Featured Articles

The Chicken Little Act Isn’t Working – COVID Mania is Wearing Off

The Chicken Little Act Isn’t Working – COVID Mania is Wearing Off

The “public health experts” are scrambling to remain in the spotlight, and even their most reliable scare tactics are failing to keep the masses compliant, paranoid, and afraid. For the “public health” cartel, 2020 was the best year of their lives, and it seems that after one year of “two weeks to slow the spread,” they just can’t muster up the momentum needed to replicate that power high. If you don’t know the beginning of the Chicken Little story, here’s a quick summary. Under the impression...

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They Said Things Would Be Much Worse in States without Lockdowns. They Were Wrong.

They Said Things Would Be Much Worse in States without Lockdowns. They Were Wrong.

Like nearly all US states, Georgia imposed a stay-at-home order in March 2020 in response to demands from public health officials claiming a stay-at-home order would lessen total deaths from covid-19. But unlike most states, Georgia ended its stay-at-home order after only five weeks, and proceeded to lower other restrictions quickly. The legacy media responded with furious opposition. For example, an article in The Atlantic declared the end of Georgia’s lockdown to be an “experiment in human...

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Biden’s tough-guy flexing at ‘soulless killer’ Putin would be funny if the consequences weren’t so serious

Biden’s tough-guy flexing at ‘soulless killer’ Putin would be funny if the consequences weren’t so serious

Joe Biden’s effort to label Vladimir Putin as a “soulless killer” is the latest in a series of fact-free allegations that define US-Russian relations today. The real aim is to make Biden look like the strong leader he isn’t. Former President Donald Trump was fond of bragging about how tough he was when it came to Russia. “There’s never been a president as tough on Russia as I have been,” Trump crowed in 2018. He wasn’t wrong—according to Daniel Vajdich, a senior analyst with the Atlantic...

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Pushing Mandates and Fear while Suppressing Self-help and Strength in the Coronavirus Panic

Pushing Mandates and Fear while Suppressing Self-help and Strength in the Coronavirus Panic

There are plenty of things people can do on their own to protect themselves from coronavirus, as well as many other health threats. Self-help has long been one of the most important avenues to enhancing health and countering illness. It works fine without the need to rely on any government edicts such as stay at home orders, business shutdown and capacity limit orders, social distancing and mask mandates, and vaccine passport requirements. Politicians, bureaucrats, and big money media people...

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Trump admin insider reveals how US military sabotaged peace agreement to prolong Afghanistan war

Trump admin insider reveals how US military sabotaged peace agreement to prolong Afghanistan war

In an exclusive interview with The Grayzone, Col. Douglas Macgregor, a former senior advisor to the Acting Secretary of Defense, revealed that President Donald Trump shocked the US military only days after the election last November by signing a presidential order calling for the withdrawal of all remaining US troops from Afghanistan by the end of the year. As Macgregor explained to The Grayzone, the order to withdraw was met with intense pressure from the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of...

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Media Are (Finally) Starting to Reconsider Florida’s Pandemic Strategy

Media Are (Finally) Starting to Reconsider Florida’s Pandemic Strategy

In July, Adam Weinstein of The New Republic wrote that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was leading Americans “on a Death March” by not embracing the same COVID-19 restrictions as many other US states. “Keeping churches open—as well as beaches, restaurants, and dividend-yielding commerce—has been a big priority for Ron DeSantis,” wrote Weinstein. “DeSantis has resisted calls from medical experts and Florida residents to return to quarantine measures or shutdowns of nonessential businesses.” Weinstein...

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Digital Trails: How the FBI Is Identifying, Tracking and Rounding Up Dissidents

Digital Trails: How the FBI Is Identifying, Tracking and Rounding Up Dissidents

Databit by databit, we are building our own electronic concentration camps. With every new smart piece of smart technology we acquire, every new app we download, every new photo or post we share online, we are making it that much easier for the government and its corporate partners to identify, track and eventually round us up. Saint or sinner, it doesn’t matter because we’re all being swept up into a massive digital data dragnet that does not distinguish between those who are innocent of...

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Ten years on, the US still promotes failed regime-change policy in Syria

Ten years on, the US still promotes failed regime-change policy in Syria

The US has only one objective in Syria—regime change. The fact that it has been unable to achieve this after ten years of trying does not appear to deter the Biden administration from embracing failure. Back in 2001, former General Wesley Clark described a memorandum issued by then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld which outlined a plan, as General Clark described it, on “how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia,...

