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Janet Yellen is Right: She Can’t Predict the Future

Janet Yellen is Right: She Can’t Predict the Future

This week I found myself in rare agreement with Janet Yellen when she admitted that her economic predictions are likely to be wrong. Sadly, Yellen did not follow up her admission by handing in her resignation and joining efforts to end the Fed. An honest examination of the Federal Reserve’s record over the past seven years clearly shows that the American people would be better off without it. Following the bursting of the Federal Reserve-created housing bubble, the Fed embarked on an...

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Obama’s Fail on Saudi-Qatari Aid to al-Qaeda Affiliate

Obama’s Fail on Saudi-Qatari Aid to al-Qaeda Affiliate

News media coverage of the Camp David summit between President Barack Obama and Gulf Cooperation Council members has focused largely on Obama’s success in getting the GCC States to go along with the negotiation of a nuclear agreement with Iran. But the much more consequential story of the summit is Obama’s decision not to confront Saudi Arabia and Qatar about their financing of an al-Qaeda offshoot in Syria that has made the most dramatic gains in the jihadist war against the Assad regime. For...

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This Is How You ‘Boost’ GDP: US Sells Over $4 Billion In Weapons To Israel, Iran, And Saudi Arabia

This Is How You ‘Boost’ GDP: US Sells Over $4 Billion In Weapons To Israel, Iran, And Saudi Arabia

War, what's it good for? Aside from countless deaths of innocent civilians of course, it means a GDP boost for the biggest exporter of weapons on earth, the United States, and even more profits for the US military-industrial complex. Profits which mean the shareholders of America's arms manufacturers get even richer. Which is why following months of middle-eastern sabre ratling and numerous quasi-wars already raging in the region, moments ago the U.S. State Department approved the sale of 10...

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Militarization Is More Than Tanks and Rifles: It’s a Cultural Disease, Acclimating the Citizenry to Life in a Police State

Militarization Is More Than Tanks and Rifles: It’s a Cultural Disease, Acclimating the Citizenry to Life in a Police State

“If we’re training cops as soldiers, giving them equipment like soldiers, dressing them up as soldiers, when are they going to pick up the mentality of soldiers? If you look at the police department, their creed is to protect and to serve. A soldier’s mission is to engage his enemy in close combat and kill him. Do we want police officers to have that mentality? Of course not.”— Arthur Rizer, former civilian police officer and member of the military Talk about poor timing. Then again, perhaps...

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A Rough Week in Iraq, But It Will Get Rougher

A Rough Week in Iraq, But It Will Get Rougher

I hear from competent reporters on the ground in Iraq that a great panic has set in within the Iraqi Ministry of Defense. Prime Minister Abadi, like his Shia co-religionist Maliki, has been engaged in a thorough effort to disadvantage all the Sunni populations of Iraq. This would include: the Kurds (90 percent Sunni), the Sunni Arabs, the Sunni Turkomans, etc. To accomplish this, Sunni majority areas have been systematically deprived of weaponry and funding for years. Alternatively, Shia...

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Pity the Poor Stormtroopers: Baby Bou-Bou Ambushed Them

Pity the Poor Stormtroopers: Baby Bou-Bou Ambushed Them

It was the baby’s fault that he was nearly burned to death in his own crib. Bou-Bou Phonesavanh was barely a year and a half old, just learning to walk, and unable to speak, but those limitations didn’t stop him from engaging in “deliberate, criminal conduct” that justified the 2:00 a.m. no-knock SWAT raid in which he was nearly killed. The act of sleeping in a room about to be breached by a SWAT team constituted “criminal” conduct on the part of the infant. At the very least, the infant was...

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Does the House Leadership Really Want to Rein In Obama?

Does the House Leadership Really Want to Rein In Obama?

The House GOP leadership talks a lot about "reining in" President Obama's abuse of executive powers; yet last week they blocked two amendments to the 2015 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that would have rolled back President Obama's power to violate our civil liberties and unilaterally keep US troops involved in overseas military actions. Last week, Representatives Cynthia Lummis (WY-At-Large) and Raúl Labrador (ID-01) submitted an amendment to the 2015 National Defense Authorization...

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Making the World Less Safe: Sending the Wrong Message to Russia, China, and Iran

Making the World Less Safe: Sending the Wrong Message to Russia, China, and Iran

Currently the United States is assisting Ukraine against Russia by providing some non-lethal military equipment as well as limited training for Kiev’s army. It has balked at getting more involved in the conflict, rightly so. With that in mind, I had a meeting with a delegation of Ukrainian parliamentarians and government officials a couple of weeks ago. I tried to explain to them why many Americans are wary of helping them by providing lethal, potentially game changing military assistance in...

