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Sweden: the One Chart That Matters

Sweden: the One Chart That Matters

While the Covid-19 epidemic continues to drag on in the United States, it’s largely over in Sweden where fatalities have dropped to no more than 2 deaths per day for the last week. Sweden has been harshly criticized in the media for not imposing draconian lockdowns like the United States and the other European countries. Instead, Sweden implemented a policy that was both conventional and sensible. They recommended that people maintain a safe distance between each other and they banned...

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Willful Blindness: New Damaging Information On The Russian Investigation Is Promptly Unseen By The Media

Willful Blindness: New Damaging Information On The Russian Investigation Is Promptly Unseen By The Media

Below is my column in The Hill on the recent disclosure of a document showing that the FBI used an agent to gather information for Crossfire Hurricane during campaign briefings of Trump during 2016. The document directly contradicted the long-standing denial that the investigation to Russian collusion was ever used to gather intelligence on Trump or his campaign. At the same time, the credibility of the Steele Dossier was further undermined this weekend with the release of new information that...

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Willful Blindness: New Damaging Information On The Russian Investigation Is Promptly Unseen By The Media

Fedcoin: A New Scheme for Tyranny and Poverty

If some Congress members get their way, the Federal Reserve may soon be able to track many of your purchases in real time and share that information with government agencies. This is just one of the problems with the proposed “digital dollar” or “fedcoin.”Fedcoin was initially included in the first coronavirus spending bill. While the proposal was dropped from the final version of the bill, there is still great interest in fedcoin on Capitol Hill. Some progressives have embraced fedcoin as a...

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Willful Blindness: New Damaging Information On The Russian Investigation Is Promptly Unseen By The Media

Pompeo Lays Out New US Cold War Against China

Following near daily screeds against China, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is now laying out US hostility, and the goal of “changing” China as part of what is effectively a new Cold War, likening it to Cold War with the Soviet Union.Saying that the US had changed Soviet behavior, Pompeo expressed confidence that they could change China as well, saying that the nations of the world have a duty to help the US “defend freedom.” He also warned that “our children’s children may be at the mercy of...

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Gunshot To Head, Parkinson's Disease, Deaths In Palm Beach Incorrectly Attributed To COVID-19

Gunshot To Head, Parkinson's Disease, Deaths In Palm Beach Incorrectly Attributed To COVID-19

When it comes to overinflated coronavirus death counts, we recently outlined how a fatal motorcycle accident in Florida was added to the state's COVID-19 death toll. Still, no precise data shows just how overinflated death counts are on a state by state level.  We have to rely on real journalism, such as a new report via CBS12 West Palm, that made a shocking discovery about deaths being incorrectly attributed to the virus.  CBS12 said a 60-year old man who died from a gunshot blast to the head...

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Willful Blindness: New Damaging Information On The Russian Investigation Is Promptly Unseen By The Media

Trump foreign policy enters lame duck period

There was a time when President Trump’s personalised diplomacy seemed a hydra-headed phenomenon with tentacles reaching far and wide. He engaged such diverse politicians — from Shinzo Abe and Kim Jong-Un to Xi Jinping and Narendra Modi, from Mohammed bin Salman and Recep Erdogan to Vladimir Putin and Angela Merkel. But as time passed, the circle began shrinking and the scope for personalised diplomacy altogether diminished as coronavirus epidemic spread and countries turned inward, including...

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Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Removes Columbus Statue in Chicago After Days Of Violent Protests

Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Removes Columbus Statue in Chicago After Days Of Violent Protests

Growing up in Chicago, the giant Christopher Columbus statue was a well-known feature in Grant Park. It is now gone. Mayor Lori Lightfoot moved to end the violent protests through an act of surrender. She unilaterally ordered the removal of statue. Problem solved? No, the problem was mob action to remove the statue and Mayor Lightfoot just yielded to violence which left many police officers injured in its wake as well as a number of protesters. Indeed, before the removal, Lightfoot’s own home...

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Interest Groups Tell Congress Members to Legalize Marijuana Via the MORE Act. But, if You Want Legalization Soon, Less is Likely More.

Interest Groups Tell Congress Members to Legalize Marijuana Via the MORE Act. But, if You Want Legalization Soon, Less is Likely More.

If you would like the United States government to legalize marijuana soon, I have some good news and some bad news for you. First, the good news: A group of fourteen organizations calling themselves the Marijuana Justice Coalition on Tuesday sent a letter to United States Congress members encouraging them to cosponsor a bill that would legalize marijuana, with the goal of passing the bill this congressional session, which ends in January. Among the organizations in the group are the American...

