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Top New York Times, WaPo Experts Affiliated With Pentagon-Funded CNAS Think Tank

Top New York Times, WaPo Experts Affiliated With Pentagon-Funded CNAS Think Tank

Imagine a country where there’s no separation between the government, the military, and the media. A lot of Americans would think of China, Russia or North Korea, but it’s a perfect description of the United States today. And here in Washington, the think tank inside this nondescript building – Center For A New American Security (CNAS) – is the clearest example of just that.CNAS is a premier militarist think tank in the nation’s capital, especially for Democratic Party administrations. It is...

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Pentagon Pulls Trigger: Will Order All Troops To Get COVID Vaccine By Sept.15

Pentagon Pulls Trigger: Will Order All Troops To Get COVID Vaccine By Sept.15

The US military is ready to begin enforcing a coronavirus vaccine mandate across all branches, the Associated Press is reporting Monday based on a Pentagon memo it's obtained. The memo is expected to go out on Monday and is intended to "warn" troops to "prepare" for the new requirement. It will require service members to get the jab by a Sept. 15 deadline, a date which could actually be pushed up if the FDA gives final approval for the Pfizer vaccine or if infection rates rise rapidly. Here's...

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The Totalitarian Ideology of Lockdownism

The Totalitarian Ideology of Lockdownism

Every political ideology has three elements: a vision of hell with an enemy that needs to be crushed, a vision of a more perfect world, and a plan for transitioning from one to the other. The means of transition usually involve the takeover and deployment of society’s most powerful tool: the state. For this reason, political ideologies trend totalitarian. They depend fundamentally on overriding people’s preferences and choices and replacing them with scripted and planned belief systems and...

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Why People Don’t Trust the Mainstream Media

Why People Don’t Trust the Mainstream Media

An article in the Washington Post about the January 6 protests at the Capitol goes a long way toward explaining why people do not trust the mainstream media. The article, written by a Post reporter named Mike DeBonis, focuses on allegations that the FBI infiltrated the ranks of the protestors and actually helped to incite them to illegally enter the Capitol and engage in mayhem after doing so. The overall tone that DeBonis sets forth is one that is oftentimes found in the mainstream media when...

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Equality in Slavery

Equality in Slavery

The Senate Armed Services Committee approved last month a National Defense Authorization Act that includes a requirement that women register with Selective Service on their 18th birthday. If the bill becomes law with this provision included and a military draft is reinstated, women will be forced to join the military, and America will have equality in slavery.Proponents of drafting women argue that since women can now serve in combat it makes sense to make the draft “gender neutral.”Some...

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Iraq Needs as Independent Government, not ‘Training’

Iraq Needs as Independent Government, not ‘Training’

Will US occupation troops really leave Iraq? That’s the question that Washington is so far unable to answer. The White House says the official date of the long goodbye is this month, August 2021. Donald Trump announced a pullout of US troops while still in office but his deadline was simply ignored by the new Biden administration which has also been under mounting pressure to end the two-decade US occupation of Mesopotamia. Left wing Democrats wanted a full end to the war the US has waged...

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Ron DeSantis is Defending Freedom by ‘Getting in the Way’ of COVID Authoritarians

Ron DeSantis is Defending Freedom by ‘Getting in the Way’ of COVID Authoritarians

In an ideal nation, the most important duty of an elected politician involves ensuring the protection of their constituents’ individual rights. During COVID Mania, the political forces for tyranny in America have attempted to contaminate this sacred ideal — under the guise of keeping us safe from a virus — by running roughshod over every aspect of our lives. The Biden Administration has sought to delegitimize the former category of politician, whose most high-profile advocate in America today...

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Pseudo-Omniscience Versus Freedom

Pseudo-Omniscience Versus Freedom

Shut up and submit” is now the favorite Covid cure of some of America’s leading progressives. Paul Krugman, a Nobel Prize winner and New York Times columnist, revealed on Tuesday that since freedom is a mirage, people have no good reason not to comply with endless government commands. Unfortunately, punitive panaceas are increasingly popular among both politicians and pundits. Krugman breezily expunges years of Supreme Court rulings to remove any impediment to forcibly injecting a hundred...

