Featured Articles

It’s Saigon in Afghanistan

It’s Saigon in Afghanistan

The end of the 20-year US war on Afghanistan was predictable: no one has conquered Afghanistan, and Washington was as foolish as Moscow in the 1970s for trying. Now, US troops are rushing out of the country as fast as they can, having just evacuated the symbol of the US occupation of Afghanistan, Bagram Air Base.While perhaps not as dramatic as the “Fall of Saigon” in 1975, where US military helicopters scrambled to evacuate personnel from the roof of the US Embassy, the lesson remains the...

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New Emails Raise New Allegations of Influence Peddling By Hunter Biden And Direct Knowledge Of President Biden

New Emails Raise New Allegations of Influence Peddling By Hunter Biden And Direct Knowledge Of President Biden

We have previously discussed the concerted and often embarrassing blackout in the media on stories involving Hunter Biden’s influence peddling during his father’s tenure as Vice President. That includes the burying of the laptop story and the growing contradictions over his father’s denial of any knowledge or involvement in his shady business dealings. Even recent reports that Hunter may have paid prostitutes with his father’s account were blacked out by mainstream media which exhaustively...

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New study shows mask-wearing children at risk for ‘unacceptable’ CO2 levels, cautions against the practice

New study shows mask-wearing children at risk for ‘unacceptable’ CO2 levels, cautions against the practice

We've spent over a year debating nonexistent evidence that masks effectively protect against the spread of viruses. However, there has been little debate and few published studies on potential harms of mask-wearing, a reality that has allowed zealous maskers to aggressively push their mandate as harmless, with no downside. Well, now we have a randomized controlled trial published in JAMA that raises serious concerns about this practice. Researchers from Germany conducted a blinded randomized...

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Defund the FBI

Defund the FBI

It’s been a gold star week for the men and women of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Nearly six months after the events of January 6, the FBI, under the direction of Joe Biden’s vengeful Justice Department, is accelerating the nationwide manhunt for anyone involved. Since June 23, agents have arrested 17 people from Florida to California. Charges range from assaulting police officers and criminal trespassing to something called “destruction of property in special maritime and territorial...

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America Leader of the Free World? How to Forget US interference in Foreign Elections

America Leader of the Free World? How to Forget US interference in Foreign Elections

After only five months in office, President Joe Biden has already become notorious for his verbal gaffes and mis-spokes, so much so that an admittedly Republican-partisan physician has suggested that he be tested to determine his cognitive abilities. That said, however, there is one June 16th tweet that he is responsible for that is quite straightforward that outdoes everything else for sheer mendacity. It appeared shortly after the summit meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin and was...

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Should We Celebrate Rumsfeld’s Death?

Should We Celebrate Rumsfeld’s Death?

Career neocon and warmongering monster Donald Rumsfeld is dead at the age of 88, the news media has reported. Rumsfeld was kind of the Fauci of the early 2000's, a relatively faceless bureaucrat who circumstance selected to serve in a glamorous role as a symbol of the zeitgeist of his time. Rumsfeld became the rock star of George W. Bush's 2003 Iraq war.He warmed to the camera, after spending many years in relative obscurity in the revolving-door world between highly-paid positions in the...

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Dear ‘Insurrectionists’: Welcome to the Anti-State Movement

Dear ‘Insurrectionists’: Welcome to the Anti-State Movement

American Greatness website's Julie Kelly is a hero of modern journalism. She embodies the spirit of Mencken and so many others who refused to bow to the career-advancing zeitgeist of worshipping the state. She has doggedly reported on the incredible -- beyond-Stalinist -- persecution of a rag-tag group of "insurrectionist" Trump supporters who found themselves in a trap sprung by the deep state and its storm-trooping FBI to set-up MAGA-ists as enemies of the state to justify a broader...

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Losing the Plot on COVID

Losing the Plot on COVID

What happens when a population of introverts, hypochondriacs, and obsessive-compulsives is continuously bombarded with messages to seclude and disinfect themselves, for fear that COVID-19 prickle-balls lurk everywhere, waiting to attack? What happens is that emotionally damaged people start driving bad politics and bad policy. "Fifteen days to flatten the curve." That phrase is surely now banned by corporate media, for it reminds us how the supposedly acute health threat of March 2020 was...

