“The U.S. is sending about 600 ground troops to Eastern Europe … to ‘reassure’ allies there as Washington resumes its campaign of pressure on Russia over the Ukraine standoff.” — POLITICO How many American parents would proudly send their sons and daughters off to...
Month: April 2014
Judge Napolitano: Hooray for Obama’s Clemency for Nonviolent Drug War Prisoners
by Adam Dick | Apr 22, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Judge Andrew Napolitano, speaking on Fox News with Jenna Lee, explains why, “as someone who has harshly and repeatedly criticized the President,” he believes President Barack Obama “is doing the right thing” in granting clemency to potentially hundreds or thousands of...
Amateur Hour in Ukraine
by Eric Margolis | Apr 21, 2014 | Featured Articles
Marbella, Spain – Here in Spain’s sunny south, you wouldn’t know that a new world war over Eastern Europe threatens. In fact, rumor has it that none other than Vlad Putin is house-shopping in this glamorous resort. Easter is Europe’s most important holiday. While...
The Smoking Pop-Gun: Obama Endorses a Forgery
by Diana Johnstone | Apr 21, 2014 | Featured Articles
On Friday, April 18, President Obama voiced his righteous indignation over anti-Semitic fliers pasted on synagogue walls in the pro-Russian eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk. The fliers, calling on all Jews to register or face expulsion, had appeared the day before...
Nevada Standoff a Symptom of Increasing Authoritarianism
by Ron Paul | Apr 21, 2014 | Featured Articles
The nation’s attention has for the past few weeks been riveted by a standoff in Nevada between armed federal agents and the Bundys, a ranching family who believe the federal government is exceeding its authority by assessing “fees” against ranchers who graze cattle on...
Ron Paul Rewind: ‘Disband NATO!’
by Chris Rossini | Apr 19, 2014 | Featured Articles
Contrary to how the mainstream media tries to portray the U.S. as an innocent bystander in Ukraine, the reality is that provocative meddling has been going on for a very long time.Below is a speech that Dr. Paul gave on the U.S. House floor on April 1, 2008. It’s...
Sen. Reid Ups Threats Against Bundy Ranch Protestors, Calling Them ‘Domestic Terrorists’
by Adam Dick | Apr 18, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
United States Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) is upping his threats against the protestors at the Bundy ranch. Following his ominous declaration on Monday that the US government’s confrontation with protestors at the Nevada ranch is “not over” despite the...
Ranchers vs. Regulators: The Clark County Range War
by William Norman Grigg | Apr 18, 2014 | Featured Articles
photo: Will GriggWar came to the Western Range that April, a conflict pitting the forces of order and respectability against a restive band of extremists accused of cheating the government of what it was due. The prohibitively stronger side consisted of regulatory...
What John Kerry Didn’t Say in Geneva
by Daniel McAdams | Apr 18, 2014 | Featured Articles
As usual, Secretary of State John Kerry got off on the wrong foot at his press conference in Geneva yesterday, where he announced a US/EU/Russia/Ukraine agreement to lower tensions in eastern Ukraine. In fact he again put his foot in his mouth. After ignoring the real...
Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan With Charles Goyette: What a Show!
by Daniel McAdams | Apr 18, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Nevada and Ukraine are on the menu when Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan join Charles Goyette in this week's podcast. What a great double-header! First up, Dr. Paul and Charles Goyette speak in detail about the recent Bundy ranch standoff in Nevada. Dr. Paul discusses the...
Ron Paul on ‘The Independents’ — But Why The Blindside?
by Daniel McAdams | Apr 17, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
RPI Chairman Ron Paul appeared on the Fox Business program "The Independents" last night to discuss the recent standoff between a Nevada rancher and the federal government. Dr. Paul again expressed his support for people standing up to federal government abuses and...
