RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

Featured Articles

Study: Vaccines don’t stop Covid hospitalizations or deaths

Study: Vaccines don’t stop Covid hospitalizations or deaths

Even at the peak of their protection earlier in 2021, Covid vaccines barely reduced the risk of hospitalizations in vaccinated people who had “breakthrough” infections, new data show. Vaccinated people in a study published Tuesday had a nearly 1 in 200 chance of of requiring hospitalization for Covid in the first six months after being “fully vaccinated.” That stunning risk came even though the median age of people in the study was only 51, and most were relatively healthy. Deaths, ventilator...

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Fauci Lied and Thousands Died… RPI Year-End Update

Fauci Lied and Thousands Died… RPI Year-End Update

Please make your year-end donation to the Ron Paul Institute right away! Ron Paul speaks at 2021 RPI Supporters Dinner As 2021 winds down to its last couple of days, I am writing to toot our horn a bit. You see, the Ron Paul Liberty Report has spent this year - and the previous year - in the trenches fighting what can only be described as the greatest assault on Americans' civil liberties since slavery. All of a sudden we saw that our house of liberty was built on sand - that the elites made...

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Bait and Switch: There remains no FDA approved COVID vaccine in the United States

Bait and Switch: There remains no FDA approved COVID vaccine in the United States

I fact checked the fact checkers and couldn’t believe what I found. Despite the corporate press, Big Pharma, and the federal government telling us otherwise, it is absolutely true that there is no FDA approved COVID-19 vaccine available in the United States today. And there are no plans to make one available any time soon. I know it’s hard to believe, but it’s 100% true. And this reality implicates both Big Pharma and the US Public Health bureaucracy in an incredible scandal. On August 23, the...

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The Zoom Class Gets Covid

The Zoom Class Gets Covid

For nearly two years, we’ve wondered how this will end. In retrospect, the clue is in how it began. The initial lockdowns had a strong class-based component. The working classes were assigned the job of delivering groceries, tending to the sick, driving the trucks filled with goods, keeping the lights on, and keeping the fuel running. The professional class, among whom were the people who pushed lockdowns in the name of disease avoidance/suppression, were assigned the job of staying home in...

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America’s Wars Are Far More Costly than the Pentagon Admits

America’s Wars Are Far More Costly than the Pentagon Admits

America’s decision to withdraw troops from Afghanistan was greeted with disdain in some quarters. But so far, most pundits have explored this debacle from the vantage point of foreign affairs by either lamenting the decline of American influence or lauding the move as a justified containment of an aggressive foreign policy. Both views are worth pondering. However, Afghanistan and other foreign policy failures should spark a broader debate on the economics of war.America’s engagement in war has...

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The Real Reason Politicians Want Legal Cannabis Is Tax Money

The Real Reason Politicians Want Legal Cannabis Is Tax Money

The latest two states to legalize recreational cannabis are New York and New Jersey. However, if one believes governors and legislators in those states have finally adopted a more libertarian view of the topic, one will be severely disappointed. Legalization of recreational cannabis in both states is driven by the need for tax revenue—tax revenue to plug the holes in state budgets for social programs, holes in the state budget that were exasperated by the failed covid policies in both states....

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Alternate Reality Traps Democrats in World of Dumb

Alternate Reality Traps Democrats in World of Dumb

In early December Hillary Clinton appeared on the Today show to read aloud her never-used victory speech from 2016. The scene was bizarre, Clinton tearing up as she read in first-person, present tense about becoming the first woman president, something which in real life did not happen. She then layered on another alternate reality, one in which President Hillary travels back in time to tell her dead mother “your daughter will grow up and become the president of the United States.” She glowed;...

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2021 Year in Review: Madness, Mayhem and Tyranny

2021 Year in Review: Madness, Mayhem and Tyranny

Disgruntled mobs. Martial law. A populace under house arrest. A techno-corporate state wielding its power to immobilize huge swaths of the country. A Constitution in tatters. Between the riots, lockdowns, political theater, and COVID-19 mandates, 2021 was one for the history books. In our ongoing pursuit of life, liberty and happiness, here were some of the stumbling blocks that kept us fettered: Riots, martial law and the Deep State’s coup. A simmering pot of political tensions boiled over on...

