Featured Articles

A Grim Reaper Speaks

A Grim Reaper Speaks

President Biden’s first speech to Congress last night hit all the pandemic hot buttons. Even though most members of Congress are vaccinated, all of the 200 attendees in the Capitol were required to wear masks and “socially distance.” The Hill reports that the “ imagery will underscore how the pandemic is still gripping the nation despite the availability of vaccines and hope for inching back toward a semblance of normalcy.” But the speech looked as sparsely attended as a Biden campaign rally...

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The US Congress Turns on Itself: Censuring and Threats of Expulsion Proliferating

The US Congress Turns on Itself: Censuring and Threats of Expulsion Proliferating

Mark Twain once wrote that “It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress.” Some developments over the past several weeks would certainly support that judgement if one regards a country’s legislative body as a mechanism intended to benefit the public that it is elected to serve. The hypocrisy of America’s two major parties is something to behold, with corruption at a level that is rarely attained in most third world...

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CNN’s New ‘Reporter,’ Natasha Bertrand, is a Deranged Conspiracy Theorist and Scandal-Plagued CIA Propagandist

CNN’s New ‘Reporter,’ Natasha Bertrand, is a Deranged Conspiracy Theorist and Scandal-Plagued CIA Propagandist

The most important axiom for understanding how the US corporate media functions is that there is never accountability for those who serve as propagandists for the US security state. The opposite is true: the more aggressively and recklessly you spread CIA narratives or pro-war manipulation, the more rewarded you will be in that world. The classic case is Jeffrey Goldberg, who wrote one of the most deceitful and destructive articles of his generation: a lengthy New Yorker article in May, 2002 —...

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The Global Deep State: A New World Order Brought to You by COVID-19

The Global Deep State: A New World Order Brought to You by COVID-19

For good or bad, COVID-19 has changed the way we navigate the world. It is also redrawing the boundaries of our world (and our freedoms) and altering the playing field faster than we can keep up. Owing in large part to the US government’s deep-seated and, in many cases, top-secret alliances with foreign nations and global corporations, it has become increasingly obvious that we have entered into a new world order—a global world order—made up of international government agencies and...

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Media Hungry Health Advisers Now Support The Same Masking Policies That Scott Atlas Was Ousted For Promoting

Media Hungry Health Advisers Now Support The Same Masking Policies That Scott Atlas Was Ousted For Promoting

Dr. Anthony Fauci told CNN last weekend that the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is expected to release new guidance suggesting relaxed outdoor mask policies. “The risk when you’re outdoors – which we have been saying all along – is extremely low,” Fauci, who is notorious for flip-flopping on COVID-19 guidance, said. “And if you are vaccinated, it’s even lower. So you’re going to be hearing about those kinds of recommendations soon.” If memory serves, Scott Atlas was saying this...

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Portland Mayor Condemns Anarchists But Stops Short Of Condemning Antifa

Portland Mayor Condemns Anarchists But Stops Short Of Condemning Antifa

Last year, I testified in the Senate on Antifa and the growing anti-free speech movement in the United States. I specifically disagreed with the statement of House Judiciary Committee Chair Jerry Nadler that Antifa (and its involvement in violent protests) is a “myth.” What was most striking about that hearing was the refusal of Democratic members to condemn Antifa’s activities or recognize the scope of anarchist violence even as riots raged in Portland, Oregon and other cities. Indeed, Sen....

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The Ukraine Crisis Can Be An Opportunity

The Ukraine Crisis Can Be An Opportunity

The trouble with leading a great power is that, from time to time, the president is obliged to act like the leader of a great power. If ever there was a time for sound presidential leadership, it’s now. With no appreciation for the endlessly renewable force of national self-preservation that animates Moscow’s maneuvers in Ukraine, President Biden’s insulting remarks and hostile sanctions have plunged the United States into a deeper, more dangerous confrontation with Russia in Ukraine, a region...

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Police Problems? Embrace Liberty!

Police Problems? Embrace Liberty!

Many Americans saw former policeman Derek Chauvin’s conviction on all counts last week as affirming the principle that no one is above the law. Many others were concerned that the jury was scared that anything less than a full conviction would result in riots, and even violence against themselves and their families.Was the jury’s verdict influenced by politicians and media figures who were calling for the jury to deliver the “right” verdict? Attempts to intimidate juries are just as offensive...

