RPI Event Alert: America in the Age of Trump 2.0. Click for Details.

Whether you are at the edge of your chair or pulling your hair out in despair, Trump 2.0 is disrupting the status quo.

Date and time: Saturday, March 22 · 8:30am – 1pm CDT

Location: Dow Academic Center, 500 College Boulevard Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Click Here For Ticket Information

Featured Articles

The Making of Juan Guaido: How the US Regime Change Laboratory Created Venezuela's Coup Leader

The Making of Juan Guaido: How the US Regime Change Laboratory Created Venezuela's Coup Leader

Before the fateful day of January 22, fewer than one in five Venezuelans had heard of Juan Guaidó. Only a few months ago, the 35-year-old was an obscure character in a politically marginal far-right group closely associated with gruesome acts of street violence. Even in his own party, Guaidó had been a mid-level figure in the opposition-dominated National Assembly, which is now held under contempt according to Venezuela’s constitution. But after a single phone call from from US Vice President...

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NewsGuard: A Neoconservative Contrivance Which Promotes an Establishment View

NewsGuard: A Neoconservative Contrivance Which Promotes an Establishment View

There’s a new thought policeman in town. He calls himself NewsGuard and he promises to restore “Trust and Accountability” to what one reads online. His website elaborates that “NewsGuard uses journalism to fight false news, misinformation, and disinformation. Our trained analysts, who are experienced journalists, research online news brands to help readers and viewers know which ones are trying to do legitimate journalism—and which are not…Our Green-Red ratings signal if a website is trying to...

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Trump’s Venezuela Fiasco

Trump’s Venezuela Fiasco

Last week President Trump announced that the United States would no longer recognize Nicholas Maduro as president of Venezuela and would recognize the head of its national assembly, Jose Guaido, as president instead. US thus openly backs regime change. But what has long been a dream of the neocons may well turn out to be a nightmare for President Trump.Why did Trump declare that the Venezuelan president was no longer the president? According to the State Department, the Administration was...

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America’s Shameful War

America’s Shameful War

An ancient Hindu prayer says, "Lord Shiva, save us from the claw of the tiger, the fang of the cobra, and the vengeance of the Afghan." The United States, champion of freedom and self-determination, is now in its 18th year of colonial war in Afghanistan. This miserable, stalemated conflict is America’s longest and most shameful war. So far it has cost over $1 trillion and killed no one knows how many Afghans. This conflict began in 2001 on a lie: namely that Afghanistan was somehow responsible...

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McCain May Be Dead, but ‘Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran’ Still Resounds

McCain May Be Dead, but ‘Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran’ Still Resounds

In 2007, when making a speech during his bid for the presidency of the United States, the late Senator John McCain spoke about Iran’s supposed nuclear weapons’ programme and when questioned as to whether there might be US reaction to such allegations responded by singing “That old Beach Boys song, Bomb Iran... bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb.” This jovial retort about killing people by bombing them was not surprising to those who remembered that during the US war on Vietnam McCain was shot down on a...

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Trump, Pence, Pompeo Star in the Pirates of the Caribbean

Trump, Pence, Pompeo Star in the Pirates of the Caribbean

You could scour the bowels of US imperial crimes, from the Mexican-American War to the Gulf of Tonkin in Vietnam, and you won’t find a more brazen cynical act of gangsterism than that which is now underway against Venezuela. Not since Hitler justified blitzing Poland by claiming it had encroached on the frontier into Nazi Germany has a more blatant set of falsehoods been adduced as a pretext for conflict. In Venezuela, it will quickly become a civil war that will most likely draw in other...

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Trump Betrays MAGA Over Venezuela

Trump Betrays MAGA Over Venezuela

The US backed a coup in Venezuela that has failed. And President Trump was the architect of it. This is a farce surrounding an intrigue contained within a tragedy. What has happened in Venezuela is tragic. Nicolas Maduro is a comical figure straight out of central casting for a South American leader of a junta. But it has been the US’s designs on Venezuela’s oil and gas reserves (the largest proven in the world as of 2017) that is the real story behind this week’s events. For anyone still...