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Patriotic Duty My Eye

Patriotic Duty My Eye

Rough Rider Teddy must be rolling in his grave as he looks down upon these poseurs gathered in the Roosevelt room. For crying out loud, every one of them is double vaxxed and totally boosted. And they have issued orders to force the same upon more than 130 million of their countrymen—allegedly to prevent the latter from becoming walking vectors of disease and killers of their neighbors. Yet if the Vaxx is actually a spread stopper, why do they sit there in their masks? What’s the need to...

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Is the Crack-up Boom Here?

Is the Crack-up Boom Here?

Bloomberg News recently solicited advice from Argentinians who lived through that country’s high inflation on how Americans should cope with rising inflation. The Argentinians suggested Americans spend their paychecks as fast as possible to avoid future price increases. They also suggested taking out loans that can be paid back later in devalued currency. These strategies may make sense for individuals. However, encouraging debt and discouraging savings is disastrous for the country. Relying...

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The Businessman and the Holy Family

The Businessman and the Holy Family

At the heart of the Christmas story rests some important lessons concerning free enterprise, government, and the role of wealth in society. Let’s begin with one of the most famous phrases: “There’s no room at the inn.” This phrase is often invoked as if it were a cruel and heartless dismissal of the tired travelers Joseph and Mary. Many renditions of the story conjure up images of the couple going from inn to inn only to have the owner barking at them to go away and slamming the door. In fact,...

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Failure of US Media on Ukraine

Failure of US Media on Ukraine

We need to constantly remind ourselves about the US media. During the Cold War, there was the saying that the difference between the New York Times and the Soviet Pravda was that Pravda readers knew they were being lied to. Unfortunately, current coverage by the US media about the movement of Russian troops demonstrates the applicability of that saying today. Lies by Omission For example, the US public is continually being told that the movement of a large number of Russian troops is a major...

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Emergency Powers Deployed to Impose Vaccine Passports

Emergency Powers Deployed to Impose Vaccine Passports

In its infinite Scientific™ wisdom, the city of Boston, Massachusetts just announced a new “vaccine passport” system set to take effect next month. This was one of the first major actions of the recently-elected mayor, Michelle Wu, who’d been hailed by many as a paradigm-shifter for her inspiring Progressive potential. Wu’s passport system is endearingly called “B Together,” because there’s nothing more emblematic of heartwarming communal “togetherness” than compulsory monitoring of medical...

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The Fickle ‘Science’ of Lockdowns

The Fickle ‘Science’ of Lockdowns

‘Follow the science” has been the battle cry of lockdown supporters since the Covid-19 pandemic began. Yet before March 2020, the mainstream scientific community, including the World Health Organization, strongly opposed lockdowns and similar measures against infectious disease.That judgment came from historical analysis of pandemics and an awareness that societywide restrictions have severe socioeconomic costs and almost entirely speculative benefits. Our pandemic response, premised on...

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When Your Government Ends A War But Increases The Military Budget, You’re Being Scammed

When Your Government Ends A War But Increases The Military Budget, You’re Being Scammed

The US Senate has passed its National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) military spending bill for the fiscal year of 2022, setting the budget at an astronomical $778 billion by a vote of 89 to 10. The bill has already been passed by the House, now requiring only the president's signature. An amendment to cease facilitating Saudi Arabia's atrocities in Yemen was stripped from the bill. "The most controversial parts of the 2,100-page military spending bill were negotiated behind closed doors and...

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America’s Foreign Policy Dilemma

America’s Foreign Policy Dilemma

American foreign policy, wrapped up in hubris inside American exceptionalism, is incapable of recognizing a dangerous situation. And a dangerous situation is what we have. The Russian deputy foreign minister Sergey Ryabkov speaking for the Kremlin has made it clear that Russia will tolerate no further movement of NATO toward Russia’s borders. Russia has ruled out any possibility of the former Russian provinces of Ukraine and Georgia becoming NATO members. If this red line is ignored, the...

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