War has been very good to former British prime minister Tony Blair. He has gone from humble humanitarian interventionist pushing Iraq's "liberation," to a $30 million dollar yearly income and a private $11,000/hr jet plane. What a success story!Of course he knew full...
Featured Articles
Is Turkey on the Cusp of Rethink on Syria?
by Melkulangara Bhadrakumar | Oct 8, 2013 | Featured Articles
Through the past two-year period of turmoil in Syria, President Bashar Al-Assad has shown himself to be a master tactician who consistently outmaneuvered his regional adversaries. Syria has a tough neighborhood. Al-Assad’s regional adversaries are formidable people in...
Transforming America’s Schools into Authoritarian Instruments of Compliance
by John W. Whitehead | Oct 7, 2013 | Featured Articles
“To the degree that we take away play, we deprive children of the ability to practise adulthood, and we create people who will go through life with a sense of dependence and victimisation, a sense that there is some authority out there who is supposed to tell them...
An Opening to Iran?
by Ron Paul | Oct 6, 2013 | Featured Articles
Last week, for the first time since the 1979 Iranian revolution, the US president spoke with his Iranian counterpart. Their 15 minute telephone call was reported to open the door to further high-level discussions. This is a very important event. I have been saying for...
CIA Activities in Syria: Stepped Up Aid to Islamists
by Andrei Akulov | Oct 6, 2013 | Featured Articles
According to the Washington Post (CIA Ramping up Covert Training Program for Moderate Syrian Rebels, Oct.3), the CIA is expanding a clandestine effort to train opposition fighters in Syria, as U.S. officials said. The newspaper reports the CIA’s mission has been...
Libya in Chaos Two Years After NATO's 'Humanitarian Liberation'
by F. William Engdahl | Oct 4, 2013 | Featured Articles
In 2011 when Muhammar Qaddafi refused to leave quietly as ruler of Libya, the Obama Administration, hiding behind the skirts of the French, launched a ferocious bombing campaign and a “No Fly” zone over the country to aid the so-called fighters for democracy. The US...
What Can Be Learned From the Golden Dawn Arrests?
by Daniel McAdams | Oct 3, 2013 | Featured Articles
Greece's far right Golden Dawn party looks like a rather nasty piece of work. Supporters have been photographed in what appears to be Nazi-esque salutes; its party logo looks suspiciously like a swastika. The party has nonetheless skyrocketed to prominence in Greece...
Mother Agnes Mariam Attacked…By Human Rights Watch!
by Daniel McAdams | Oct 2, 2013 | Featured Articles
Since when does a human rights organization take to arguing the case for a military attack that will kill scores of innocent civilians? If you are Human Rights Watch, it's all in a day's work. The US regime's favorite "human rights " organization, which once praised...
Own a Piece of Ron Paul History
by Ron Paul | Sep 30, 2013 | Featured Articles
Going, Going...Gone! Congratulations and a big "thank you" to Jonathan Cole, whose generous donation of $15,100 to the Ron Paul Institute won him a piece of Ron Paul history -- the "green pea"! We will be sure to bring you photos of the handover ceremony with Dr. Paul...
From NSA Spying and VIPR Sweeps to Domestic Drones: A Round-Up of the Police State Programs NOT Affected by a Government Shutdown
by John W. Whitehead | Sep 30, 2013 | Featured Articles
Like clockwork, we’ve ticked back to the annual government shutdown scare that invariably dominates news headlines and sends stocks seesawing for a few scant weeks until, at the very last moment, the nation is miraculously pulled from the brink of disaster. It’s...
AFRICOM: The US Pivot to Africa
by Nick Turse | Sep 29, 2013 | Featured Articles
They’re involved in Algeria and Angola, Benin and Botswana, Burkina Faso and Burundi, Cameroon and the Cape Verde Islands. And that’s just the ABCs of the situation. Skip to the end of the alphabet and the story remains the same: Senegal and the Seychelles, Togo and...
The Dragon Enters NATO's Orchard
by Melkulangara Bhadrakumar | Sep 29, 2013 | Featured Articles
What a tumultuous week it has been. It began with United States president Barack Obama’s speech in the UN General Assembly last Monday signaling that the era of American dominance of the Middle East is ending. But the signal is already being acted upon before the week...
A Grand Bargain for Liberty?
by Ron Paul | Sep 29, 2013 | Featured Articles
As I write this, it appears that the federal government is about to shut down because the House and Senate cannot agree on whether to add language defunding or delaying Obamacare to the “Continuing Resolution”. Despite all the hand-wringing heard in DC, a short-term...
East Ghouta: False Flag Chemical Attack
by Nikolai Malishevski | Sep 28, 2013 | Featured Articles
The International Institute for Peace, Justice and Human Rights (ISTEAMS) has just published a comprehensive report on the chemical attack in the Damascus suburb of East Ghouta. The document is called The Chemical Attacks on East Ghouta to Justify Military Right to...
Obama at the UN: Syrian Blues and a Persian Puzzle
by Melkulangara Bhadrakumar | Sep 25, 2013 | Featured Articles
The general expectation was indeed that the United States President Barack Obama’s annual address at the United Nations General Assembly session on Tuesday would contain some major pronouncements of new American policy direction on the Syrian conflict and over the...
Kenya Mall Attack: The Bitter Fruits of Interventionism
by Daniel McAdams | Sep 25, 2013 | Featured Articles
In his speech yesterday at the United Nations General Assembly, President Obama devoted little time to the recent slaughter of some 62 shoppers at the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya.Said Obama, in toto: But even a glance at today’s headlines indicates that dangers...
US Policy is to Prolong the Violence in Syria
by Jeremy R. Hammond | Sep 24, 2013 | Featured Articles
Although the threat of U.S. strikes against Syria has for the time being abated due to intervention from Russian President Vladimir Putin and an agreement from Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to declare its stockpiles of chemical weapons to the Organization for the...
Washington's Tyranny
by Paul Craig Roberts | Sep 24, 2013 | Featured Articles
The war criminal Barack Obama has declared his “outrage” over the 62 deaths associated with the takeover of a Nairobi, Kenya, shopping mall by al-Shabaab fighters. But the attack on the shopping mall was Obama’s fault. Al Shabaab spokesmen said that the attack on the...
Can Washington Reciprocate Iran's 'Constructive Engagement'?
by harley | Sep 23, 2013 | Featured Articles
As New York prepares for the annual opening of the United Nations General Assembly next week, the volume of Western media speculation about the prospects for a U.S.-Iranian diplomatic breakthrough is mounting to impressive levels. Predictably, much of this...
Lawrence Wilkerson Interview: 'John McCain and Lindsey Graham Need to Shut Their Mouths'
by Lawrence Wilkerson | Sep 22, 2013 | Featured Articles
(Transcript) JESSICA DESVARIEUX, TRNN PRODUCER: Welcome to The Real News Network. I'm Jessica Desvarieux in Baltimore. And welcome to this edition of The Wilkerson Report. Now joining us is Larry Wilkerson. He was the former chief of staff to Colin Powell and is an...
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