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Next 100 Days of Ukraine War

Next 100 Days of Ukraine War

The New York-based Council on Foreign Relations held a videoconference on May 31 titled Russia’s War in Ukraine: How does it end? The president of the think tank Richard Haas chaired the panel of distinguished participants — Stephen Hadley, Prof. Charles Kupchan, Alina Polyakova and Lt. Gen. (Retd) Stephen Twitty. It was a great discussion dominated by the liberal internationalist stream that has so far guided President Biden’s national security team, which wants to help Ukraine fight a long...

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The Economic Meltdown Has Roots in Lockdown

The Economic Meltdown Has Roots in Lockdown

American’s capacity for denial is truly a thing to behold. For at least 27 months, it should have been obvious that we were headed for a grave crisis. Not only that: the crisis was already here in March 2020.  For weird reasons, some people, many people, imagined that governments could just shut down an economy and turn it back on without consequence. And yet here we are.  Historians of the future, if there are any intelligent ones among them, will surely be aghast at our astounding ignorance....

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Congress Is Willingly Abdicating Its War Powers Again

Congress Is Willingly Abdicating Its War Powers Again

The US Constitution explicitly gives Congress, not the president, the authority to determine if the republic should go to war. Unfortunately, that fundamental point is now little more than a quaint historical footnote. Congress has issued no declarations of war since the early 1940s, when it did so against Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, and other Axis powers. Yet the United States has launched more than a dozen significant "presidential wars" since then. Moreover, that pace shows little sign of...

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Out of Desperation, Democrats Resurrect 'Insurrection' Theater

Out of Desperation, Democrats Resurrect 'Insurrection' Theater

This week, US gasoline prices hit an average of $5.00 per gallon, an all-time record. Officially, consumer price inflation hit 8.6 percent last month compared to last May. That is a four-decade high. In reality, though, inflation is much higher than that, as anyone who works for a living can affirm.On the foreign front, the US is closer to nuclear war with Russia than at any time since the Cuban missile crisis. The Biden Administration’s policy seems to be urging Ukraine to fight Russia down...

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The Origin and Operation of the US Administrative State

The Origin and Operation of the US Administrative State

On July 2, 1881, only four months into the first term of President James A. Garfield, an angry attorney from Illinois named Charles J. Guiteau shot Garfield in the torso at a Baltimore, Maryland, train station. Guiteau had a motive. He was furious because he believed, due to his work for the campaign, that Garfield would give him a job in the new administration. But none was forthcoming. It was revenge. Garfield died of the wounds months later.  It was a shocking thing. Congress immediately...

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They Plan On Repeating 'Putin's Price Hike' Until People Believe It

They Plan On Repeating 'Putin's Price Hike' Until People Believe It

President Biden used the phrase "Putin's price hike" again in a reaction to Friday's Consumer Price Index report revealing continued high inflation, showing once again that the US government believes Americans are idiots. “Make no mistake about it: I understand inflation is a real challenge to American families. Today’s inflation report confirms what Americans already know: Putin’s Price Hike is hitting America hard,” Biden said in a statement. “My administration is going to continue to do...

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Washington’s Failed Push For Anti-Russian Global Consensus

Washington’s Failed Push For Anti-Russian Global Consensus

Biden administration officials treat Russia as an international pariah and push the global community to unite behind Washington’s leadership to compel the Kremlin to withdraw its forces from Ukraine. The administration’s strategy has been just partially successful. Criticisms of Russia’s actions are relatively easy to find among foreign leaders, but when it comes to outright condemnations—much less endorsements of NATO’s position that the war was unprovoked and entirely Moscow’s...

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Creating Cold War Conditions in Asia Isn’t Easy

Creating Cold War Conditions in Asia Isn’t Easy

Only three weeks remain for the summit meeting of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) in Madrid, which is expected to unveil a new Strategic Concept aimed at redefining “the security challenges facing the Alliance and outline the political and military tasks that NATO will carry out to address them.” The NATO and the European Union are in unison that the world has fundamentally changed in the past decade and strategic competition is rising, and security threats in Europe and Asia are...