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Call the COVID Hysteria What It Is

Call the COVID Hysteria What It Is

Do you know what one of the most common psychological torture tactics is? Isolation. Other common tactics of psychological torture, according to the Center for the Study of Human Rights in the Americas at the University of California, Davis, include indefinite detention and a sense of futility. Threats of death are also a common tactic psychological torturers use. So is degradation and sensory deprivation. Torture is defined as “the deliberate, systematic, or wanton infliction of physical or...

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Washington’s Terrorist Friends: Prominent Americans Continue to Support a Murderous Cult

Washington’s Terrorist Friends: Prominent Americans Continue to Support a Murderous Cult

One might ask if Washington’s obsession with terrorism includes supporting radical armed groups as long as they are politically useful in attacking countries that the US regards as enemies? It is widely known that the American CIA worked with Saudi Arabia to create al-Qaeda to attack the Russians in Afghanistan and the same my-enemy’s-enemy thinking appears to drive the current relationships with radical groups in Syria. Given the fact that Iran continues to be the Biden Administration’s enemy...

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End the Shutdown, Again

End the Shutdown, Again

Sixteen months ago, in March 2020, we argued for an end to government-imposed shutdowns of businesses, schools, churches, restaurants, and events due to the covid virus: The shutdown of the American economy by government decree should end. The lasting and far-reaching harms caused by this authoritarian precedent far outweigh those caused by the COVID-19 virus. The American people—individuals, families, businesses—must decide for themselves how and when to reopen society and return to their...

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Baylor Professor Calls for Prosecution of Criticism of Fauci and Other Scientists as Hate Crime

Baylor Professor Calls for Prosecution of Criticism of Fauci and Other Scientists as Hate Crime

Physicist Richard P. Feynman once said “Religion is a culture of faith; science is a culture of doubt.” Feynman’s statement captures how science depends upon constant questioning and challenging of assumptions. Yet, what is healthy debate to some is criminal dissent to others. Dr. Peter Hotez, a professor of pediatrics and molecular virology at Baylor College of Medicine is calling for federal hate-crime protections to be extended to cover criticism of Dr. Anthony Fauci and other scientists....

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Sen. Rand Paul: Mask mandates and lockdowns from petty tyrants? No, not again. Choose freedom

Sen. Rand Paul: Mask mandates and lockdowns from petty tyrants? No, not again. Choose freedom

Resist. They can’t arrest us all. They can’t keep all your kids home from school. They can’t keep every government building closed – although I’ve got a long list of ones they should.We don’t have to accept the mandates, lockdowns, and harmful policies of the petty tyrants and feckless bureaucrats. We can simply say no, not again. Speaker Nancy Pelosi — you will not arrest or stop me or anyone on my staff from doing our jobs. We have all either had COVID, had the vaccine, or been offered the...

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The Masking of America

The Masking of America

“We should never fully return to our maskless society where only health care providers donned a mask, because judicious use of masks will continue to save lives” (emphasis added). This is not the fringe statement of some obscure crank. It is the view of two doctors at New York’s Mount Sinai School of Medicine, one of the nation’s most prestigious medical schools, writing in a New York Daily News op-ed this spring. Now that the COVID-19 pandemic is retreating, it may seem absurd to propose...

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The Two Americas: Collectivists vs. Individualists

The Two Americas: Collectivists vs. Individualists

CNN just ran an opinion piece with the headline, “Can you do something about stubborn unvaccinated people? Yes, you can.” The New York Times ran a similarly themed opinion piece a few weeks earlier with this headline, “Meet the Four Kinds of People Holding Us Back.” So did The Washington Post — only harsher in tone: “I’m tired of being nice to vaccine refusers,” the writer complained just a few days ago. The message is clear: The unvaccinated are to blame. The oft-unstated message, though, is...

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Peace & Prosperity Blog

Praise for the Ron Paul Institute

Praise for the Ron Paul Institute

In a Monday The Duran article titled “5 real news sites you should read,” Adam Garrie praised, and included in the title-referenced list, the website of the Ron Paul Institute...

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