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Facebook and Politifact Under Fire for Fact Check on Rittenhouse Gun Charge

Facebook and Politifact Under Fire for Fact Check on Rittenhouse Gun Charge

The progress of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial has led to a great deal of criticism of the coverage of the mainstream media, which continues to downplay the weaknesses in the case. Yesterday, Judge Bruce Schroeder dismissed the sixth charge in the case. I recently wrote a column stating that the sixth count appeared to be based on a factually and legally inapplicable provision of Wisconsin law. I was mystified how the prosecutors could even secure the count in the first place. What is equally...

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Sweden obliterates the lie of ‘vaccines’ as ticket to ending pandemic

Sweden obliterates the lie of ‘vaccines’ as ticket to ending pandemic

It is now undeniable that in almost every part of North America, Europe, and East Asia, the pandemic is more prolific than it ever was before a single person was vaccinated, even though most of those countries have nearly every adult vaccinated. Thus, it is impossible to deny that vaccinologists like Geert Vanden Bossche and Luc Montagnier were correct when they predicted that mass vaccination with a suboptimal, non-sterilizing vaccine in middle of a pandemic would create vaccine-mediated...

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Federal Reserve Failure

Federal Reserve Failure

What do the Federal Reserve and neoconservatives have in common? They both refuse to admit that their policies — the neocons’ promotion of perpetual war and the Fed's manipulation of the money supply — are complete failures, having produced the opposite of the promised results.The latest example of the Federal Reserve engaging in Bill Kristol-like levels of denial is the Fed’s continued insistence that the return of 70s-style inflation is a “transitory” phenomenon resulting from the end of the...

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What’s the Point of Cancellation (Halloween Edition)?

What’s the Point of Cancellation (Halloween Edition)?

I’m holding an old Polaroid, taken at a Halloween party at one of my early State Department assignments in the 1980s. One of my diplomatic colleagues is in blackface, done up to look like the minstrel player who was on the “Darkie” toothpaste boxes then for sale in every drugstore in Asia. You can see a photo of the packaging; the white teeth against the minstrel player’s face were supposed to show how good the toothpaste was. My other colleague is dressed as the Frito Bandito, a caricature of...

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Rebuild America and Fight China?

Rebuild America and Fight China?

In an age of TV politicians, President Joe Biden is a figure from another age. He is deeply unexciting and suffering from advanced age – a time in life which the great Charles de Gaulle compared to a “shipwreck.” No mobs of baseball hat-wearing yahoos are about to storm the Capitol for Biden’s sake. However unexciting he may be, President Biden has acted with courage and foresight to enact what America so badly needed: moving away from a wartime to a peacetime economy. America’s economy has...

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The Unfortunate Consequences of Biden’s Vaccine Mandate

The Unfortunate Consequences of Biden’s Vaccine Mandate

The conflict over covid vaccines is coming to a climax. The Biden administration released its vaccine mandate. Enterprises with more than one hundred employees will be required to demonstrate that all employees either are fully vaccinated or both wear masks and are tested on a weekly basis. Texas has already challenged the constitutional basis for the mandate and the initial federal court ruling has blocked the mandate. The final court outcome of this case is uncertain.The scientific basis for...

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Aaron Rodgers and the Absurdity of Media Coverage of Covid Policy

Aaron Rodgers and the Absurdity of Media Coverage of Covid Policy

Aaron Rodgers and other professional athletes have views about COVID19 vaccination. Of course they do. I imagine all adults in the United States have views on vaccine policy, and those views likely run the gamut from those who believe these vaccines should be mandated as young as 5-year olds to those who wish they should not have even been authorized to anyone to every possible position in-between those extreme poles. Recently, the media has yet again chosen to cover breathlessly the choices...

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Some Light Is Being Shed on the Dubious Origins of the Russia Collusion Scandal

Some Light Is Being Shed on the Dubious Origins of the Russia Collusion Scandal

US Attorney and Special Counsel John H Durham’s laborious investigation into the origins of allegations that Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign illegally colluded with Russia’s government finally seems to be bearing fruit. In the latest development, a federal grand jury indicted Igor Danchenko, who was the primary researcher for claims that went into the Steele dossier, a compendium of salacious rumors and reports that Russian intelligence had obtained highly compromising material on...

