Neocon Watch

Anne Applebaum Hates Your Opinion

Anne Applebaum Hates Your Opinion

Neoconservative newspaper columnist Anne Applebaum is angry and upset. In the days when print was king, she could dash off her pro-war opinions and never have to worry about the common people taking apart her arguments. In those days only a very few would be dedicated...

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Michele Bachmann Goes Berserk!

Michele Bachmann Goes Berserk!

Michele Bachmann throws the blanket over all Muslims saying: Yes, Mr. President, it is about Islam! And I believe if you have an evil of an order of this magnitude, you take it seriously. You declare war on it, you don’t dance around it. Just like the Islamic State...

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Max Boots On The Ground

Max Boots On The Ground

The neocons have a jackboot in the door and they are commencing to kick it in. After they relentlessly hectored President Obama for last week admitting he does not have a strategy to deal with ISIS, the president this week decided to triangulate. Not a single US boot...

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Max Boot Greases The Wheels of Empire

Max Boot Greases The Wheels of Empire

Max Boot lays it on pretty thick here: America’s brave troopers today fight for freedom in Afghanistan, Iraq and beyond, all the while yearning, as FDR said, “for the end of battle” when they can return home. They are not there to seize natural resources or to pump up...

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Krauthammer: Arm The Kurds!

Krauthammer: Arm The Kurds!

While Senator John McCain is busy calling President Obama a sissy, with his “pinprick” airstrikes in Iraq, his neocon comrade Charles Krauthammer offers up the following idea: The only thing that will make a difference is boots on the ground. Kurdish boots! Nobody’s...

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So Long, Rep. Eric Cantor

So Long, Rep. Eric Cantor

Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA), who is in his seventh term in the United States House of Representatives and fourth year as House Republican majority leader, lost his primary race for reelection on Tuesday. That means Cantor will be out of the House when a new Congress...

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