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Rubio Tells Maduro He Will End Up Like Gaddafi

Rubio Tells Maduro He Will End Up Like Gaddafi

Mike Pompeo, the former boss of the world’s most prolific terror organization, the CIA, climbed up on his high State Department horse Saturday and lectured us on the crimes of the “sick tyrant” Nicholas Maduro. We denounce Maduro’s refusal to let humanitarian assistance reach #Venezuela. What kind of a sick tyrant stops food from getting to hungry people? The images of burning trucks filled with aid are sickening. pic.twitter.com/bJ1Qsxkgx8 — Secretary Pompeo (@SecPompeo) February 24, 2019...

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Richard Branson Joins Venezuelan Regime Change Effort

Richard Branson Joins Venezuelan Regime Change Effort

As I write this, there is a false flag underway on the border of Venezuela and Brazil.It looks like two people were killed and a dozen wounded after Venezuelan troops opened fire on locals. The confrontation is part of an effort to deliver “aid” to the crisis-wracked nation (thanks in large part to US sanctions). Of course, the Maduro government doesn’t trust USAID, a US government funded agency that specializes in “democratic” color revolution and undermining elections around the world under...

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What If They Started a War and No One Showed Up?

What If They Started a War and No One Showed Up?

The humiliation of United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in Warsaw last week was a good thing. The ancient Greeks, exercising their demonstrated ability to synthesize defining characteristics, had a word for it: hubris. Hubris is when one develops an extreme and unreasonable feeling of confidence in a certain course of action that inevitably leads to one’s downfall when that conceit proves to be based on false principles. Pompeo was in Warsaw for a “summit” arranged by the US State...

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First Venezuela, Now Nicaragua? Bolton Says Ortega’s Days ‘Numbered’ & People ‘Will Soon be Free’

First Venezuela, Now Nicaragua? Bolton Says Ortega’s Days ‘Numbered’ & People ‘Will Soon be Free’

US President Donald Trump’s top foreign policy advisor John Bolton appears dead set on resuming his decades-long stand-off with Nicaragua President Daniel Ortega, hinting that Washington-backed regime change may be in the offing. “The Ortega regime has sentenced three farm leaders to 550 years in prison for their roles in protests in 2018, where Ortega’s police forces reportedly killed 300 activists. As President Trump said Monday, Ortega’s days are numbered and the Nicaraguan people will soon...

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The Fake News about Humanitarian Aid and Venezuela

The Fake News about Humanitarian Aid and Venezuela

In recent times the international media, including many who promised to “resist” the dangerous commander-in-chief Donald Trump, have been awash with stories about Nicolas Maduro blocking US “humanitarian aid” reaching Venezuela. Maduro is said to have even blocked a bridge in his desperation to starve his own people (see, for example, CNN, CBC, Associated Press, BBC, NPR, ABC, Bloomberg, The Guardian). A constant flow of stories such as this have served to establish a narrative of a dictator...

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Trump Administration Threatens Families Of Venezuelan Military

Trump Administration Threatens Families Of Venezuelan Military

“Today, President Trump presented Venezuela’s military officers with a choice — work for a democratic future for all Venezuelans or see the financial circle close for their families and loved ones,” tweeted US National Security Advisor John Bolton today following a Miami speech by the president. If you know anything about John Bolton, you just know he typed “noose” first instead of “circle”. This would be the same John Bolton, for the record, who once threatened to murder an international...

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NATO’s Atlantic Council Hijacks Munich Conference With Revisionist ‘Principles’ Declaration

NATO’s Atlantic Council Hijacks Munich Conference With Revisionist ‘Principles’ Declaration

Taking over the annual Munich security conference, the Atlantic Council has come out with a declaration of principles that seeks to legitimize the rogue behavior of the West after the Cold War as a "rules-based" world order. For almost three decades now, Washington and its numerous clients and allies have insisted they were only upholding a “rules-based international order” against those who seek to challenge it, be it “rogue states” such as North Korea and Iran or great powers such as Russia...

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American ‘Progressives’ Support Civil Liberties as The Rope Supports The Hanging Man

American ‘Progressives’ Support Civil Liberties as The Rope Supports The Hanging Man

In the year 2001, what ought to be called the most controversial legislation in the history of the United States was rapidly passed through Congress with few objections. The Patriot Act was an almost entirely unconstitutional expansion of American governmental power, all of which could be and subsequently has been directed against American citizens who were otherwise entitled to constitutional protections of their lives, liberties and property. Enacted into law just two months shy of the ten...

