Before the fateful day of January 22, fewer than one in five Venezuelans had heard of Juan Guaidó. Only a few months ago, the 35-year-old was an obscure character in a politically marginal far-right group closely associated with gruesome acts of street violence. Even in his own party, Guaidó had been a mid-level figure in the opposition-dominated National Assembly, which is now held under contempt according to Venezuela’s constitution. But after a single phone call from from US Vice President...
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Peace & Prosperity Blog
Ambassador Michael Oren Worries About Growing US Non-Interventionism
The outgoing Israeli Ambassador to the US is worried about what we are doing here at RPI. Ambassador Michael Oren, who was born in New Jersey, has top academic credentials,...
US Mass Spying Targets Mexico Presidents to Advance the Drug War
In contrast to the counter-terrorism narrative used to defend the US government's mass spying program, unfolding revelations suggest the program's Latin America efforts are...
Introducing ‘Background: A Deeper Look’
Today the Ron Paul Institute premiers a new feature on its website. Background: A Deeper Look will take readers behind the current headlines, behind breaking news and analysis,...
Be Afraid: New Homeland Security Chief OK’d Drone Strikes on Americans
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This Week in the World With Daniel McAdams and Jay Taylor
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October Ron Paul Freedom Report Out
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Bravo Malala!
It was supposed to be an approval ratings-boosting photo-op with the youngest ever nominee for a Nobel Peace Prize, but as any parent knows kids can be hard to control. They have...
Cop in Tank: Freeze, Drop that Steak!
In the continuing rise of SWAT, police in Napoleon Dynamite's hometown now have a tank. William N. Grigg, in his latest article at Pro Libertate, explores the small Idaho town's...
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