“I thought I was losing my capacity to be shocked -- but events in Missouri over just the last couple of hours have crossed a frightening line, one that makes me pray that this assault on fundamental American values is just the aberration of one rudderless Heartland community, and not the first symptoms of nation gone mad with high-tech weaponry to keep its own citizens in line.”—Journalist Will Bunch The difference between what happened in Boston in the wake of the Boston Marathon explosion...
Featured Articles
Iraq Policy: Washington’s Puzzle Palace Keeps Getting Curiouser
by David Stockman | Aug 13, 2014 | Featured Articles
Let’s count the ways. It goes without saying that Obama is now busily bombing American military equipment. Some of that equipment is pretty high tech gear and especially lethal — not the kind that jihadists ordinarily train with in their desert lairs or mountain redoubts. But then again, ISIS got provisioned by none other than the Iraqi Army. The latter not only dropped its uniforms for civvies during the battle for Mosul, but also left behind armored Humvees, heavy artillery, night vision...
Ron Paul: ‘US Out of Iraq Now!’
by Daniel McAdams | Aug 13, 2014 | Featured Articles
What obligation does the US have to go into Iraq for a third time? According to RPI Chairman Ron Paul, there is none. More US intervention will not solve the problem, he tells RT, but will only make matters worse. In fact, sending weapons into iraq has made matters worse for the Kurds, as many of the weapons have been captured by ISIS and are being used to against them. The Kurds would have been a lot better off if the US had never gone into Iraq in the first place, he says.Asked "do you agree...
House and Senate Leaders Line Up Behind Obama on Bombing Iraq
by Adam Dick | Aug 12, 2014 | Congress Alert
President Barack Obama is encountering no opposition from the top four Democrat and Republican leaders in the House and Senate as he escalates US military action in Iraq with new bombings. US Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has chosen not to comment regarding the matter, just as he did last year regarding a potential US military attack on Syria until he announced his opposition the same day Obama called off the planned attack. The other three top Republican and Democrat leaders...
Why Obama is bombing the Caliph
by Pepe Escobar | Aug 12, 2014 | Featured Articles
This is the way the multi-trillion dollar Global War on Terror (GWOT) ends: not with a bang, but with a bigger bang. The GWOT, since its conceptualization 13 years ago, in the aftermath of 9/11, is the gift that keeps on giving. And no gift is bigger than a Transformer Al-Qaeda on steroids – bigger, brasher, and wealthier than anything Osama Bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri had ever dreamt of; the IS (Islamic State, formerly known as ISIS) of Caliph Ibrahim, former Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. US...
A Faul’s Errand: Washington’s Amateur Diplomacy – An Obituary
by Eric Kraus | Aug 11, 2014 | Featured Articles
Some ten years ago, as a financial strategist/fund manager in post-crisis Moscow, while laboring away over my strategy monthly “Truth and Beauty (and Russian Finance)” with its recurrent theme that Russia was embarking upon her New Asian Century (i.e. turning away from the West to build bridges to China), I was surprised to receive a polite rejoinder from one of my readers: the prominent Stanford academic Michael McFaul – even then seen as a rising star in Eastern European policy for the US...
Why Reform the CIA?
by Jacob G. Hornberger | Aug 11, 2014 | Featured Articles
Just as I predicted in my article “Why Not Simply Abolish the CIA?” critics of the CIA’s illegally hacking into the computers of U.S. senators who were investigating CIA torture are calling for reform, rather than abolition, of the CIA. Stuck in the mindset of the national-security state, they simply cannot raise their vision to a higher level—to one that restores a constitutionally limited government republic to our land. Here’s one example: an op-ed today entitled “The CIA vs. the Senate:...
America Started This Ukraine Crisis
by William Pfaff | Aug 11, 2014 | Featured Articles
I find it very disquieting that so few among the West European and American commentators on the Ukraine crisis, private or public, seem concerned that the United States has started this affair, and that it is not inconceivable that it may end in a war. Worse yet, Washington’s demonization of Vladimir Putin has been so successful in the American press and public, and its secrecy about the American role in Kiev, has left the public in the United States and in NATO Europe convinced that this has...
US Sanctions on Russia May Sink the Dollar
by Ron Paul | Aug 10, 2014 | Featured Articles
The US government's decision to apply more sanctions on Russia is a grave mistake and will only escalate an already tense situation, ultimately harming the US economy itself. While the effect of sanctions on the dollar may not be appreciated in the short term, in the long run these sanctions are just another step toward the dollar's eventual demise as the world's reserve currency. Not only is the US sanctioning Russian banks and companies, but it also is trying to strong-arm European banks...
