Who needs congressional approval to start wars? No one, according to Rudy Giuliani. Washington Examiner reports: On CNN Tuesday morning, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani suggested that President Obama should have bombed Syria without congressional...
Neocon Watch
Washington Institute: ‘Let’s Bomb Syria’
by Daniel McAdams | Feb 5, 2014 | Neocon Watch
After the careful and reasoned consideration usually given to foreign affairs by the neocons, the AIPAC-founded Washington Institute for Near Policy (WINEP) has come to a conclusion: we need to bomb Syria. In an article titled, "A New Approach to the Syria Crisis,"...
Jennifer Rubin’s Obsession With An Israeli Attack On Iran
by Chris Rossini | Feb 1, 2014 | Neocon Watch
Neocon commissar, Jennifer Rubin, is one of the loudest voices in calling for Iran to be turned into a parking lot. She doesn’t put all her eggs (i.e., bombs) in one basket either. If the U.S. doesn’t take the lead in the destruction, she has a backup plan: the...
Hardcore Warmongers Beat Up On Samantha Power
by Chris Rossini | Jan 25, 2014 | Neocon Watch
There are neocon warmongers, and “humanitarian” warmongers. They’re virtually the same, with the “humanitarians” presenting a slightly different facade. Hardcore neocon warmongers believe that the U.S. should be attacking at all times. No need to sugarcoat. America is...
Krauthammer Agrees with Paul on Obama’s NSA Reform Speech — Sort Of
by Adam Dick | Jan 19, 2014 | Neocon Watch
Columnist Charles Krauthammer says he agrees with RPI Chairman and Founder Ron Paul — "the ACLU and Ron Paul are right" — that President Barack Obama’s mass spying reform speech Friday is “90-percent smoke and mirrors and very little substantive change.” The catch is...
Charles Krauthammer Demands Sincerity From A War President
by Chris Rossini | Jan 17, 2014 | Neocon Watch
Neocon warmonger Charles Krauthammer is up in arms, furiously attacking President Obama’s sincerity in conducting the war in Afghanistan. Krauthammer starts by quoting the just released book from former Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates: By early 2011, writes former...
Wall Street Journal Peddles Foreign Policy Insanity
by Philip Reboli | Jan 10, 2014 | Neocon Watch
Why is it that the old saying regarding insanity and doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results is so rarely followed by the foreign policy establishment? Gerald Seib’s column in the Wall Street Journal this week does not touch upon the...
Jennifer Rubin: We Won The Iraq War!
by Chris Rossini | Jan 6, 2014 | Neocon Watch
Reality never seems to phase neocon commissar, Jennifer Rubin. Last year marked 10 years since the dreaded US invasion of Iraq, and most of her fellow neocons had the sense to keep a low profile. Even they knew not to draw attention to such an abysmal failure. But not...
Michael Ledeen Wants The U.S. To Be “Omnipresent” and “Omnipotent” Again
by Chris Rossini | Jan 2, 2014 | Neocon Watch
According to Neocon Michael Ledeen, the U.S. had it all prior to the Obama years: American hegemony wasn’t limited to military power, but encompassed the most basic components of the modern world, from Internet and its attendant gadgets and technologies (Microsoft,...
Let’s Not Forget The Neocons Who Cheered The Egyptian Military Into Power
by Chris Rossini | Dec 28, 2013 | Neocon Watch
Earlier this year, the Egyptian military overthrew the democratically elected Mohammed Morsi. Much has happened since the initial violent crackdown on Morsi’s supporters. The Muslim Brotherhood, which has been around some 80 years, has been labeled a “terrorist...
Jennifer Rubin’s Gunboat Diplomacy
by Chris Rossini | Dec 20, 2013 | Neocon Watch
We can all be thankful that Obama doesn’t use neocon commissar Jennifer Rubin as one of his negotiators. Rubin, who almost daily mentions that Israel should “act” (i.e., drop bombs on Iran) is fed up with US negotiations. This is how she sees it: What Obama is doing...
Neocons Flip-Out Over Handshake
by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. | Dec 10, 2013 | Neocon Watch
Of course, if there is one thing we know, neocons are in a constant state of hysteria. And now Obama has sent them further around the bend by shaking hands with Raoul Castro at the Mandela funeral. Good for Obama, and may this presage an end to the vicious, life-long...
Michael Rubin Keeps Pushing For ‘Regime Change’ In Iran
by Chris Rossini | Dec 10, 2013 | Neocon Watch
Neocon Michael Rubin has been calling for “regime change” in Iran for many years. In other words, letting people on the other side of the Earth decide their own fate is out of the question. In his eyes, it’s the job of the United States government (using our hard...
Libyan Leaders Give McCain Award, Vote in Sharia Law
by Daniel McAdams | Dec 5, 2013 | Neocon Watch
Senator John McCain is in Libya, where he was "honored" to receive an award from the Libyan military Chief of Staff. McCain was, of course, a prime cheerleader for the 2011 US attack on Libya which has resulted in the ascent to power of various al-Qaeda linked groups...
A Crackpot Psychoanalysis of The Iran Deal
by Chris Rossini | Dec 4, 2013 | Neocon Watch
I’ve read countless neocon interpretations of the P5+1 / Iranian deal, and for the most part, they all rhyme. Neocons are upset and they’re gnashing their teeth across the board. However, one interpretation stood out from the rest. Michael Ledeen wrote a piece that...
Peace Breaks Out…Neocons Weep
by Chris Rossini | Nov 24, 2013 | Neocon Watch
A peaceful agreement has been reached between the P5+1 nations and Iran. As expected, the bomb-dropping idea peddlers are crying like babies: Daniel Pipes calls peace a disaster: “Barack Obama has made many foreign policy errors in the past five years, but this is the...
William Kristol: Israel-Hater
by Daniel McAdams | Nov 23, 2013 | Neocon Watch
Not feeling at all chastened over his role in pushing the US into war in Iraq based on his lies and those of his neoconservative allies, William Kristol has now taken to the pages of his Weekly Standard to peddle more lies to push Israel into a war of its own....
Neocon Senators Seek To Tighten The Iranian Noose
by Chris Rossini | Nov 21, 2013 | Neocon Watch
The Daily Beast reports: Defying the wishes of President Obama, six Republican senators Tuesday proposed an amendment to a defense spending bill that would introduce a new round of sanctions on Iran on the eve of diplomatic talks the president hopes will end Iran’s...
Victor Davis Hanson’s Magical Mystery Tour
by Chris Rossini | Nov 15, 2013 | Neocon Watch
Victor Davis Hanson, the neocons' favorite historian, goes off on a wild ride that would surely make for good copy in government schoolbooks: The United States has ridden — and tamed — the wild global tiger since the end of World War II. The frantic ride has been...
Jennifer Rubin Botches Ron Paul’s Position on Israel
by Chris Rossini | Nov 14, 2013 | Neocon Watch
Neocon commissar, Jennifer Rubin, writes: You see, just about every pol except [Rand] Paul’s father would say Israel is a great friend, and we need to stand by our closest ally in the region. Before we get to the big error, let’s knock out the initial sloppiness...
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