Karen Kwiatkowski

Let Me Be Clear

Let Me Be Clear

We can learn a lot from the knuckleheads, airheads and sociopaths of death and slavery in Washington, and among US allies. We are told by the federal state that Governor “knucklehead” Walz, Vice President Kamala “airhead” Harris, and “mass murderer” Netanyahu are...

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RFK, Jr Is Making It Real

RFK, Jr Is Making It Real

I was elated to find out that Joe Biden is all about my freedom, and while he didn’t have a lot of luck increasing freedom in his first three years, I’m sure that wasn’t his fault. He is running for a second term because he wants to save freedom. Or is it democracy he...

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Bolton Leads the Way

Bolton Leads the Way

John Bolton is calling for the quick and opportunistic assassination of Vlad Putin, and as many of his friends as possible. Too bad we can’t just give John a rifle and send him to the Ukrainian front. He’s certainly itching to kill, much as he itched for similar...

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Who’s Lysenko-ing Now?

Who’s Lysenko-ing Now?

Trofim Lysenko was a government-sponsored agronomist and biologist favored by Stalin and the CCCP. By favored, I mean put in charge, given power to define the terms and settle the science, and by government edict, was not to be criticized by man or beast. You know,...

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Neocon Creep

Neocon Creep

Those of us who closely observed, and tried to stop, the neoconservative takeover of the Presidency, and the nation’s security and intelligence leadership between 1999 and 2004, may have thought it was so well publicized and so destructive that it couldn’t happen...

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