Peter van Buren

Ukraine War is Just About Over

Ukraine War is Just About Over

The handwriting was on the wall. An Op-Ed in the New York Times entitled “I’m a Ukrainian, and I Refuse to Compete for Your Attention” summed things up nicely: a media junket the author’s friend had been organizing to Ukraine was canceled. The TV...

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Trump and the 14th Amendment

Trump and the 14th Amendment

In the developing world the party in power does away with its opponents one of three ways: a bullet to the head, throwing them in jail or kicking them off the ballot. Good to see America, Leader of the Free World, is already at work on two of the three. With it...

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Disinformation, 1984-2023

Disinformation, 1984-2023

Orwell, again. 1984 was prescient on so many concepts that it seems it was written for the Biden era. Underlying it all is the concept of disinformation, the root of propaganda and mind control. So it is in 2023. Just ask FBI Director Chris Wray. Or Facebook. George...

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Never Again? DeSantis and Torture

Never Again? DeSantis and Torture

During a press conference at the Museum of Tolerance in West Jerusalem in April, Ron DeSantis was questioned about a former detainee’s claim that as a naval attorney at Guantanamo DeSantis watched as the prisoner was force fed, something the UN regards as torture. “Do...

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Embassy Evacuation: Sudan

Embassy Evacuation: Sudan

The American Embassy in Sudan is closed. Fierce fighting between two warring generals has led to the swift deterioration of conditions in the capital and the US appears to be preparing to evacuate American staff, possibly some private American citizens. What happens...

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Iraq was 20 Years Ago Today…

Iraq was 20 Years Ago Today…

I was part of Iraq 2.0, heading two embedded civilian provincial reconstruction teams (ePRTs) 2009-2010 and wrote a book critical of the program, We Meant Well, for which was I was punished into involuntary retirement by my employer the U.S. State Department. The...

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The DNI Two-Step and Trump

The DNI Two-Step and Trump

If you play poker with a guy named Doc often enough you learn to watch his hands carefully when it’s his turn to hold the deck. Same when the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), the Intelligence Community (IC), and the FBI sit down at the table with the American...

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Prosecuting Trump

Prosecuting Trump

What would you do if you were Merrick Garland? Would you prosecute Trump? Or would you walk away, concerned about accusations you and the FBI were playing politics?Step One appears easy, put off any decision until after the midterms. Trump is not a candidate, key...

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