Neocon Watch

Biden’s Cuban Missile Crisis

Biden’s Cuban Missile Crisis

Joe Biden's perverse legacy, if that term even applies anymore, may well be determined in the coming weeks by his handling of events in Ukraine. He can improve it by showing restraint against the relentless neoconservative chorus. One wonders what the results of...

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CATO Hires a Neocon Bigot

CATO Hires a Neocon Bigot

Neocon stench is not confined to the sweaty flatulence of Bill Kristol's writing chambers. Yes it's true that neocons at AEI and Brookings and Heritage and The Free Bacon, etc are all to be expected. It's like going to the zoo and looking into the chimp...

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Trump (Finally) Hires Neocon Slayer

Trump (Finally) Hires Neocon Slayer

In what may go down in history as a tragic example of "a day late and a dollar short," President Trump today named US combat veteran Col. Douglas Macgregor to be senior advisor to acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller. Trump's recently-fired Defense Secretary...

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