Macron was billed as the “moderate candidate” in the 2017 French presidential election but there’s nothing moderate about this authoritarian who has transformed France into a police state under the guise of countering a virus. A few weeks ago, I was in the picturesque...
Neil Clark
Belarus: Where a 'Dictator' is Condemned by Those Who Supported Lockdowns in Their Own Country
by Neil Clark | Aug 20, 2020 | Featured Articles
The hypocrisy of western lockdown supporters advocating a "regime-change" in Belarus is off the scale. Those calling for the ouster of Lukashenko ought to be focusing on the draconian anti-democratic measures their own governments have enacted against the people in...
Syria: It Would All be Over by Now Without the ‘Regime-Changers’
by Neil Clark | Mar 17, 2018 | Featured Articles
It was seven years ago this week that the conflict in Syria began. How might it have developed without the negative role played by Western powers and their regional allies?Beware the Ides of March, the old saying goes. The 15th of March down the ages has seen not only...
Slave Markets in ‘Liberated’ Libya and the Silence of the Humanitarian Hawks
by Neil Clark | Dec 2, 2017 | Featured Articles
The reports that black Africans are being sold at slave markets in "liberated" Libya for as little as $400 is a terrible indictment of the so-called "humanitarian intervention" carried out by NATO to topple the government of Muammar Gaddafi in 2011.In March 2011...
Last Eight Months Prove United States a Bonafide ‘Regime’
by Neil Clark | Sep 1, 2017 | Featured Articles
Elected to the Oval Office as a harsh critic of US involvement in costly Middle Eastern conflicts by a war-weary public, The Donald has turned out be just as much of a war president as those who went before. He’s ordered the firing of 59 Tomahawk missiles on a Syrian...
Aleppo and Mosul: A Tale of Two Liberated Cities
by Neil Clark | Jul 14, 2017 | Featured Articles
The Iraqi city of Mosul. The Syrian city of Aleppo. Both 'liberated' in recent months from radical jihadist terror groups. But while one anti-terrorist operation has been lauded in the West, the other was fiercely denounced.The very different ways in which the...
World in Flames – the Deadly Legacy of Cold War Warrior Brzezinski
by Neil Clark | May 30, 2017 | Featured Articles
How ironic that a major upsurge in violence in Afghanistan has coincided with the death of Zbigniew Brzezinski, the viscerally anti-Russian Cold War warrior and architect of the US policy of backing jihadists in the country to "bleed" the Soviet Union.On Saturday, the...
Saddam Hussein at 80: Iraq Without its ‘Liberation’
by Neil Clark | Apr 29, 2017 | Featured Articles
What would have happened had there been no Iraq War in 2003 and Saddam Hussein had stayed in power? Where would we be today?It’s the 28th of April 2017. Saddam Hussein, president of Iraq, now a member state of the newly reconstituted United Arab Republic (with Syria...
Peace in Syria – It’s the Last Thing the US Wants
by Neil Clark | Dec 12, 2016 | Featured Articles
Last week US President Obama waived military aid restrictions for “foreign forces” and others in Syria. When hopes were raised for an end to the Syrian conflict following the recapture of most of eastern Aleppo, the US is pouring more petrol on the fire. Now, we can...
Top 10 Western Lies About Syrian Conflict
by Neil Clark | Sep 8, 2016 | Featured Articles
Here are 10 of the worst lies that have been peddled by the West regarding Syria, with the aim of giving people living in Western countries an entirely false view of the conflict that has been raging in the Middle East country since 2011. As in the case of previous...
Follow the Money Trail for Source of ‘Russian Threat’ Paranoia
by Neil Clark | Aug 22, 2016 | Featured Articles
You’d have to have been locked in a wardrobe if you live in the West not to have heard ominous phrases like “The Russian threat”, “Russian aggression in Europe” and “Russia set to invade Poland/Estonia/ Ukraine/Finland.” Certain people are trying to scare us witless...
Milosevic Exonerated, as the NATO War Machine Moves On
by Neil Clark | Aug 3, 2016 | Featured Articles
piece:The ICTY’s exoneration of the late Slobodan Milosevic, the former President of Yugoslavia, for war crimes committed in the Bosnia war, proves again we should take NATO claims regarding its “official enemies” not with a pinch of salt, but a huge lorry load. For...
Architects of Disastrous Iraq War Still at Large
by Neil Clark | May 17, 2016 | Featured Articles
'Shock and awe' over Baghdad, 2003.Bombs going off in Iraq? Well, it happens all the time — what's there to see? Let’s all move along shall we? On Thursday, at least 13 people were killed in a ISIS attack on a café in Baghdad for the “crime” of watching a football...
Google This! Hillary Clinton and the Syrian Regime-Change Conspiracy
by Neil Clark | Mar 21, 2016 | Featured Articles
If you’d have said a year ago that the US State Department, Google, and Al Jazeera had been collaborating in pursuance of regime change in Syria, chances are you’d have been casually dismissed as a "crank" and a ‘conspiracy theorist." Syria was a people’s uprising...
Crisis, What Crisis?—The al-Qaeda Takeover of Syria
by Neil Clark | Apr 27, 2015 | Featured Articles
This weekend it was reported that al-Qaeda affiliated rebels were “almost completely in control” of the last major government held city in the Idlib province in northern Syria. This is really big news as it means that the Syrian government’s coastal heartlands...
Christians in Peril Because of Western Foreign Policy
by Neil Clark | Apr 13, 2015 | Featured Articles
Easter should be a time of celebration for Christians, but for those of the faith living in the Middle East, there hasn’t been too much to celebrate in recent years. “Kill the Christians” is the title of a new BBC documentary, to be broadcast this week. In it, veteran...
West’s Confusing Foreign Policy Contradictions
by Neil Clark | Jul 15, 2014 | Featured Articles
I'm confused. Jen Psaki, US State Department spokesperson, says that the Ukrainian government has "every right" to use air strikes against its opponents in Ukraine on the grounds that it "is defending the country." Yet in 2011, alleged air strikes by Libyan government...
Iraq: The Things Warmongers Said
by Neil Clark | Jun 28, 2014 | Featured Articles
Iraq is in turmoil — with ISIS controlling large areas of the country — but the truth is that it's been in turmoil since the illegal 2003 invasion. 2013 was Iraq's bloodiest year since 2008, but as I wrote here members of the elite political class and warmongers in...
The Blair Peace Project: Serial Warmonger’s Call For New Iraq War Will Have Opposite Effect
by Neil Clark | Jun 18, 2014 | Featured Articles
Being a warmongering neocon, and in particular being a warmongering neocon called Tony Blair, means never having to accept responsibility for the consequences of your actions. What it does mean is shifting the blame on to others and trying to rewrite history. You...
Just Imagine… If Russia Had Toppled the Canadian Government
by Neil Clark | May 21, 2014 | Featured Articles
Just imagine if the democratically-elected government of Canada had been toppled in a Russian-financed coup, in which far-right extremists and neo-Nazis played a prominent role. That the new unelected 'government' in Ottawa cancelled the law giving the French language...
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