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NewsGuard: A Neoconservative Contrivance Which Promotes an Establishment View

Building the Information Control Highway

With the rise of internet social media, patronized by multi-millions of receptive people and supplied by a small number of companies that have achieved dominance, a path way to information control was cleared.To complete the highway, all that was required was its extension to and from Washington elites, neocon types, intelligence agencies and establishment types. These connections are being built now. They picked up speed in the last two years with the resistance to Trump and his...

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‘Maduro Must Go!’ – Trump Administration Backs Venezuela Regime Change

President Trump yesterday recognized Venezuelan opposition legislator as the legitimate president of the country and warned that "all options are on the table" if Venezuela's elected president moves against protestors or expelled US embassy staff who refuse to leave Caracas. US neocons applaud Trump's move. Does the US president finally have his very own "Syria" on his hands?

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The United States Is at It Again: Compiling an Enemies List

The United States Is at It Again: Compiling an Enemies List

Many American still long for the good old days when men were still manly and President George W. Bush was able to announce that there was a “new sheriff in town” pledged to wipe terrorism from the face of the earth. “You’re either with us or against us,” he growled and he backed up his warning of lethal retribution with an enemies list that he called the “axis of evil.” The axis of evil identified in those days in the 2002 State of the Union Address consisted of Iraq, Iran and North Korea....

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Pence Urges Venezuelans To Rise Up Against ‘Dictator’ Maduro After Failed Military Revolt

Pence Urges Venezuelans To Rise Up Against ‘Dictator’ Maduro After Failed Military Revolt

It appears the White House is ready to stoke the flames of anti-Maduro unrest following Monday's dramatic failed military revolt launched by 27 low-ranking officers and their subsequent arrests in the Cotiza neighborhood of Caracas, which sparked overnight protests and sporadic clashes with police after opposition leader Juan Guaido made a broad appeal to the military in a speech, urging them to demand Maduro step down. Guaido and other opposition leaders in the National Assembly have declared...

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Uncle Sam Wants Your DNA: The FBI’s Diabolical Plan to Create a Nation of Suspects

Uncle Sam Wants Your DNA: The FBI’s Diabolical Plan to Create a Nation of Suspects

“As more and more data flows from your body and brain to the smart machines via the biometric sensors, it will become easy for corporations and government agencies to know you, manipulate you, and make decisions on your behalf… If we want to prevent a small elite from monopolising such godlike powers, and if we want to prevent humankind from splitting into biological castes, the key question is: who owns the data? Does the data about my DNA, my brain and my life belong to me, to the...

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Neocon Chameleons Return As Progressives

The decline and closure of the neocon flagship journal, The Weekly Standard, did not slow the neocons at all. They are back with a new publication funded by a left-wing billionaire, but preaching from the same neocon playbook. Why do neocons continue to change their stripes, from Trotskyites in the 1930's, to Reagan conservatives, to Hillary-ite liberals?

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Lindsey Graham Prophesies ‘Iraq on Steroids’ Syria Scenario. Israel Obliges with Attack on Damascus

Lindsey Graham Prophesies ‘Iraq on Steroids’ Syria Scenario. Israel Obliges with Attack on Damascus

The Republican Senator from South Carolina uttered his remarks following a series of curiously timed developments in Syria, including a terror attack in the northern city of Manbij that reportedly left four Americans dead, and ongoing Israeli attacks on Syrian territory. Graham, an outspoken critic of Donald Trump’s plan to withdraw some 2,000 US troops from Syria, drew parallels between this move and America’s disastrous military campaign in Iraq, which culminated in the most unacceptable...

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Pompeo: US ‘Absolutely Not’ Getting Out of the Middle East

Pompeo: US ‘Absolutely Not’ Getting Out of the Middle East

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Sunday that the United States is "absolutely not" getting out of the Middle East."We’re a force for good," Pompeo said in an interview with Sinclair Broadcast Group according to The Hill. "The notion of get out doesn’t frankly – doesn’t capture what it is the Trump administration is intending to do. This is about protecting Americans, and we will do the things we need to do to protect America."Pompeo reiterated that the decision to pull roughly 2,000 troops...

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Peace & Prosperity Blog

Bravo Malala!

Bravo Malala!

It was supposed to be an approval ratings-boosting photo-op with the youngest ever nominee for a Nobel Peace Prize, but as any parent knows kids can be hard to control. They have...

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