RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

Featured Articles

No, Tulsi Gabbard is NOT This Election’s Ron Paul

No, Tulsi Gabbard is NOT This Election’s Ron Paul

When Buzzfeed's Rosie Gray contacted Dr. Paul yesterday for a comment for her latest piece, "Tulsi Gabbard Is This Election’s Ron Paul," Dr. Paul and I discussed what the article might look like and how his comment might be used (or mis-used). Knowing Gray as an obsessive "Russiagate" promoter and manic never-Trumper, my view was that she would distort any Ron Paul quote to make it look bad for Gabbard, who Gray and the rest of the establishment journalists despise. He declined to comment....

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UK ‘Up To Its Neck’ In RussiaGate Affair, Secret Texts Reveal British Role In Trump Coup Effort

UK ‘Up To Its Neck’ In RussiaGate Affair, Secret Texts Reveal British Role In Trump Coup Effort

While hysteria raged about possible Russian “interference” in the 2016 US election, British intelligence officials were secretly playing a “key role” in helping instigate investigations into Donald Trump, secret texts have shown. 'Turns out it was Britain that was the foreign country interfering in American affairs,' former MP George Galloway told RT, speaking about the new revelations published by the Guardian about early British involvement in the ‘Russiagate’ investigation. The Guardian...

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Rep. Omar and the Hypocrisy of Congress

Rep. Omar and the Hypocrisy of Congress

I’ll begin by saying I am not an Ilhan Omar supporter. She is dangerous due to her support of identity politics and the Gang of Four—also known as the Squad—agenda that, if implemented, will be a death knell to America. However, that absurd and destructive agenda is not the primary reason she is now being targeted. Congress wants to get rid of her because she consistently criticizes Israel. Anything less than enthusiastic support for the apartheid state of Israel is not permissible in the...

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Violent ‘Color Revolution’ In Hong Kong Fails Despite Strong NYT Support

Violent ‘Color Revolution’ In Hong Kong Fails Despite Strong NYT Support

When the US instigates its so called 'color revolutions', the transatlantic main stream media are usually supportive. But the support is rarely as extreme as the extraordinary one the New York Times gives to the rioters in Hong Kong. For the timeline we check with Wikipedia on the 2019 Hong Kong anti-extradition bill protests: Demonstrations against the bill first occurred in March and April, but greatly expanded in scale and intensity beginning in June. At least 240,000 people (up to one...

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The Spy Game: It Ain’t What It Used to Be

The Spy Game: It Ain’t What It Used to Be

The Tehran government has announced the arrest of seventeen Iranian citizens caught spying for America’s Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Some of those arrested have already been sentenced to death. It is the third major roll-up of CIA agents in Iran that I have been aware of, the first occurring in 1991 involved 20 American agents. The second episode in 2011 led to the arrest of 30 spies. The earlier arrests reportedly eliminated what were presumed to be the entire networks of American...

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The Rise of the American Gestapo: Has It Already Happened Here?

The Rise of the American Gestapo: Has It Already Happened Here?

“Adolf Hitler is alive and well in the United States, and he is fast rising to power.” —Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, on the danger posed by the FBI to our civil liberties Despite the finger-pointing and outcries of dismay from those who are watching the government discard the rule of law at every turn, the question is not whether Donald Trump is the new Adolf Hitler but whether the American Police State is the new Third Reich. For those who can view the...

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As US Beefs Up Military Presence in the Gulf, Yemen’s Houthis Turn to Russia for Support

As US Beefs Up Military Presence in the Gulf, Yemen’s Houthis Turn to Russia for Support

Yemen’s Houthi movement has reacted with concern to an announcement by Washington that the US is pursuing an increased military presence in the Persian Gulf. US Central Command announced Operation Sentinel on July 19, claiming that a multinational maritime effort is needed to promote “maritime stability, ensure safe passage, and de-escalate tensions in international waters throughout the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, the Arabian [Persian] Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, and the Gulf of Oman.” The Houthis’...

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Gun Violence in California

Gun Violence in California

Upon hearing that a man dressed in a military-style outfit was shooting people with an assault rifle at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California on Sunday, I imagine that there were at least some Californians saying to themselves, “That’s impossible. It’s illegal in California to take an assault rifle into a public festival.” Indeed, according to Wikipedia, “The gun laws of California are some of the most restrictive in the United States.” So, what are gun-control advocates in California going...

