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As Expected, Neocons Defend Torture

As Expected, Neocons Defend Torture

In the realm of predictability, it was a sure bet: The Senate Intelligence Committee's report on CIA torture released today was vigorously rejected by the coterie of neocon armchair warriors whose lives are a constant loop of the television program "24." As the rest of us retch at the horrors of forced rectal hydration and feeding -- including the forced "wrong-way" ingestion of such items as pureed "hummus, pasta with sauce, nuts and raisins." (Auschwitz guards must be smiling up from hell)....

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‘A Litany of Federal Crimes’ – Judge Napolitano on the CIA Torture Report

"The most compelling, detailed documented report of government intentional infliction of pain on non-combatants ever produced in American history since the time of the Civil War." That is how RPI Advisory Board Member Judge Andrew Napolitano reacted to today's release of the Senate Intelligence Committee's report on the CIA's enhanced interrogation techniques. Judge Napolitano notes that CIA attempted to stymie production of the report from the beginning, hacking Senate computers and...

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Washington’s Frozen War Against Russia

Washington’s Frozen War Against Russia

For over a year, the United States has played out a scenario designed to (1) reassert US control over Europe by blocking EU trade with Russia, (2) bankrupt Russia, and (3) get rid of Vladimir Putin and replace him with an American puppet, like the late drunk, Boris Yeltsin. The past few days have made crystal clear the perfidy of the economic side of this US war against Russia. It all began at the important high-level international meeting on Ukraine’s future held in Yalta in September 2013,...

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The Long Arm of US Law

The Long Arm of US Law

In a perfect illustration of just how ridiculous the US government’s tax policies are, Mayor of London Boris Johnson is being pursued by the IRS for capital gains taxes he owes for selling his residence in London. Apparently Mr. Johnson was born in New York and, despite the fact that his parents returned to Britain when he was five years old, has never given up his US citizenship. Like many other people who through no fault of their own become United States citizens, he never realized that the...

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Our Enemies, the Presidents

Our Enemies, the Presidents

Two summers ago Judge Andrew Napolitano joined the faculty of Mises University, the Mises Institute’s summer program for students. He was interested in teaching a nine-session special seminar to a select group of attendees. Students didn’t know what the format would be, but they were all thrilled at the opportunity. As it turns out, they were treated to a high-level seminar with a professor who spoke with authority, pulled out obscure legal references without notes, and traversed the room...

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House Chooses New Cold War With Russia

House Chooses New Cold War With Russia

Last week the US House voted overwhelmingly in favor of an anti-Russia resolution so full of war propaganda that it rivals the rhetoric from the chilliest era of the Cold War. Ironically, much of the bill condemns Russia for doing exactly what the US government has been doing for years in Syria and Ukraine! For example, one of the reasons to condemn Russia in the resolution is the claim that Russia is imposing economic sanctions on Ukraine. But how many rounds of sanctions has the US...

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Ukraine’s Made-in-USA Finance Minister

Ukraine’s Made-in-USA Finance Minister

Ukraine’s new Finance Minister Natalie Jaresko, a former US State Department officer who was granted Ukrainian citizenship only this week, headed a US government-funded investment project for Ukraine that involved substantial insider dealings, including $1 million-plus fees to a management company that she also controlled. Jaresko served as president and chief executive officer of Western NIS Enterprise Fund (WNISEF), which was created by the US Agency for International Development (US AID)...

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Ron Paul: Anti-Russia Bill Passed by Congress ‘Part of the War Propaganda Machine’

Republicans and Democrats have the same foreign policy. One may be a little more aggressive than the other, but they all support intervention. So said RPI chairman Ron Paul when asked today how so many from both parties could support the recent bill passed in the US House rattling the saber at Russia.Paul continued, "I bet they didn't read it (the bill). And if they did read it and still voted for it, there is something wrong with them."There is not much critical thinking going on in the US...

