RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

Featured Articles

Endgame for the Fed?

Endgame for the Fed?

The Federal Reserve, responding to concerns about the economy and the stock market, and perhaps to criticisms by President Trump, recently changed course on interest rates by cutting its “benchmark” rate from 2.25 percent to two percent. President Trump responded to the cut in already historically-low rates by attacking the Fed for not committing to future rate cuts.The Fed’s action is an example of a popular definition of insanity: doing the same action over and over again and expecting...

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Eight Years Ago NATO Killed My Family in Their Sleep

Eight Years Ago NATO Killed My Family in Their Sleep

Eight years ago, NATO and its partners, killed nearly 200 Libyan civilians across the North African country. Eight years on, no one has been held accountable. Neither NATO nor its partners gave any explanation or offered an apology let alone compensation while the families of those killed still reel with pain and the lack of an explanation as to why their loved ones were killed as they slept. The invasion of Libya, by the biggest military alliance in history, started after long-time ruler...

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The Persistent Myth That Trump Opposes War

The Persistent Myth That Trump Opposes War

Whenever I criticize the foreign policy of the current US administration, I always get some pushback from Trump supporters who insist that this president is doing more good than harm by “fighting the Deep State” and, even more commonly, by “keeping us out of wars”. This notion that Donald Trump is some kind of peace president, or even the notion that he puts any more inertia on the US war machine than his predecessor did, is contradicted by all facts and evidence we have available to us. Trump...

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Official Secrets: Priti Patel’s Early War on Whistleblowers

Official Secrets: Priti Patel’s Early War on Whistleblowers

As British ambassador to the US Kim Darroch tended his wounds of humiliation last month, following the leak of a cache of diplomatic cables and documents, including emails describing President Trump as ‘inept’ and ‘uniquely dysfunctional,’ an outraged UK government descended into panic over how to handle such an apparently sensitive and damaging betrayal of confidential information. A police investigation was launched to find the leaker. Is this dubious leak now being used to mount an attack...

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China Accuses US Of ‘Gangster Logic’ For Defending Meetings With HK Independence Activists

China Accuses US Of ‘Gangster Logic’ For Defending Meetings With HK Independence Activists

China hit back Friday over the developing fresh diplomatic crisis centered on a US State Department official caught meeting with notable Hong Kong independence activists. The Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong said Washington is applying “gangster logic” after the day prior a US spokesperson called Beijing a “thuggish regime”. “The spokesperson at the commissioner’s office denounced the claim as a blatant slander against China, which has confounded right...

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For Cliff May, War Pays

For Cliff May, War Pays

To say that Clifford May, founder of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, loves war would be an understatement. He loves almost everything about war and he thinks the US should be in a lot more of them. He thinks that the US should never go home, should never withdraw troops, should forever be searching for "bad guys" to fight, lest they come find us and fight us here. Because the rest of the world is exclusively focused on how to invade and destroy the United States.He likes to...

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Evidence Of CIA Meeting HK Protest Leaders? China Summons US Diplomats Over Viral Photo

Evidence Of CIA Meeting HK Protest Leaders? China Summons US Diplomats Over Viral Photo

Hong Kong protest activists Joshua Wong Chi-fung seen meeting Julie Eadeh, political chief of US Consulate.After a viral photo surfaced this week revealing continuing contact between well-known Hong Kong pro-independence protest leaders and a US diplomatic officer, China has summoned US consulate officials stationed in the city, Bloomberg reports. According to a statement from Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong, Chinese officials asked the Americans to...

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US Seizes Cargo Ship Trying to Deliver Food to Venezuela

US Seizes Cargo Ship Trying to Deliver Food to Venezuela

The US continues to escalate its anti-Venezuela measures this week, having announced Monday night that sanctions have grown to an economic embargo, and now that appears to include a naval blockade. Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodriguez announced on Wednesday that the United States had seized a cargo ship bound for Venezuela in the Panama Canal. The ship was carrying soy cakes for the production of food.US officials as yet have not commented, but it’s not clear under what pretext they...