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Imagine…No Foreign Policy

Imagine a US without a "foreign policy," asks RPI Director Daniel McAdams in a recent speech to the Mises Caucus of the Libertarian Party at the LP national convention. But who would save us from the Chicoms? Putin would send missiles! McAdams stresses that the US foreign policy establishment does nothing to benefit average Americans, instead leveraging the weight of the US government to benefit connected elites:

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Everything Is a Weapon: The US Government Is Waging Psychological Warfare on the Nation

Everything Is a Weapon: The US Government Is Waging Psychological Warfare on the Nation

“Have you ever wondered who’s pulling the strings? … Anything we touch is a weapon. We can deceive, persuade, change, influence, inspire. We come in many forms. We are everywhere.”— US Army Psychological Operations recruitment video The US government is waging psychological warfare on the American people. No, this is not a conspiracy theory. For years now, the government has been bombarding the citizenry with propaganda campaigns and psychological operations aimed at keeping us compliant,...

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Will Punch-Drunk Biden Take America Down with Him?

Will Punch-Drunk Biden Take America Down with Him?

President Biden often looks like a punch-drunk old fighter sent into the ring once too often. At this point, the only thing lower than Biden’s approval numbers is his energy level. Is Uncle Joe too old to rebound? At this point, Biden is running on little more than fumes and righteousness. In his televised antigun speech Thursday night, Biden proclaimed that he expected most people “to turn your outrage into making this issue [assault weapons] central to your vote.” Biden’s histrionic spiel...

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What If the US Had Invaded Ukraine?

What If the US Had Invaded Ukraine?

Let’s engage in a thought experiment. Suppose that Ukraine was headed by a pro-Russia regime. After repeated failed attempts at assassination by the CIA, the Pentagon finally decides to invade Ukraine for the purpose of bringing about regime change — i.e., ousting the pro-Russia regime from power and replacing it with a pro-US regime. What then would be the response of American statists, especially those within the US mainstream press? There is no doubt about the answer. Everything would be...

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Biden Rocks the Middle East

Biden Rocks the Middle East

That dwindling band of observers that continues to express concern over the catastrophe that constitutes United States foreign policy under President Joe Biden have come to realize how the Ukraine situation is being used as cover for interventions and other similar mischief in other parts of the world. Recent reporting, for example, reveals that the Biden Administration has decided “to reestablish a persistent US military presence in Somalia to enable a more effective fight against al-Shabaab”...

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What Happened After Masks Disappeared From Planes?

What Happened After Masks Disappeared From Planes?

We all remember Anthony Fauci’s response to the striking down of the transportation (and especially airplane) mask mandate: only “public health” authorities may make these decisions. So what do we do if the geniuses who run our public health establishment do something stupid, or overstep their (imagined) authority? No answer. You will be ruled by public health bureaucrats, and you will like it. Last week Fauci even went so far as to say that the battle over the airplane mask mandate has less...

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The Specific 'Why' Behind Russiagate

The Specific 'Why' Behind Russiagate

Show of hands? How many still believe Trump and Russia colluded? That Trump is somehow beholden to Russia? That Hillary Clinton had nothing to do with “Russiagate?” Anyone? In the back, Bueller? And we’ll get to the large group chanting “it doesn’t matter” and “but Trump did, too…” in a moment, so stick around. Hillary Clinton lied about Russiagate. The latest information shows Hillary paid experts to create two data sets, one purportedly showing Russian cellphones accessing Trump WiFi...

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Out of Desperation, Democrats Resurrect 'Insurrection' Theater

Respect the Fed? No, End the Fed

President Joe Biden has unveiled a three-part plan to fight inflation — or at least make people think he is fighting inflation. One part of the plan involves having government agencies “fix” the supply chain problems that have led to shortages of numerous products. Of course, any attempt by the government to solve the supply chain problems (which were caused by prior government interventions such as shutting down the economy for over a year) will not just fail to solve the supply shortages but...

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