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Welcome to World War Three

Welcome to World War Three

The Biden Administration and its national security state controllers are determined to escalate the conflict in Ukraine. In addition to sending billions of dollars worth of armaments and munitions to a coup regime dependent on the brutality of neo-Nazi battalions, on...

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NATO has Blinked First

NATO has Blinked First

It is rare to hear politicians mention God but even rarer to hear them mentioning Satan. Yet the Russian president did both in a solemn speech in the Kremlin on 30 September. He described as ‘pure Satanism’ the ‘anti-religion’ which, he said, now grips the West and...

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How To Defeat Putin

How To Defeat Putin

I know how to stop Vladimir Putin once and for all. I here offer my strategic wizardry to the western empire free of charge. Before I reveal my unstoppable plan, we must first understand that the Associated Press has just informed us that it is a “baseless conspiracy...

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The Americans Did It

The Americans Did It

In his remarkable book, The Psychology of Totalitarianism, the Flemish psychologist Mathias Desmet explains how collective psychosis can cause people to lose their critical faculties. He cites a famous experiment in which a person can be made to say that one line on a...

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Zelenskyy’s $13 Billion OCD Problem

Zelenskyy’s $13 Billion OCD Problem

During an interview on the corporate media “Face the Nation” program, the “president” of the fake nation Ukraine, revealed how much of your money is being shoveled into the coffers of oligarchs infamous for theft and forming neo-Nazi paramilitaries. “The United States...

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What a Coincidence!

What a Coincidence!

On the very day the world learns about the sabotage of Russia’s Nordstream 1 and Nordstream 2, guess what else happened? Well, Ukrainians from the Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporhyzhia and Kherson oblasts voted in overwhelming numbers to become Russians. While that is a game...

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