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Washington’s Drive For Hegemony Is A Drive To War

McCain Declares War on Russia

Fresh off of his flip-flop on aid to Egypt and his threats to vote for the left (neocon) interventionists in the Democratic Party should anyone remotely non-interventionist succeed in gaining the Republican nomination to be the next president, Senator John McCain is...

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Washington’s Drive For Hegemony Is A Drive To War

Time to Abolish the DHS?

photo: Steve RhodesTo the glee of her critics, Janet Napolitano, the longest-serving secretary at the Department of Homeland Security in its decade-long existence, has announced her resignation. No longer will Republicans have old Janet to kick around. As for the...

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Washington’s Drive For Hegemony Is A Drive To War

Japan Must Face Up To China

photo: guccio@文房具社World War II has never really ended for Japan. Sixty-eight years after the battleship US “Missouri” sailed into Tokyo Bay to receive the surrender of the Japanese Empire, Japan still behaves like a meek, defeated nation rather than one of the world’s...

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Washington’s Drive For Hegemony Is A Drive To War

William Hague: The Foolish Puppet

photo:Foreign and Commonwealth OfficeBritish Foreign Secretary William Hague announced yesterday that his government would be spending nearly one million dollars providing the Syrian rebels with special hoods and other equipment to protect them from chemical weapons....

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