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True Budget Hawks are Foreign Policy Doves

True Budget Hawks are Foreign Policy Doves

During my presidential campaigns, well-meaning supporters would sometimes suggest I stop emphasizing opposition to overseas intervention and focus on fiscal issues. I disregarded the advice, not only because adopting a noninterventionist foreign policy is crucial to restoring constitutional government but because it is impossible to be both a budget hawk and a war hawk. This is shown by the constant failure of so-called fiscal conservatives in the Republican leadership to fulfill their promise...

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The Real Reason The Propagandists Have Been Promoting Russia Hysteria

The Real Reason The Propagandists Have Been Promoting Russia Hysteria

Former MSNBC host Krystal Ball slammed her ex-employer’s relentless promotion of the Russiagate conspiracy theory following the embarrassing spectacle of Robert Mueller’s hearing before the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees on Wednesday. “After watching seven hours of a spectacle that felt much more cruel than enlightening, I cannot avoid pondering a question which honestly gives me no joy to ponder: just how much damage has MSNBC in particular done to the left?” The Hill’s Rising...

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The US Stunt In Hong Kong Will Make Other Issues More Difficult

The US Stunt In Hong Kong Will Make Other Issues More Difficult

The current attempt of a US instigated color revolution in Hong Kong is failing: Protesters wearing all black streamed through the Yuen Long area, even though police refused to grant permission for the march, citing risks of confrontations between demonstrators and local residents. By nightfall, protesters and police were once again facing off in the streets, as they've done previously during the summer-long pro-democracy protests in the Chinese territory. Demonstrators threw objects and...

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Iranian Monarchists Praise the Shah’s Brutal Rule on the Anniversary of his Death

Iranian Monarchists Praise the Shah’s Brutal Rule on the Anniversary of his Death

On July 27, 1980, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi finally succumbed to cancer in Cairo, Egypt. In 1953, he was installed as the dictator of Iran after the CIA overthrew the democratically elected government of Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh. There are a few tributes to the brutal dictator posted on social media ahead of this anniversary. Most are nostalgic for the good old days when the Shah ruled with an iron fist and unleashed his notorious and brutal SAVAK secret police on Iranians opposed to...

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Understanding the Roots of the Obama Coup Against Trump

Understanding the Roots of the Obama Coup Against Trump

The full details of the plot to take out Donald Trump remain to be revealed. But there should now be no doubt that his effort was not the work of a few rogue intelligence and law enforcement officials acting on their own. This was a full blown covert action undertaken with the full knowledge and blessing of Barack Obama. As I have written previously, the claim that Russia tried to hijack our election is a damn lie. But you do not have to take my word for it. Just listen to Barack Obama...

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47 House Members Vote for a Refreshingly Honest Bill Name Change

47 House Members Vote for a Refreshingly Honest Bill Name Change

It is a good rule of thumb that bill names in the United States Congress are misleading. A prominent example of that is the USA PATRIOT Act that, instead of supporting the freedom for which American patriots have fought, provides to the US government extensive means to infringe on that freedom.On Thursday, though, House of Representatives members were offered in an amendment vote the opportunity to replace one such misleading bill name with a name that informs the American people what the bill...

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US Sanctions Are Still Strangling Venezuela

US Sanctions Are Still Strangling Venezuela

As tensions in the Persian Gulf are taking up most of the headlines, the Trump administration is still seeking regime change in Venezuela. Since coming into office President Trump has had an aggressive policy towards Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro. The Center for Economic Policy and Research determined in April that US sanctions were responsible for 40,000 deaths in Venezuela since 2017. Well, those sanctions are still in full affect. A report released last month by Torino Economics...

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No Accountability in Washington. The CIA Wants to Hide All Its Employees

No Accountability in Washington. The CIA Wants to Hide All Its Employees

Government that actually serves the interests of the people who are governed has two essential characteristics: first, it must be transparent in terms of how it debates and develops policies and second, it has to be accountable when it fails in its mandate and ceases to be responsive to the needs of the electorate. Over the past twenty years one might reasonably argue that Washington has become less a “of the people, by the people and for the people” and increasingly a model of how special...

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Peace & Prosperity Blog

Ron Paul: Legal Pot, Not SWAT

Ron Paul: Legal Pot, Not SWAT

Ron Paul addresses Monday on the Ron Paul Channel the menacing militarization of police in the United States. Paul, the chairman and founder of RPI, explains the problem extends...

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