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US Army Sends 100 Tanks To Eastern Europe To ‘Deter Russian Aggression’

US Army Sends 100 Tanks To Eastern Europe To ‘Deter Russian Aggression’

The ink on Barack Obama's Chuck Hagel termination letter hasn't dried yet but already the US president's new, and seemingly far more hawkish advisors, are having their warmongering presence felt. Case in point: the Eastern European theater of (Cold) war, where Military.com reports that the new Army commander in Europe plans to bolster the U.S. armored presence in Poland and the Baltic states and keep rotations of U.S. troops there through next year and possibly beyond to counter Russia. Lt....

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Reckless Congress ‘Declares War’ on Russia

Reckless Congress ‘Declares War’ on Russia

Today the US House passed what I consider to be one of the worst pieces of legislation ever. H. Res. 758 was billed as a resolution “strongly condemning the actions of the Russian Federation, under President Vladimir Putin, which has carried out a policy of aggression against neighboring countries aimed at political and economic domination.” In fact, the bill was 16 pages of war propaganda that should have made even neocons blush, if they were capable of such a thing. These are the kinds of...

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Just Like the Stasi…

Just Like the Stasi…

Don’t you just love those Americans who celebrate how free they are under America’s national-security state system? I wonder if such Americans also celebrated how free people were who lived under East Germany’s national-security state system. I just read an interesting story in the New York Times about how the East German Stasi was confiscating art from wealthy East Germans. They would simply raid people’s homes, take valuable art, and then sell it, putting the money into the state’s coffers....

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Fear is a Political Instrument, but Knowledge is Power

Fear is a Political Instrument, but Knowledge is Power

Your doorbell rings in the dark of night, so you quietly approach the peephole to size up your visitor. The porch light doesn’t illuminate the person well enough to see him clearly, but he’s definitely wearing a mask. You move your eyes lower to get a better look at the tall figure. He’s standing, waiting, on the other side of the threshold. He’s holding a machete. On any other night, this scenario might send adrenaline coursing through your veins, fueling an almost palpable fear. But tonight...

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Ron Paul on the Next US Defense Secretary

As the US media reported that President Obama was expected to nominate Ashton Carter to be the next Secretary of Defense, RPI Chairman Ron Paul was not optimistic. There is no reason to believe that Carter, a long-time Pentagon employee and former deputy secretary, would do anything to straighten out failing US foreign policy, he said in an interview. With more pressure on the administration from pro-war hawks in Congress and elsewhere in the administration, the wars will likely continue to...

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No to War, Hot or Cold, With Russia

No to War, Hot or Cold, With Russia

US-Russia relations have deteriorated severely in the past decade and they are about to get worse, if the House passes H. Res. 758. NATO encirclement, the US-backed coup in Ukraine, an attempt to use an agreement with the European Union to bring NATO into Ukraine at the Russian border, a US nuclear first-strike policy, are all policies which attempt to substitute force for diplomacy. Russia’s response to the terror unleashed by western-backed neo-nazis in Crimea and Odessa came after the local...

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Why Not Pardon Drug War Victims in Addition to Turkeys?

Why Not Pardon Drug War Victims in Addition to Turkeys?

Prior to Thanksgiving, President Obama continued the presidential tradition of pardoning two turkeys. Too bad he didn’t use the occasion to also pardon every single victim of the US government’s decades-long failed and destructive war on drugs. I’m referring, of course, to all the people who have been convicted of violating federal laws against the possession or distribution of drugs, especially those people currently serving time in some federal penitentiary. Those people have no more...

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MH17: Barring Malaysia From Investigation Reeks of Cover-up

MH17: Barring Malaysia From Investigation Reeks of Cover-up

It was a Malaysian jet, carrying Malaysian passengers, flown by Malaysian pilots, yet after Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was shot down over Ukraine in July 2014, Malaysia has been systematically blocked from participating in the investigation, leaving an overwhelmingly pro-NATO bloc in charge of the evidence, investigation and outcome as well as the manner in which the investigation will be carried out. Despite the integral role Malaysia has played during several pivotal moments in the...

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NATO Summit Demands: More Weapons For Ukraine!

The rhetoric at the NATO summit this week is predictable: we must send more weapons to Ukraine! But behind the rehearsed facade, there are increasing cracks in the alliance...and...

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