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Is Biden Holding America Hostage Until ‘Independence’ Day?

Is Biden Holding America Hostage Until ‘Independence’ Day?

Last week President Biden addressed the nation on the first anniversary of the coronavirus being declared a “pandemic.” It was a disturbing speech, warning us that the “hopeful spring” will only emerge “from a dark winter” if all Americans “stick with the rules.”Whose rules? His rules.The message from the president was clear: he will only allow us to have some of our freedoms back if we do exactly as he tells us. It was the language of extortion, of a bank robber who demands you do what he...

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Advocates of Economic Sanctions Mirror the Morality of al Qaeda

Advocates of Economic Sanctions Mirror the Morality of al Qaeda

Efforts to restore American and Iranian compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal—formally called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)—are at an impasse. President Biden has declared there will be no relaxing of smothering economic sanctions on Iran unless the country first returns to full compliance with the deal. Iran, which began exceeding nuclear enrichment thresholds in response to America’s total withdrawal from the deal under President Trump, wants the United States to begin...

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The One-Year Anniversary of Lockdowns

The One-Year Anniversary of Lockdowns

One year ago, between March 13 and 16, 2020, began what most of us would agree were the most difficult days of our lives. We thought our rights and liberties were more or less secure or could only be hobbled on the margin. We took certain things for granted, such as that our governments would not – and could not – order us to stay home, close most businesses and schools, shut down travel, padlock churches and concert halls, cancel events, much less lock down society in the name of virus...

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One year into ‘15 days to flatten the curve’, why are we still tolerating authoritarian government clampdowns on our daily lives?

One year into ‘15 days to flatten the curve’, why are we still tolerating authoritarian government clampdowns on our daily lives?

In the 12 months since states first started ordering citizens to stay at home under the pretext of Covid, we’ve come a long way. Particularly in our understanding of how illiberal our politicians can be and how supine we are. One year ago, at noon on Tuesday, March 17, France went into total lockdown for the first time. Until then, Covid-19 was something of which we were faintly aware – background noise in our daily lives that was mostly relegated to Wuhan, China. But we all had that one...

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What Keeps Canada Safe at Night? Joe Biden?

What Keeps Canada Safe at Night? Joe Biden?

We know what keeps America safe at night — rough men on the walls stand ready to visit violence on those who would do us harm, duh. But what about Canada? Or say, Cambodia or Bolivia? This is by way of trying to figure out why Joe Biden bombed Syria and derailed the resumption of the Iran nuclear accord, and why he has called off, delayed, or stalled further withdrawals from the places like Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria along the bloody trail of the old Global War of Terror. Canada (along with...

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The Sovietization of the American Press

The Sovietization of the American Press

I collect Soviet newspapers. Years ago, I used to travel to Moscow’s Izmailovsky flea market every few weeks, hooking up with a dealer who crisscrossed the country digging up front pages from the Cold War era. I have Izvestia’s celebration of Gagarin’s flight, a Pravda account of a 1938 show trial, even an ancient copy of Ogonyek with Trotsky on the cover that someone must have taken a risk to keep. These relics, with dramatic block fonts and red highlights, are cool pieces of history. Not so...

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Lockdowns Wrecked Democracy around the World

Lockdowns Wrecked Democracy around the World

While the number of fatalities attributed to Covid-19 is carefully tracked by governments, few people have recognized how pandemic-spurred crackdowns have devastated democracy around the world. Emergency proclamations have entitled presidents and other government officials to seize vast new powers previously forbidden to them. Government bureaucrats became a new priesthood that could sanctify unlimited sacrifices merely by invoking dubious statistical extrapolations of future perils. In...

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What Next? Spear Control?

What Next? Spear Control?

For people who still have fears about the threat of a violent takeover of the federal government, a ruling by Washington, D.C., federal Judge Royce C. Lamberth has gone a long way to relieve such fears. In a decision denying bail to one of the January 6 protestors, Jacob Anthony Chansley, who is often referred to as the “QAnon Shaman,” Lamberth no doubt succeeded in calming the fears of Washington lawmakers and members of the mainstream press who remain convinced that there was a serious...

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