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A School for Spooks: The London University Department Churning Out NATO Spies

A School for Spooks: The London University Department Churning Out NATO Spies

LONDON — Last week, MintPress exposed how the supposedly independent investigative collective Bellingcat is, in fact, funded by a CIA cutout organization and filled with former spies and state intelligence operatives. However, one part of the story that has remained untold until now is Bellingcat’s close ties to the Department of War Studies at King’s College London, an institution with deep links to the British security state and one that trains a large number of British, American and...

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The Failure of Imperial College Modeling Is Far Worse than We Knew

The Failure of Imperial College Modeling Is Far Worse than We Knew

A fascinating exchange played out in the UK’s House of Lords on June 2, 2020. Neil Ferguson, the physicist at Imperial College London who created the main epidemiology model behind the lockdowns, faced his first serious questioning about the predictive performance of his work. Ferguson predicted catastrophic death tolls back on March 16, 2020 unless governments around the world adopted his preferred suite of nonpharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to ward off the pandemic. Most countries...

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Norfolk Police Officer Fired For Making Anonymous Donation To Kyle Rittenhouse

Norfolk Police Officer Fired For Making Anonymous Donation To Kyle Rittenhouse

Sgt. William Kelly, the second highest-ranking official in the Norfolk Police Department’s internal affairs division, has been fired for making an anonymous donation to the defense fund for Kyle Rittenhouse. The donation (revealed after a security breach of the Christian crowdfunding site GiveSendGo was accompanied by a note saying that Rittenhouse did “nothing wrong.” Despite the obvious attack on free speech and associational rights, there has been little concern raised in the media or by...

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Texas Ended Lockdowns and Mask Mandates. Now Locked-Down States Are Where Covid Is Growing Most

Texas Ended Lockdowns and Mask Mandates. Now Locked-Down States Are Where Covid Is Growing Most

Early last month, Texas governor Greg Abbott announced he would end the state’s mask mandate and allow most businesses to function at 100 percent capacity. The response from the corporate media and the Left was predictable. California governor Gavin Newsom declared the move “absolutely reckless.” Beto O’Rourke called the GOP a “cult of death.” Joe Biden called the move “Neanderthal thinking.” Keith Olbermann insisted, “Texas has decided to join the side of the virus” and suggested Texans...

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Who’s to Blame for Normalizing One-Man Rule?

Who’s to Blame for Normalizing One-Man Rule?

Who’s to blame for normalizing one-man rule? If there is one thing the American system of government was designed to prevent, it is the tyranny that results when a single person, like a king, has the power to both write and enforce the law. So, what explains the fact that Nevada has now entered a second year of one-man rule, with Governor Sisolak continuing to wield the powers of both the legislative and executive branches simultaneously, in plain violation of the Nevada Constitution? The...

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The Terrorist Haven Fallacy on Afghanistan

The Terrorist Haven Fallacy on Afghanistan

Interventionists are saying that US forces need to stay in Afghanistan because otherwise that country will, once again, become a “haven” for anti-American terrorists. They still just don’t get it. It never ceases to amaze me how blind and obtuse interventionists can be. Anti-American terrorism is not like the flu or like Covid-19. It doesn’t just spread around the world like an infection or a virus. Moreover, the 9/11 attacks didn’t occur because the terrorists hated America for its “freedom...

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The Media Lied Repeatedly About Officer Brian Sicknick’s Death. And They Just Got Caught.

The Media Lied Repeatedly About Officer Brian Sicknick’s Death. And They Just Got Caught.

It was crucial for liberal sectors of the media to invent and disseminate a harrowing lie about how Officer Brian Sicknick died. That is because he is the only one they could claim was killed by pro-Trump protesters at the January 6 riot at the Capitol. So The New York Times on January 8 published an emotionally gut-wrenching but complete fiction that never had any evidence — that Officer Sicknick's skull was savagely bashed in with a fire extinguisher by a pro-Trump mob until he died — and,...

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Zero Mainstream Coverage Today of the Foiled, US-Backed Plot to Assassinate Belarus President Lukashenko

Zero Mainstream Coverage Today of the Foiled, US-Backed Plot to Assassinate Belarus President Lukashenko

In his last book “War with Russia?” my friend and colleague Steve Cohen wrote about the flagrant censorship of news being carried on by The New York Times in support of its Russia-bashing editorial policies. Said Cohen, the newspaper’s century old slogan of “All the News That’s Fit to Print” has been turned into “All the News that Fits” when it comes to coverage of Russia. But the problem goes far deeper than the professional malpractice of one leading newspaper in America. The censorship of...

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