One of the comments made following Trump’s decision to relocate some 12,000 troops from Germany was made by retired Admiral James (‘Zorba’) Stavridis, who in 2009-2013 was US Supreme Allied Commander Europe (the military commander of Nato). He declared that the...
Brian Cloughley
Floundering NATO Tries to Surface by Confronting China
by Brian Cloughley | Jun 18, 2020 | Featured Articles
On June 8 Jens Stoltenberg, the Secretary General of the US-NATO military alliance, gave a speech at NATO’s new billion dollar headquarters in Brussels. It was followed by a selection of patsy questions, but in spite of the trite predictability of Stoltenberg’s...
A World Health Crisis? – So Ramp Up Confrontation and Deploy Nuclear Bombers
by Brian Cloughley | May 13, 2020 | Featured Articles
The Pentagon is excelling itself in its enthusiastic march to war. There are countless thousands suffering from the effects of the Covid-19 virus, including hundreds of members of the US armed services, while the world’s despots are relishing their freedom to...
The Myth of Moderate Nuclear War
by Brian Cloughley | Mar 3, 2020 | Featured Articles
There are many influential supporters of nuclear war, and some of these contend that the use of "low-yield" and/or short-range weapons is practicable without the possibility of escalation to all-out Armageddon. In a way their argument is comparable to that of the band...
Endless Wars and Endless Lies
by Brian Cloughley | Dec 17, 2019 | Featured Articles
The Washington Post has obtained a “confidential trove of government documents” revealing that “senior US officials failed to tell the truth about the war in Afghanistan throughout the 18-year campaign, making rosy pronouncements they knew to be false and hiding...
Human Rights and Hypocrisy in the White House and Congress
by Brian Cloughley | Dec 3, 2019 | Featured Articles
For months Western media outlets have been retailing stories about riots in Hong Kong. With lip-smacking relish there have been such reports as “On October 1, China’s National Day, the first live round to hit a protester was fired by riot police pursued by protesters...
In Libya, ‘We Came. We Saw. He Died.’ Will There Be a Repeat in Venezuela?
by Brian Cloughley | Feb 14, 2019 | Featured Articles
Libya is in a state of anarchic turmoil, with various groups fighting each other for control of the country, and as the Wall Street Journal reported last September, “Islamic State is staging a resurgence in chaotic Libya, claiming more than a dozen attacks in the...
McCain May Be Dead, but ‘Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran’ Still Resounds
by Brian Cloughley | Jan 26, 2019 | Featured Articles
In 2007, when making a speech during his bid for the presidency of the United States, the late Senator John McCain spoke about Iran’s supposed nuclear weapons’ programme and when questioned as to whether there might be US reaction to such allegations responded by...
Washington Is Intent on Destroying Iran
by Brian Cloughley | Mar 7, 2018 | Featured Articles
On February 18 the leader of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, declared that Iran “is trying to establish this continuous empire surrounding the Middle East from the south in Yemen but also trying to create a land bridge from Iran to Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Gaza. This is a...
Washington’s Wars
by Brian Cloughley | Nov 25, 2017 | Featured Articles
The New York Times reported on October 22 that the United States has “just over 240,000 active-duty and reserve troops in at least 172 countries and territories,” which is a staggering total. But in an intriguing revelation the Times reported that there are a further...
Visitors to the Colony of Afghanistan
by Brian Cloughley | Nov 4, 2017 | Featured Articles
Military clock cropped out of photo on right to make it look like Kabul instead of US military base.US and NATO representatives keep trying to convince the world that Afghanistan is not a corruption-ridden quagmire of violence, and US Defence Secretary, General...
Winning in Africa
by Brian Cloughley | Oct 23, 2017 | Featured Articles
On October 4 in Niger in central Africa four American special forces soldiers were killed in an ambush by “fifty fighters, thought to be associated with ISIS [Islamic State], a US official said.” In the course of the attack, one US soldier was left behind when the...
Always Planning Never Winning: While US Wins Some Battles, Insurgents Win the Wars
by Brian Cloughley | Sep 2, 2017 | Featured Articles
General John F Campbell, commander of all foreign forces in Afghanistan 2014-2016, said in a speech in Kabul on December 28, 2014 that "The insurgents are losing, they’re desperate." But they weren’t and they aren’t.On August 21 President Trump outlined his plan for...
Get Out of Afghanistan and Go Home
by Brian Cloughley | Jul 28, 2017 | Featured Articles
In Afghanistan on 24 July, a Taliban suicide bomber killed forty people in the centre of Kabul, just four days after a US airstrike killed 16 Afghan policemen in Helmand Province. Both incidents of slaughter were terrible and highlighted the US State Department...
NATO is Building Up for War
by Brian Cloughley | Apr 4, 2015 | Featured Articles
The German city of Frankfurt is continental Europe’s largest financial center and host to the country’s Stock Exchange, countless other financial institutions, and the headquarters of the European Central Bank (ECB) which is responsible for administering the monetary...
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