Krauthammer: Arm The Kurds!
by Chris Rossini | Aug 9, 2014 | Neocon Watch
While Senator John McCain is busy calling President Obama a sissy, with his “pinprick” airstrikes in Iraq, his neocon comrade Charles Krauthammer offers up the following idea: The only thing that will make a difference is boots on the ground. Kurdish boots! Nobody’s asking for Americans. Just fly in the weapons! Sure, just fly in the weapons! That has become the go-to move for neocons who have to deal with a war weary, and increasingly non-interventionist American public. Didn’t the U.S....
What if There’s a Real War in Ukraine?
by Eric Margolis | Aug 9, 2014 | Featured Articles
Russia and the West are at war – over fruits, veggies, pork, and bank loans. The cause is Ukraine, a vast emptiness formerly unknown to the western world, but now deemed a vital national security interest worthy of a risking a very scary war. Economic embargos such as those launched by the US against Russia may seem relatively harmless. They are not. Trade sanctions are a form of strategic warfare that is sometimes followed by bullets and shells. Think, for good example, of the 1940 US embargo...
Washington Opened The Gates Of Hell In Iraq: Now Come The Furies
by David Stockman | Aug 8, 2014 | Featured Articles
The late, great critic of the American Imperium, Chalmers Johnson, popularized the salient concept of “blowback”. That is, the notion that if you bomb, drone, invade, desecrate and slaughter—collaterally or otherwise— a people and their lands, they might find ways to return the favor. But even Johnson could not have imagined the kind of blowback coming ferociously Washington’s way now. Namely, the mayhem being visited on much of Iraq by American tanks, armored personnel carriers, heavy...
US Government Still Trying for Cuba Regime Change
by Sheldon Richman | Aug 7, 2014 | Featured Articles
When I saw the headline about the U.S. government and Cuba in my newspaper the other day, I thought I’d awoken in 1961. It was a Twilight Zone moment for sure: “U.S. program aimed to stir dissent in Cuba.” I expected Rod Serling to welcome me to “another dimension.” But it was 2014. The AP news report said President Barack Obama and presumably then–secretary of state Hillary Clinton had plotted to incite a popular uprising — to “gin up opposition” — against the Cuban government by sending in...
Crushing Protests in Kiev: Neocons Never Liberate Twice
by Daniel McAdams | Aug 7, 2014 | Featured Articles
Western media has ignored it, but protesters have occupied the Maidan square in Kiev since last October. They were successful in overthrowing the elected president, Viktor Yanukovych, but they didn’t go home. They kept their tents, remained in occupied government buildings, and hunkered down. Boxer-turned-revolutionary Vitali Klitschko was in the thick of the protests at the time, supported by the United States and its Assistant Secretary of State, Victoria Nuland. In fact, Nuland posed with...
Ron Paul Rewind: ‘Bombing Yugoslavia Cannot Be a Proud Moment’
by Daniel McAdams | Aug 6, 2014 | Featured Articles
As President Bill Clinton and his coterie of "experts" and media cheerleaders rejoiced in the first US "humanitarian" bombs on Yugoslavia, Rep. Ron Paul was singing a different tune."This cannot be a proud moment for America," he said on the US House Floor on March 24, 1999. Rep. Paul continued: Serbia has not invaded another country, but is involved in a nasty civil war with both sides contributing to the violence. ... Meddling in the internal affairs of a nation involved in a civil war is...
Bill Clinton’s Body-Snatchers: The Truth About the ‘Humanitarian’ War on Yugoslavia
by James Bovard | Aug 6, 2014 | Featured Articles
Former president Bill Clinton continues to be feted around the world as a progressive champion of human rights. But a European Union task force last week confirmed that the ruthless cabal he empowered by bombing Serbia in 1999 has committed atrocities including murdering individuals to extract and sell their kidneys, livers, and other body parts. Clint Williamson, the chief prosecutor of a special European Union task force, declared that senior members of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) had...
Sec. State Blinken: Nordstream Bombing 'Offers Tremendous Opportunity'
While US neocons and mainstream media continue to inexplicably blame Russia for blowing up its own pipeline, US officials continue to signal their motive and the benefit they see...
Sec. State Blinken: Nordstream Bombing 'Offers Tremendous Opportunity'
Oct 3, 2022
While US neocons and mainstream media continue to inexplicably blame Russia for blowing up its own pipeline, US officials continue to signal their motive and the benefit they see...
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