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Hezbollah in S. America: Mike Pompeo’s Big Lie

Hezbollah in S. America: Mike Pompeo’s Big Lie

It’s late 2002, early 2003 again. This time, instead of the evil (former CIA asset) Saddam Hussein posing a dire threat to America, it’s Iran and Hezbollah stationed in Venezuela. Throw in the perennial enemy of a post-colonial Caribbean, Castro’s Cuba, and we have the makings for yet another military intervention on our hands, according to Sec. State Pompeo. Let’s talk about the important remarks made recently by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, saying how (#Iran-backed) Hezbollah has an...

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Walter Jones and the Vote to End US War on Yemen

Walter Jones and the Vote to End US War on Yemen

In a fitting legacy for my friend Walter Jones, Jr. who passed away last week, the US House made history by voting in favor of H.J.Res. 37, a resolution “Directing the removal of United States Armed Forces from hostilities in the Republic of Yemen that have not been authorized by Congress.” As George O’Neill wrote in the American Conservative magazine this week, the historic 248-177 victory for a bill demanding the end of the US participation in the nearly five year Saudi war of aggression...

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Marco Rubio Declares War On Venezuela

Sen. Rubio (R-FL) travelled down to the Colombia/Venezuela border over the weekend to threaten a US invasion of Venezuela if a US "aid" convoy is not allowed to cross the bridge. Rubio's sudden concern for the humanitarian situation in Venezuela smacks of hypocrisy, as he supported all US sanctions that have made life for Venezuelans miserable. This is "regime change" masking as humanitarian concern. Will the neocons succeed?

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Hate-Fest in Warsaw

Hate-Fest in Warsaw

Warsaw, Poland is not a fun place to visit in darkest February, but that is where the US just staged an anti-Iranian jamboree of 60 client states that brought derision and scorn from Europeans and much of the Mideast. The point of this cynical exercise was to lay the diplomatic groundwork for an anti-Iranian coalition to act as a fig-leaf for an upcoming attack on Iran planned by President Donald Trump and his close ally, Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu. The real question is who is calling the...

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Real ‘Obscene Masquerade’: How BBC Depicted Staged Hospital Scenes as Proof of Douma Chemical Attack

Real ‘Obscene Masquerade’: How BBC Depicted Staged Hospital Scenes as Proof of Douma Chemical Attack

In an extraordinary turn of events, corporate media appears to have been exposed again as an extension of state foreign policy, by a member of the establishment media cabal, manufacturing consent for regime change in Syria. Riam Dalati is on the BBC production team based in Beirut and describes himself, on his Twitter page, as an “esteemed colleague” of Quentin Sommerville, the BBC’s Middle East correspondent. Dalati broke ranks with his UK Government-aligned media, on Twitter, to announce...

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Goodbye My Friend, Walter Jones

Goodbye My Friend, Walter Jones

I just retired after serving 30 years in the US House of Representatives and 16 years before that as a lawyer and Judge. I have to say, of all the great men and women with whom I have worked during my career, Walter Jones was one of the best.There is greater turnover in elective office than ever before, and I served with almost 1500 other Members of the House during my years there. Walter was once rated as the kindest man in Congress, and he certainly was that to me.He and I often sat together...

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Walter B. Jones Restoring Power to Congress Act Would Repeal the 2001 AUMF

In his work opposing United States wars overseas, Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC), before his death Sunday, put much effort into seeking a repeal of the 2001 authorization for use of military force (AUMF) that has been used by successive presidents as a basis for intervention and war across the world in the name of fighting terrorism. In the week before Jones’ death, Rep. John Garamendi (D-CA) introduced the Walter B. Jones Restoring Power to Congress Act (HR 966), with Jones as the original...

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Ilhan Omar Smacks Down Elliott Abrams In Front Of Everybody

Ilhan Omar Smacks Down Elliott Abrams In Front Of Everybody

Days after being smashed with a vicious establishment smear campaign to paint her as an antisemite for accurately criticizing AIPAC, Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is already back on the horse aggressively disrupting the establishment narrative matrix that our rulers have worked so hard to construct for us. Elliott Abrams is a monster. The atrocities that he has facilitated, covered up and whitewashed in Panama, El Salvador, Gaza, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Iraq are utterly unforgivable, and...

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Dems And RINOs Push HARD For More Ukraine Money!

Pro-war Democrats and Republicans in desperation pulled Ukraine money from the weekend bill to keep the government open. Backroom deals suggest Ukraine would be brought up as a...

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