Once again, the whispers of phantoms masquerading as administration officials have attempted to put Donald Trump on the defensive only two months before the fall election. And in typical fashion, the roused president has gone on an immediate rhetorical offensive. Trump has doubled down on his affirmations towards the US military and the American soldier, while simultaneously confronting the class of generals who command them. “I’m not saying the military’s in love with me—the soldiers are,”...
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Peace & Prosperity Blog
White House Schizophrenia – Kerry: ‘Assad Can Stay’; Obama: ‘Assad Must Go’
Just three days ago, emerging from Moscow meetings with Russian foreign minister Lavrov and president Putin, US Secretary of State John Kerry signaled a major shift in US foreign...
Obama Wants to Take Away Santa’s Guns
Lauren Davis of WVLT-TV reported on Thursday about the predicament of Patrick Hackett, a Knoxville, Tennessee veterinarian who found out in 2004 that he is on the United States...
Ron Paul: Save Trillions of Dollars and Millions of Lives by Replacing Militarism with Defense
In a new interview with host Deirdre Bolton at Fox Business, Ron Paul explains that most United States Department of Defense spending is on militarism rather than defense. This...
US Foreign Policy of Interminable War to Support the National Security State
Continuing his insightful analysis offered in October RT and November Real News Network interviews, Lawrence Wilkerson, a former United States Army colonel and chief of staff for...
How About Perjury Prosecutions for Cops Who Lie About Other Cops’ Killings?
It is disheartening to see police unjustifiably abuse, injure, or kill people and then just return to their jobs after perfunctory investigations. In the instances when a cop is...
RPI’s Adam Dick on the San Bernardino Killings, Mass Murders, Gun Control, Killer Cops, and US Militarism
Ron Paul Institute Senior Fellow Adam Dick was a guest this week of hosts Jason Burack and Eric Dubin on the always interesting Welcome to Dystopia podcast. The conversation...
Prayer Request for Ron Paul’s Daughter
Lew Rockwell writes over at LRC: Lew Rockwell writes at LRC: Ron and Carol’s oldest daughter, Lori Paul Pyeatt, is very sick with cancer. Please pray for her, and for the whole...
After US Bombers Wipe Out Syrian Village, US Will Investigate Itself
Just days after what looks to have been a terror attack in San Bernardino, it is worth remembering that while thankfully rare in the US, such attacks are commonplace in the...
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