The EU has a GDP of $17 trillion—-a figure approximately 9X that of Russia. If there is any one over there who actually believes that Putin is about to mobilize his troops on a reverse of Hitler’s march through the Ukraine and back into central Europe, let them make...
Featured Articles
Just Shoot: The Mindset Responsible for Turning Search Warrants into Death Warrants, and SWAT Teams into Death Squads
by John W. Whitehead | Jun 2, 2014 | Featured Articles
“A government which will turn its tanks upon its people, for any reason, is a government with a taste of blood and a thirst for power and must either be smartly rebuked, or blindly obeyed in deadly fear.”—John Salter How many children, old people, and law-abiding...
What Obama Told Us At West Point
by Paul Craig Roberts | Jun 2, 2014 | Featured Articles
At West Point Obama told us, to the applause of West Point cadets, that “American exceptionalism” is a doctrine that justifies whatever Washington does. If Washington violates domestic and international law by torturing “detainees” or violates the Nuremberg standard...
Mental Health Screening a Good Way to Decrease Liberty, Poor Way to Increase Security
by Ron Paul | Jun 2, 2014 | Featured Articles
Last week Americans were shocked and saddened by another mass killing, this one near a college campus in California. We all feel deep sympathy for the families of the victims. As usual, many people responded to this shooting by calling for new federal gun control...
Trivial Pursuit: Obama Versus the Interventionists
by Sheldon Richman | May 30, 2014 | Featured Articles
American politics is largely a series of debates over unimportant details. These debates are conducted far above the fundamental level because the supposed contenders share the same premises. Where they disagree is at the level of application, and so the disagreements...
A Middle East Tragedy: Obama’s Syria Policy Disaster
by Going to Tehran | May 30, 2014 | Featured Articles
For over three years, the United States has sought to overthrow Syrian President Bashar al-Assad by supporting an Al Qaeda-infused opposition that Washington either knew or should have known would fail. Yet, in his commencement address at West Point on Wednesday,...
Ukraine Asks for Lend-Lease from US
by Michael S. Rozeff | May 30, 2014 | Featured Articles
The new president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, wants a Lend-Lease agreement with the U.S. government, to focus on military assistance and training. If the US agrees, that inserts the US directly into the war currently being waged between Ukraine and fighters for the...
Boko Haram a Blessing for Imperialism in Africa: U.S. Training Death Squads
by Glen Ford | May 29, 2014 | Featured Articles
Militarily, Africa is fast becoming an American continent. Barack Obama, who has been president for all but the first year of AFRICOM’s existence, has succeeded in integrating U.S. fighting units, bases, training regimens, equipment and financing into the military...
Ukraine and EU Integration… of Popular Revolt against Oligarchs
by Finian Cunningham | May 27, 2014 | Featured Articles
It’s a sweet irony that declared winner of Ukraine’s presidential election, the billionaire "chocolate tycoon" Petro Poroshenko, proclaimed that his electoral victory "showed that people have chosen the path of European Union integration.” Meanwhile, this week the...
Why War Is Inevitable
by Paul Craig Roberts | May 26, 2014 | Featured Articles
Memorial Day is when we commemorate our war dead. Like the Fourth of July, Memorial Day is being turned into a celebration of war.Those who lose family members and dear friends to war don’t want the deaths to have been in vain. Consequently, wars become glorious deeds...
Western Media Coverage of the Ukraine Crisis Is as Distorted as Soviet Propaganda
by Vladimir Golstein | May 26, 2014 | Featured Articles
Growing up in the Soviet Union, I used to approach words like “Voice of America” (Golos Ameriki), BBC, Deutche Welle (Nemetskaia volna) with a certain reverence: they meant hidden, clandestine and therefore precious truth. Truth and news were not found in Pravda or...
The VA Scandal is Just the Tip of the Military Abuse Iceberg
by Ron Paul | May 25, 2014 | Featured Articles
President Obama held a press conference last week to express his outrage over reports that the Veterans Administration was routinely delaying treatment to veterans, with some veterans even dying while on alleged secret waiting lists. The president said that, “if these...
No Water For You: Obama Administration Moves To Cut Off Water To Pot Growers In Washington and Oregon
by Jonathan Turley | May 24, 2014 | Featured Articles
For months, the Obama Administration has been dealing with the growing revolt among the states over federal marijuana laws. Twenty states and the District of Columbia legalized medical marijuana use over the opposition of the federal government and medical use. Two...
The Great Western Gas Fiasco
by Eric Margolis | May 24, 2014 | Featured Articles
Russia’s leader Vladimir Putin usually wears a perfect poker face. But last week in Shangahi, the icy-cold Russian president came awfully close to bursting into a big grin.And why not? Putin had just stolen a march on his western rivals. The US-British attempt to...
The War on America’s Military Veterans, Waged with SWAT Teams, Surveillance and Neglect
by John W. Whitehead | May 23, 2014 | Featured Articles
“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” —John F. Kennedy Just in time for Memorial Day, we’re once again being treated to a generous serving of praise and grandstanding by...
Kudos to Ecuador’s President Correa
by Jacob G. Hornberger | May 22, 2014 | Featured Articles
Good for Ecuador’s President Rafael Correa for kicking USAID out of his country. If only every nation in the world would do that. While part of USAID’s activities ostensibly relate to helping “the poor,” that’s just a cover to disguise the real mission of the agency:...
The Sino-Russian Hydrocarbon Axis Grows Up
by Going to Tehran | May 22, 2014 | Featured Articles
Eight years ago, in the pages of The National Interest, Flynt Leverett and Pierre Noël identified a “new axis of oil”—a “shifting coalition of both energy exporting and energy importing states centered in ongoing Sino-Russian collaboration”—that was emerging as an...
Just Imagine… If Russia Had Toppled the Canadian Government
by Neil Clark | May 21, 2014 | Featured Articles
Just imagine if the democratically-elected government of Canada had been toppled in a Russian-financed coup, in which far-right extremists and neo-Nazis played a prominent role. That the new unelected 'government' in Ottawa cancelled the law giving the French language...
Militarist Bunkum: July 4 and the Lies of the Empire
by Paul Craig Roberts | May 19, 2014 | Featured Articles
Did you know that 85 to 90 percent of war’s casualties are non-combatant civilians? That is the conclusion reached by a nine-person research team in the June 2014 issue of the American Journal of Public Health. The deaths of soldiers who are fighting the war are a...
The Chicoms Are Coming! Reflections On The Folly Of The War On Vietnam And Its Progeny
by David Stockman | May 19, 2014 | Featured Articles
Vietnam riots: China ships to evacuate workersBack in the spring of 1968 I also got an invitation to evacuate. It was from Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara, suggesting I evacuate my cushy life as a student in East Lansing, Michigan to join his crusade to stop the...
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