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Quincy Who? Another New Think Tank Tests the Waters

Quincy Who? Another New Think Tank Tests the Waters

Think tanks sprout like weeds in Washington. The latest is the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, which is engaged in a pre-launch launch and is attracting some media coverage all across the political spectrum. The Institute is named after the sixth US President John Quincy Adams, who famously made a speech while Secretary of State in which he cautioned that while the United States of America would always be sympathetic to the attempts of other countries to fight against dominance by...

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Wars and Domestic Massacres

Wars and Domestic Massacres

This past weekend, 22 people were killed in El Paso, Texas and 9 in Dayton, Ohio. There have been a number of other mass shootings in the past two decades or so; the largest was in Las Vegas in 2017, with 58 killed. This is sad, but it is a drop in the bucket compared to the real perpetrators of death in America - the US military. It has been well-said that “it’s time for America to reckon with the staggering death toll of the post 9-11 wars.” Brown University’s Costs of War Project this month...

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Give Guantanamo Back to Cuba

Give Guantanamo Back to Cuba

The US Empire, which controls much of the world through hundreds of military bases in foreign countries, through foreign regimes run by domestic US puppets, and through foreign dependency on US foreign aid, got its start in 1898 during the Spanish American War. It was that war that enabled the Empire to acquire its imperialist domain in Cuba known as Guantanamo Bay, which is now the Empire’s premier international indefinite-detention prison, torture center, and kangaroo judicial system. The...

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‘Who Lost Turkey?’

‘Who Lost Turkey?’

Here we go again, another phase of witch-hunting over “Who lost _____(fill in the blanks) country.” It was once who lost China in 1949, then Cuba in 1959, then Iran in 1979, and others. The latest iteration is now “Who lost Turkey?” This question classically pops up whenever a country we thought was firmly locked into the “American camp” suddenly turns against us. Washington policy makers indeed seem to believe that, among rational nations, strategic allegiance with the US is in the natural...

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Americans Should Be Very Skeptical Of Calls For New ‘Terrorism’ Laws

Americans Should Be Very Skeptical Of Calls For New ‘Terrorism’ Laws

Two mass shootings have rocked the United States in less than 24 hours, leaving dozens dead and many more wounded. The first in El Paso, Texas was allegedly perpetrated by a white supremacist whose racist motives are outlined in a rambling “manifesto”, the second allegedly by a self-described “leftist” whose motives, like the 2017 Las Vegas shooter, are presently unknown. These incidents occurred a week after another mass shooting in Gilroy, California. All the usual US gun control debates...

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Iran’s Zarif drives Trump to insanity

Iran’s Zarif drives Trump to insanity

At a time when the Trump administration has no problem negotiating with the secretary of the Russian national security council Nikolai Patrushev, who is technically under US sanctions since April 2018, the cut and thrust of Washington’s move to sanction Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif needs to be understood properly. How did US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo try to explain the dispatch of Zarif to perdition? Pompeo’s statement on Wednesdayattributed to Zarif a singular sin: a)...

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Endgame for the Fed?

Congress Spending Surge is National Suicide

With a national debt approaching $23 trillion and a trillion dollar deficit for this year alone, Congress last week decided to double down on suicidal spending, passing a two year budget that has the United States careening toward catastrophe. While we cannot say precisely when the economic crash will occur, we do know that it is coming. And last week Congress pounded down on the accelerator.We are told that the US economy is experiencing unprecedented growth, while at the same time the Fed is...

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Tulsi Gabbard’s Military Nonsense

Tulsi Gabbard’s Military Nonsense

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI), in a Thursday interview with host Chris Cuomo at CNN, reacted to criticism from fellow Democratic presidential candidate Sen Kamala Harris (D-CA), after the candidates’ dust-up in a debate the day before, by stating, "the only response that I have heard her and her campaign give is to push out smear attacks on me, claim that I am somehow some kind of foreign agent or a traitor to my country, the country that I love, the country that I put my life on the line to...

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