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Biden’s Lawless Bombing of Iraq and Syria Only Serves the Weapons Industry Funding Both Parties

Biden’s Lawless Bombing of Iraq and Syria Only Serves the Weapons Industry Funding Both Parties

For the second time in the five months since he was inaugurated, President Joe Biden on Sunday ordered a US bombing raid on Syria, and for the first time, he also bombed Iraq. The rationale offered was the same as Biden's first air attack in February: the US, in the words of Pentagon spokesman John Kirby, “conducted defensive precision airstrikes against facilities used by Iran-backed militia groups in the Iraq-Syria border region.” He added that “the United States acted pursuant to its right...

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It’s Saigon in Afghanistan

HMS Defender Versus The Russian Military: The Danger of Believing Your Own Propaganda

Less than two weeks after NATO members reaffirmed allegiance to Article 5 – that an attack on one member was an attack on all members – the UK nearly put that pledge to the test. In a shockingly provocative move, the UK’s HMS Defender purposely sailed into Crimean territorial waters on its way to Georgia.Press reports suggest that there was a dispute between the UK defense and foreign ministries over whether to violate Russia’s claimed territorial waters with a heavily armed warship. According...

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Report: United States Ranks Last In Media Trust

Report: United States Ranks Last In Media Trust

For years, we have been discussing the decline of journalism values with the rise of open bias in the media. Now, a newly released report from the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at Oxford has found something that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago. The United States ranked dead last in media trust among 49 countries with just 29% saying that they trusted the media. The most tragic aspect is that it does not matter. The media has embraced the advocacy journalism and...

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What is Behind Gen. Mark Milley’s Righteous Race Sermon? Look to the New Domestic War on Terror.

What is Behind Gen. Mark Milley’s Righteous Race Sermon? Look to the New Domestic War on Terror.

For two hundred forty years, American generals have not exactly been defined by adamant public advocacy for left-wing cultural dogma. Yet there appeared to be a great awakening at the Pentagon on Wednesday when Gen. Mark Milley, the highest-ranking military officer in the US as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, testified at a House hearing. The Chairman vehemently defended the teaching of critical race theory at West Point and, referencing the January 6 Capitol riot, said, “it is...

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The Deep State Defeat of Donald Trump

The Deep State Defeat of Donald Trump

“The Trump–Deep State clash is a showdown between a presidency that is far too powerful versus federal agencies that have become fiefdoms with immunity for almost any and all abuses,” I wrote in an FFF article a year ago. Since then, Donald Trump lost the 2020 election by fewer than 50,000 votes in a handful of swing states that determined the Electoral College result. There were numerous issues that could drive that relatively small number of votes. But machinations by the Deep State probably...

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‘F-15s and Nuclear Weapons’: Biden Brushes off Point of 2nd Amendment & Undermines ‘Insurrection’ Narrative in Gun Control Push

‘F-15s and Nuclear Weapons’: Biden Brushes off Point of 2nd Amendment & Undermines ‘Insurrection’ Narrative in Gun Control Push

President Joe Biden’s new gun control crusade challenged the US founding fathers as well as the Democrats’ own January 6 “insurrection” narrative, by arguing armed citizenry would have no hope against an oppressive government. “Those who say the blood of patriots y'know and all the stuff about how we're going to have to move against the government. Well the tree of liberty is not watered with the blood of patriots,” Biden said on Wednesday, announcing new gun control actions from the White...

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Who Is A ‘Terrorist’ In Biden’s America?

Who Is A ‘Terrorist’ In Biden’s America?

In the latest sign that the US government’s War on Domestic Terror is growing in scope and scale, the White House on Tuesday revealed the nation’s first ever government-wide strategy for confronting domestic terrorism. While cloaked in language about stemming racially motivated violence, the strategy places those deemed “anti-government” or “anti-authority” on a par with racist extremists and charts out policies that could easily be abused to silence or even criminalize online criticism of the...

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Fauci and the Biden Admin are Purposely Deceiving us About the ‘Delta Variant’ Threat

Fauci and the Biden Admin are Purposely Deceiving us About the ‘Delta Variant’ Threat

Prominent actors within the US government have been lying to the American people about COVID-19 for 18 months and counting, and their latest behavior shows that the individuals in charge of US Government Science have no intention of stopping the charade anytime soon. Over time, their lies have evolved to become so common and so reckless to the point that someone with even the most rudimentary understanding of viruses can instantly debunk the lies. The latest “Delta variant” paranoia peddling...

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