If anyone doubted that the top level of the intelligence agencies in Washington have dedicated themselves to ousting President Donald Trump, the past two weeks should have demonstrated precisely how such a plan of action is being executed. First came the leaked accounts of chaos in the Trump Administration derived from the Bob Woodward book Fear: Trump in the White House.Then a New York Times op-ed entitled “I am part of the resistance inside the Trump administration” written by one Anonymous...
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Will Matt Gaetz' House Coup Backfire On Conservatives?
Rep. Matt Gaetz' motion to vacate the Chair of the House Speaker is scheduled for a vote today, with the outcome for Speaker McCarthy uncertain. Leading Republicans such as Rep....
Will Matt Gaetz' House Coup Backfire On Conservatives?
Rep. Matt Gaetz' motion to vacate the Chair of the House Speaker is scheduled for a vote today, with the outcome for Speaker McCarthy uncertain. Leading Republicans such as Rep....
Peace & Prosperity Blog
UN Commission Investigator: It Was The Syrian Rebels Who Used Sarin
After investigating the alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria, UN Human Rights commission member Carla Del Ponte says that testimony from victims and medical staff indicate...
More Israeli Bombs Over Syria
For the second day in a row, the Israeli government is reported to have bombed Syria -- this time near Damascus -- according to reporting by the Washington Post. As the...
Syria’s Drone Future
Over at the American Conservative, Phil Giraldi alerts us to the US administration's plans for the "day after" in Syria, if US assistance to the Syrian insurgents finds them...
RPI Chairman Interviewed on Institute
Extraordinary antiwar talk show host Scott Horton interviews Dr. Ron Paul on his career promoting peace and on the Institute for Peace and Prosperity. Listen to Scott here.
New Today: Ron Paul on His New Peace Institute!
Listen to Ron Paul Institute Founder and CEO Ron Paul's newest comments on Podcast Nation today, speaking on the very important topic of Al-Qaeda and US foreign policy. Why is it...
Tom Woods Exposes RPI Advisors’ Real ‘Faults’
Dr. Tom Woods pens a very well-worded retort to the recent neo-con attack on RPI here.
‘Political Groups In Washington Downplayed Chechen Threat’
RPI Academic Board Member John Laughland is interviewed on RT about the recent Boston bombings. Dr. Laughland points out that political and ideological biases may well have led...
RPI Academic Board Member on Iran Sanctions
Flynt Leverett: U.S. is Engaged in a Dirty War Against Iran By: Kourosh Ziabari If you regularly follow the headlines on the American and European radio stations, TV channels or...
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