark protections for the Redskins as a racially...
Will Marijuana Be Rescheduled in 2016?
In January, President Barack Obama stated that rescheduling marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act’s Schedule 1 is “a job for Congress.” At the time, prominent advocates of...
White House Schizophrenia – Kerry: ‘Assad Can Stay’; Obama: ‘Assad Must Go’
Just three days ago, emerging from Moscow meetings with Russian foreign minister Lavrov and president Putin, US Secretary of State John Kerry signaled a major shift in US foreign...
Obama Wants to Take Away Santa’s Guns
Lauren Davis of WVLT-TV reported on Thursday about the predicament of Patrick Hackett, a Knoxville, Tennessee veterinarian who found out in 2004 that he is on the United States...
Ron Paul: Save Trillions of Dollars and Millions of Lives by Replacing Militarism with Defense
In a new interview with host Deirdre Bolton at Fox Business, Ron Paul explains that most United States Department of Defense spending is on militarism rather than defense. This...
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