The Ukrainian offensive has petered out – even CNN says it: '[The Ukrainians are] still going to see, [whether] in the next couple of weeks, there is a chance of making some progress. But for them really to make the progress that would alter the balance to this conflict – I think, it’s extremely, highly unlikely' – an unnamed "Senior Western diplomat" [told CNN].' Yet, as one ‘war front’ bows out, an ‘out-of-view’ war on Black sea shipping has raised its head. The ‘new war’ might alternatively...
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Peace & Prosperity Blog
Was It Something I Said? The WHO Backtracks on Its Advice Children Not be Given Experimental Coronavirus Vaccine Shots, the Day after I Wrote about the Advice.
On Monday, I wrote about the World Health Organization (WHO) recommending at its website that children not be given experimental coronavirus vaccine shots, a position I noted is...
World Health Organization Says Do Not Give Children Experimental Coronavirus Vaccine Shots
In America, national, state, and local governments are pulling out all the stops to advance giving experimental coronavirus shots to children down to the age of 12. Up next,...
Florida Win Against Vaccine Passports for Cruises: Court Orders Preliminary Injunction Against CDC Mandate
On Friday, the state of Florida won a court victory against the United State government’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The court decision restrained the...
How Ron Paul Stopped the US Government from Imposing a National Vaccine Passport
Who do Americans have to thank for the United States government not subjecting them to a national vaccine passport like those being imposed by national governments in Europe?...
Connecticut Is Legalizing Marijuana, the Fourth State to Do So this Year
On Thursday, the Connecticut legislature approved a bill to legalize marijuana in the state. With Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont having said, upon the legislature approving the...
Dennis Kucinich Announces His Candidacy for Cleveland Mayor
In May, I wrote about Dennis Kucinich, known across America for his work in the United States House of Representatives and two runs for the Democratic nomination for US...
Susan Ashbrook, RIP
It is is with deep personal sadness that I must announce the death of a former Ron Paul Congressional staffer from down here in Dr. Paul's old Congressional district, TX-14....
Everyone Should Take the Experimental Coronavirus Vaccines? Nope.
A multitude of politicians and people in the media have been saying everyone should take experimental coronavirus vaccines, some of which are not even vaccines under the normal...
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