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Willful Blindness: New Damaging Information On The Russian Investigation Is Promptly Unseen By The Media

After 30 Years, Did the Disabilities Act Work?

Thirty years ago, President George H.W. Bush signed [7/26/1990] the Americans with Disabilities Act, which was supposed to create a new era of equality and justice. Instead, the ADA often turns disabilities into assets, encouraging far more people to claim to be disabled to receive special treatment or privileges. The ADA’s breadth and vagueness have spurred a deluge of absurd federal decrees and more than half a million lawsuits that risk stigmatizing people the law sought to assist.  The ADA...

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Willful Blindness: New Damaging Information On The Russian Investigation Is Promptly Unseen By The Media

John Ioannidis Warned COVID-19 Could Be a 'Once-In-A-Century' Data Fiasco. He Was Right

On Thursday, a Florida health official told a local news station that a young man who was listed as a COVID-19 victim had no underlying conditions. The answer surprised reporters, who probed for additional information. “He died in a motorcycle accident,” Dr. Raul Pino clarified. “You could actually argue that it could have been the COVID-19 that caused him to crash. I don’t know the conclusion of that one.” The anecdote is a ridiculous example of a real controversy that has inspired some...

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Willful Blindness: New Damaging Information On The Russian Investigation Is Promptly Unseen By The Media

I Don’t Always Believe CIA Narratives. But When I Do, I Believe Them About China.

My social media notifications have been lighting up the last few days with virulent Chinagaters sharing a video which purports to show Uighur Muslims being loaded onto a train to be taken to concentration camps. It’s actually an old video that had already surfaced last year, but it is magically making the rounds again as a new and shocking revelation in 2020 now that western China hysteria has been officially kicked into high gear, at exactly the same time the US enacts one of the most...

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Willful Blindness: New Damaging Information On The Russian Investigation Is Promptly Unseen By The Media

Who’s That Masked Man!

It should be evident by now that the Donald’s one and only north star is his own glorification and self-aggrandizement. That’s why he’s totally flat-footed at this crucial moment in the pandemic saga. What he needs to be doing is taking off the gloves for a bare-knuckled counter-attack against the Virus Patrol, which is ruining America’s economic and fiscal future. Instead, yesterday he put on the Mask and the tweeted a juvenile boast that he’s the most patriotic muzzle-wearer in the land....

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Willful Blindness: New Damaging Information On The Russian Investigation Is Promptly Unseen By The Media

Was This Michigan Teacher Fired After Tweeting Support For Trump and Reopening Schools?

We recently discussed a Vermont principal who was told that she would have to retire after expressing her opinion of Black Lives Matter on her personal Facebook page. Now, a popular social studies teacher and baseball coach at Walled Lake Western High School in Michigan has been fired after tweeting his support for President Donald Trump and reopening the schools. For free speech advocates, the firing of Justin Kucera, 28, raises concerns that he might be another teacher terminated for...

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House Democratic Leadership Teams Up With Republicans To Keep US Troops in Afghanistan

House Democratic Leadership Teams Up With Republicans To Keep US Troops in Afghanistan

By a vote of 284-129, the House of Representatives soundly defeated an amendment to establish a plan to withdraw US troops from Afghanistan. A slight plurality of Democrats supported the measure, with most of the leadership opposing. All Republicans except two voted in to oppose. Libertarian Justin Amash supported the measure. The amendment to the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) was offered by Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN).President Trump declared in late May that he wanted to withdraw...

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Willful Blindness: New Damaging Information On The Russian Investigation Is Promptly Unseen By The Media

About Those Spooky Federal Cops in Portland

Dear Portlandia progressives: a federal government big enough to take care of you is a federal government big enough to "take care of you." Scary unidentifiable police, federal black sites, and procedureless snatching of individuals from the streets are the wholly predictable and natural consequences of the very policies you advocated for decades. Why do you imagine a big government with lots of power will restrict itself to the cozy "social issues" and economic takings you support? Government...

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Willful Blindness: New Damaging Information On The Russian Investigation Is Promptly Unseen By The Media

The REAL ID Act Ravages Our Liberty

National ID cards have been atop the command-and-control political wish list for decades. In the 1990s, Republican Congresses shot down efforts to move toward national identification cards. However, after 9/11, “everything changed” and politicians seized the chance to unleash far more snooping and create potentially hundreds of millions of dossiers on American citizens. Congress passed the REAL ID Act in 2005 as part of an enormous piece of legislation dealing with military appropriations and...

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