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What It Means to Experience ‘Social Death’

What It Means to Experience ‘Social Death’

December 3rd, 2010 may very well go down as a turning point in the history of human governance. On that day, PayPal decided to permanently block Wikileaks’ ability to receive donations for its investigative journalism project, rooted in the judicious sourcing and publication of leaked government and industry documents. With this decision, the globe-spanning cash management service abandoned any pretense that it did, could, or would operate free of the dictates of the US-led international...

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With 7.4 billion COVID shots deployed in arms, Bill Gates declares that ‘we need a new way of doing the vaccines’

With 7.4 billion COVID shots deployed in arms, Bill Gates declares that ‘we need a new way of doing the vaccines’

The world’s most influential “public health” advocate has come to seemingly doubt the technology behind mRNA injections, following their deployment into more than 7.34 billion arms worldwide. A little-noticed interview from last week with a U.K. think tank saw Microsoft founder Bill Gates make some incredible statements about his most prized “solution” to the pandemic. "We didn't have vaccines that block transmission," said Gates, contradicting previous interviews in which he claimed the shots...

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A ‘Deadly Attack’ on the Capitol?

A ‘Deadly Attack’ on the Capitol?

Yesterday, I was listening to a classical-music station when NPR came on with the news. Addressing the controversy surrounding former President Trump’s efforts to keep secret his records relating to the January 6 protests at the Capitol, the NPR reporter referred to the “deadly attack” on the Capitol. I immediately thought to myself, “Well, that’s certainly an interesting use of language.” When I hear the word “attack,” I think of weapons, specifically guns, grenades, or missiles that are...

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Most People Oppose Forced Vaccinations, Firings

Most People Oppose Forced Vaccinations, Firings

The fastest growing political movement in the US and around the world today is a movement against forced vaccinations. And it is a political movement because the left politicized the Covid vaccine right from the start. Jane Fonda, before our last presidential election, called Covid “a gift to the left.” Most who are now speaking out against forced vaccinations feel obligated to add that they themselves have been vaccinated. This is because, as Dr. Thomas Siler, M.D., wrote in a recent American...

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The Occupational Safety and Huckster Administration

The Occupational Safety and Huckster Administration

OSHA’s role in the mass masking of the American workforce has mostly flown under the public’s radar. However, its expected role in the mass jabbing of the workforce is in the spotlight due to its new Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS). The ETS requires employers with one hundred employees or more to mandate their employees to either show proof of COVID-19 vaccination or submit to weekly testing and wear a face covering (unless the employees work from home or exclusively outdoors). As discussed...

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FDA’s own Pfizer approval document suggests myocarditis from shot might be bigger threat than COVID

FDA’s own Pfizer approval document suggests myocarditis from shot might be bigger threat than COVID

They are not even trying to convince us any more. They are now using brute force to coerce us into COVID fascism, including forced injections, so they have no need to even hide their false information. In Pfizer's FDA briefing document prepared for the Oct. 25 meeting was an admission that even according to the company's own unverified and misleading math, there is a scenario where there would be more hospitalizations among children for myocarditis — just one side effect — than from COVID....

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Parents, Prepare for a Barrage of Coronavirus ‘Vaccine’ Propaganda from Your Children’s Pediatricians

Parents, Prepare for a Barrage of Coronavirus ‘Vaccine’ Propaganda from Your Children’s Pediatricians

An early warning sign that your child’s pediatrician is a coronavirus propagandist instead of a trusted source of information regarding coronavirus is zealous enforcement of a requirement that you and your child wear masks in the pediatrician’s office. It is not established that masks provide net protection against coronavirus. What is established is that masks can cause health problems. It will probably get worse from there. Many pediatricians and their employees will pursue with vigor a...

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Federal Reserve Failure

Great News: Biden’s Vaccine Mandate is Falling Apart!

The Biden vaccine mandate appears to be falling apart before it’s even in place. From first responders to truck drivers to everyone in-between, the message is clear: many thousands are willing to be fired from their jobs rather than be forced to take a medical procedure they do not want.They have leverage and they are using it. We should support them.Grocery shelves are bare, shipping containers continue to float offshore, firehouses in New York are shut down, the Los Angeles County Sheriff...

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