Lev Parnas is who we all hope is the last “Did too! Did Not!” player in the three year effort to find someway to drive Trump from office. Parnas is a Ukrainian-born “businessman” who claims to be the missing link between Trump and evidence needed to impeach. Parnas is also under indictment for breaking campaign-finance laws by disguising donations from foreign entities to unnamed US politicians, and so is singing like the girl from Frozen to be let go. The media christened him the new White...
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Peace & Prosperity Blog
Burning Jordanians, Total War, Arms for Ukraine, Europe Peace Plan? – McAdams and Taylor Week in Review
Will the Europeans put the kibosh on US war plans with Russia? What about Jordan, which has armed the jihadists and then pretends to be outraged at the ISIS burning of an ISIS...
In Praise of Grover Cleveland
Jesse Ventura released this week his new podcast conversation with Ron Paul. It is a pleasure to hear Ventura engage Paul in an unrushed, wide-ranging examination of United...
Andrew Napolitano: In a Free Society You Can Reject the Vaccination ‘Scientific Orthodoxy’
From California State Senator Richard Pan (D-Sacramento) proposing legislation to prevent parents of children attending government or private schools from making their own...
Is Privatizing the Afghan War a Feasible Exit Strategy…
...or is it a formula for perpetual war?President Obama may have told Congress and the American people in his state of the union address that the American combat mission in...
King Abdullah’s Crocodile Tears Over Burned Pilot
Jordan's King Abdullah reacted emotionally to a video showing the apparent immolation of a Jordanian fighter pilot shot down over Syrian airspace. The Jordanian leader promised...
Oops They Did it Again: ‘Moderate’ Syrian Rebels Join Jihadists
President Obama's plan to send as many as 1,000 US military personnel to train the "moderate" rebels seeking to overthrow Syrian president Assad may have run into yet another...
Obama Admits US Role in Ukraine Overthrow
Speaking on RT yesterday, RPI executive director Daniel McAdams wonders whether President Obama spoke a bit too freely in his recent CNN interview. In the interview, the...
Who Started Ukraine? Max Boot’s War. And More. McAdams and Taylor Week in Review
Ukraine heats up and the US continues pointing fingers away from its own actions. Max Boot and the neocons want us to go harder and faster against Russia. What might we expect...
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