I’m Confused, Can Anyone Help Me?
by Neil Clark | Apr 16, 2014 | Featured Articles
I'm confused. A few weeks ago we were told in the West that people occupying government buildings in Ukraine was a very good thing. These people, we were told by our political leaders and elite media commentators, were 'pro-democracy protestors'. The US government...
Congress Investigates “Slush Fund” At USAID Used To Get Lawmakers To Pass Reforms
by Jonathan Turley | Apr 16, 2014 | Featured Articles
Our government has long seemed to be descending into a type of Orwellian universe of double speak. The Libyan War was not a war but a “time-limited, scope-limited military action” under Obama. Torture of detainees was not torture but “enhanced interrogation” under...
CIA Terror Chief Pulls Rank in Kiev
by Finian Cunningham | Apr 16, 2014 | Featured Articles
There could hardly be an American official more sinister than CIA director John Brennan, yet when his mysterious visit to Kiev at the weekend is exposed in various news media the White House responded with vacuous naiveté and as if Russia is foolishly over-reacting....
Judge Napolitano: Bundy Ranch Protestors’ Line in the Sand Stops Thieving Feds
by Adam Dick | Apr 15, 2014 | Peace and Prosperity Blog
Judge Andrew Napolitano, speaking Monday with Stuart Varney on Fox Business, explains the significance of the United States government backing off its raid of the Bundy ranch in Nevada after “suffering such a terrible PR loss” from its confrontation with protestors,...
Nevada: Early Lessons of Bunkerville
by Karen Kwiatkowski | Apr 15, 2014 | Featured Articles
The rush and rapidity of events in Bunkerville, Nevada surprised and cheered many, and there is a lot to learn from this case.It’s too soon to know the long-term impact of people standing up against armed federales last week, but here are some early takeaways.Location...
The Mask Slips: ‘Libertarians’ Call for Pre-Emptive War
by Daniel McAdams | Apr 15, 2014 | Neocon Watch
Neocon Watch readers may remember Eglė Markevičiūtė. She is the Lithuanian member of the International Executive Board of the Students for Liberty (SFL) who co-wrote, with SFL president Alexander McCobin, an embarrassingly error-riddled attack on Ron Paul over his...
Ron Paul On Bundy Ranch Showdown: Cautious Optimism
by Daniel McAdams | Apr 15, 2014 | The Liberty Report
RPI Chairman Ron Paul gives his take on the recent stand-off at the Bundy Ranch to Fox News's Neil Cavuto. Dr. Paul is encouraged by people demonstrating against government unfairness. He says: I'm hoping this is positive and a sign of things to come where the people...
Another Phony Budget Debate
by Ron Paul | Apr 14, 2014 | Featured Articles
Anyone watching last week’s debate over the Republican budget resolution would have experienced déjà vu, as the debate bore a depressing similarity to those of previous years. Once again, the Republicans claimed their budget would cut spending in a responsible manner,...
Patriotism is The Platform of Fools
by Eric Margolis | Apr 13, 2014 | Featured Articles
"Where is Ukraine?"A century ago, crowds in Paris were cheering, “on to Berlin!” Crowds in Berlin cried, “on to Paris.” World War I, the supreme example of nationalist/militaristic stupidity, was about to begin.One hundred years later we hear cries across America to...
Recent Posts
- It’s Rescission Timeby David Stockman
- Tariffs are Theftby Ron Paul
- DEA Agent Kiki Camarena Died for Nothingby Jacob G. Hornberger
- Trump May Succeed Where Others Failed in Personnel Cuttingby Peter van Buren
- Taking Rights Seriouslyby Andrew P. Napolitano
- NATO: The Case To Get Out Nowby David Stockman
- Starmer’s Summit Gives Birth To A Mouse – It’s Stillborn.by Moon of Alabama
- Suddenly, Leaving NATO is on the Table!by Ron Paul
- Who Really Provoked the Ukraine War? Was It Russia?by David Rehak
- The Press Falls to Another Record Low in Public Trustby Jonathan Turley
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