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More Evidence of Israel’s Dirty Role in the Syrian Proxy War

More Evidence of Israel’s Dirty Role in the Syrian Proxy War

Video footage surfaced last week showing the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) treating a wounded anti-Assad Syrian rebel, following a UN report at the end of last year which found that the IDF and the Syrian rebels (including ISIS) were in regular contact. The Times of Israel reported on this latest video in an article titled, IDF posts footage of medics saving Syrian rebel in Golan: The IDF on Saturday released rare footage of its medics performing a life-saving procedure on one of the most...

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Janet Yellen is Right: She Can’t Predict the Future

New Military Spending Bill Expands Empire But Forbids Debate on War

On Friday the House passed a massive National Defense Authorization for 2016 that will guarantee US involvement in more wars and overseas interventions for years to come. The Republican majority resorted to trickery to evade the meager spending limitations imposed by the 2011 budget control act – limitations that did not, as often reported, cut military spending but only slowed its growth. But not even slower growth is enough when you have an empire to maintain worldwide, so the House majority...

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Garland’s Lesson? Democrats, Republicans, and Neocons Bring The Jihad to America

Garland’s Lesson? Democrats, Republicans, and Neocons Bring The Jihad to America

Pamela GellerSince 9/11, Americans have been treated to an ongoing tutorial by the self-professed best-and brightest from America’s universities, media, Christian clergy, and national government explaining how American Muslims become radicalized into Islamist militants. These Muslims, say the country’s brains-trust, are discriminated against by other US citizens; are disenfranchised by poverty; have a hard time transitioning to US society from the Muslim culture they lived in abroad; hate all...

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House Votes to Keep Paying for ISIS War It Neither Debated Nor Authorized

House Votes to Keep Paying for ISIS War It Neither Debated Nor Authorized

The US House of Representatives on Friday again voted to pay for war on the Islamic State (ISIS) without ever having a debate and vote on the authorization of the war. This result is par for the course given the House leadership is well practiced in manipulating House rules to scuttle efforts by Reps. Walter Jones (R-NC) and James McGovern (D-MA), as well as by other House members, to ensure that the legislative branch fulfills its constitutional responsibility to decide when the US government...

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US Drone Program ‘Should’ve Never Started’ – Ron Paul

US Drone Program ‘Should’ve Never Started’ – Ron Paul

The US government is undermining Americans’ rights at home through surveillance, and its drone program “should’ve been shut down a long time ago,” former Texas Congressman Ron Paul told RT. He also criticized the prospect of another Clinton-Bush election. Speaking on RT’s ‘Watching the Hawks’ program, Paul was asked if it’s time to close down the drone program considering that two hostages were recently killed in an airstrike. “It should’ve been shut down a long time ago – it should have never...

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Love, Visas, and Marriage in Post-Constitutional America

Love, Visas, and Marriage in Post-Constitutional America

The government can block your foreign husband or wife from living with you in America, based on secret information you can’t see or contest. Like with the No-Fly list, in post-Constitutional America the walls are built of secret databases. Taking Visas to the Supreme Court On February 23, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Kerry v. Din. The U.S. government is seeking a writ of certiorari agreement by the Justices to review a lower court decision granting Ms. Din and her Afghan husband...

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Rep. Walter Jones: Congress Should Debate Nine More Years in Afghanistan

Speaking Tuesday on the United States House of Representatives floor, Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC) again urged Congress to exercise its constitutional responsibility by debating and voting on if the United States government will continue militarily intervening in Afghanistan for nine more years. Referring to Afghanistan as “well known by historians as the graveyard of empires,” Jones, a Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity Advisory Board member, details the high cost in thousands of US...

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‘We the People’ Need to Circle the Wagons: The Government Is on the Warpath

‘We the People’ Need to Circle the Wagons: The Government Is on the Warpath

“The government is merely a servant―merely a temporary servant; it cannot be its prerogative to determine what is right and what is wrong, and decide who is a patriot and who isn’t. Its function is to obey orders, not originate them.” ― Mark Twain How many Americans have actually bothered to read the Constitution, let alone the first ten amendments to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights (a quick read at 462 words)? Take a few minutes and read those words for yourself—rather than having some...

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