When you are faced with an existential threat to your very national survival, this is what you do. You mobilize your economy for all-out struggle and impose heavy-duty “War Taxes” to pay for a dramatic build-up of military capabilities. For instance, between 1939 and...
David Stockman
Enough of the Ukrainian Clown Show!
by David Stockman | Jun 26, 2023 | Featured Articles
If the truth be told, we are getting sick and tired of the little piss-ant who runs the cease-pool of corruption, tyranny, delusion and death called Ukraine. This clown – and that’s what he is actually trained as – just can’t seem to stop stridently demanding money,...
The Trump 'Gotcha' Indictment
by David Stockman | Jun 15, 2023 | Featured Articles
We have minimum low regard for Donald Trump, and not merely because he is a bombastic lout and world historic megalomaniac. His policies were terrible, too. The Federal budget and debt exploded on his watch; the Fed printed money recklessly even as he demanded more;...
Cable Guy Gone…..But Not For Long!
by David Stockman | May 6, 2023 | Featured Articles
We are not sure what the Murdochs were smoking last Monday morning when they shot the immensely profitable Fox News Channel in the kneecaps, but we do know that Tucker Carlson was one of a kind among commentators in the vast journalistic wasteland otherwise known as...
Biden Goes All in on Proxy War Against Russia
by David Stockman | Feb 23, 2023 | Featured Articles
No, Joe, that’s not Hunter you’re sniffing. But Zelensky is a pretty good substitute – every bit as corrupt, drugged-up and delusional as the First Son.So hug away. You have already proven (repeatedly) that there is no betrayal of America’s true homeland security you...
After the Zelensky Spectacle – Let the Partition Begin!
by David Stockman | Dec 23, 2022 | Featured Articles
The spectacle in the US Capitol Building Wednesday night was downright retch-worthy. And we are not actually referring to the detestable little warmongering clown who preened at the podium in a sweatshirt and cargo pants, offering endless lies and hideously false...
Twitter Became the Ministry of Truth
by David Stockman | Dec 15, 2022 | Featured Articles
New material Musk released over the weekend confirms the very worst. The banal boys and girls previously ensconced in Twitter’s top echelons were not only having a jolly time attempting to steer the nation’s news narrative; these executives were actually meeting...
Washington’s Pointless War on Behalf of a Fake Nation
by David Stockman | Sep 28, 2022 | Featured Articles
The messages are coming in loud and clear today – from the crashing pound, to repudiation of establishment governments in Italy, Sweden and more to come, to Hungarian Prime Minister Orban’s call to end the Sanctions War and do so pronto. So let’s be clear:...
What In the Hell Was Washington Thinking?
by David Stockman | Sep 23, 2022 | Featured Articles
What in the hell were those bloody-minded Washington/NATO neocons thinking? At any time in the last nine months they could have had a diplomatic settlement with Russia that would have: Avoided/ended the war in Ukraine, thereby saving tens of thousands of Ukrainian...
Nancy Pelosi’s Utterly Reckless Election-Season Gambit
by David Stockman | Aug 3, 2022 | Featured Articles
We don’t know how it could have been any clearer than this warning from Chicom mouthpiece and ultra-hawk, Hu Xijin. Prior to America’s other senile leader putting herself in harms’ way by touching down in Taiwan today, Xijin let loose a volley of histrionics that left...
Sleepy Joe’s $33 Billion Abomination
by David Stockman | May 4, 2022 | Featured Articles
Donald Trump has been well relegated to the sidelines of America’s political debate, but the TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) lives on, more virulent than ever. The latter is what’s behind Washington’s descent into the current mindless Ukraine war fever—an outbreak of...
The Warfare State’s Infinitely Mendacious Echo Chamber
by David Stockman | Apr 6, 2022 | Featured Articles
It all starts with the number $813 billion, the Biden national defense budget for FY 2023. That number is so hideously—nay, grotesquely—large that it is the inherent fount of the war fevers, Russophobia and sweeping disinformation that now gushes from the Washington...
Washington Is Delirious With War Fever — For No Reason Of Homeland Security
by David Stockman | Mar 26, 2022 | Featured Articles
Economic, social and political dangers abound. That’s because Washington and its subservient mainstream media are delirious with war fever like at no time in the last seven decades. The resulting reckless pursuit of an unhinged Sanctions War against Russia poses a...
The War From TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome)
by David Stockman | Mar 7, 2022 | Featured Articles
Hear us out here. The Donald himself is the approximate casus belli of the World War III prelude now raging in Ukraine, reminding us once again that sometimes history morphs in the strangest ways. But the truth is, Trump single-handed generated such a deep, intense...
Patriotic Duty My Eye
by David Stockman | Dec 27, 2021 | Featured Articles
Rough Rider Teddy must be rolling in his grave as he looks down upon these poseurs gathered in the Roosevelt room. For crying out loud, every one of them is double vaxxed and totally boosted. And they have issued orders to force the same upon more than 130 million of...
Impending Doom, Indeed!
by David Stockman | Apr 1, 2021 | Featured Articles
We will not mince words. America is indeed suffering from a dangerous plague—a plague of misanthropic fear-mongering from the likes of Dr. Fauci, the Scarf Lady and the Biden’s new CDC director, among countless others of the self-designated Virus Patrol. All three...
Lockdown Lunacy: Your Government Ordered Depression Has Arrived
by David Stockman | Aug 1, 2020 | Featured Articles
Well, the Virus Patrol sure has done it. In a fit of reckless overkill they have managed to vaporize six years of economic growth during the last 90 days. And that’s just by the mechanical reckoning of the GDP accounts, where total output in Q2 weighed in at...
Lockdown Lunacy: Your Government Ordered Depression Has Arrived
by David Stockman | Aug 1, 2020 | The Liberty Report
Well, the Virus Patrol sure has done it. In a fit of reckless overkill they have managed to vaporize six years of economic growth during the last 90 days. And that’s just by the mechanical reckoning of the GDP accounts, where total output in Q2 weighed in at...
Lockdown Lunacy: Your Government Ordered Depression Has Arrived
by David Stockman | Aug 1, 2020 | The Liberty Report
Well, the Virus Patrol sure has done it. In a fit of reckless overkill they have managed to vaporize six years of economic growth during the last 90 days. And that’s just by the mechanical reckoning of the GDP accounts, where total output in Q2 weighed in at...
Lockdown Lunacy: Your Government Ordered Depression Has Arrived
by David Stockman | Aug 1, 2020 | The Liberty Report
Well, the Virus Patrol sure has done it. In a fit of reckless overkill they have managed to vaporize six years of economic growth during the last 90 days. And that’s just by the mechanical reckoning of the GDP accounts, where total output in Q2 weighed in at...
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- The Competency Crisis Proliferating The Westby Alastair Crooke
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