Why do we hear only of the “humanitarian crisis in Aleppo” and not of the humanitarian crisis everywhere else in Syria where the evil that rules in Washington has unleashed its ISIS mercenaries to slaughter the Syrian people? Why do we not hear about the humanitarian...
Featured Articles
WikiLeaks: The Two Faces of Hillary Clinton on Syria
by Sharmine Narwani | Oct 15, 2016 | Featured Articles
“People don’t trust Hillary Clinton, and no one can agree on why,” begins a sympathetic piece on the Democratic Party presidential candidate in Fast Company last July. In a CNN poll that same month, only 30 percent of Americans believed Clinton to be “honest and...
Russia-US Relations: Inevitable Clash?
by Daniel McAdams | Oct 14, 2016 | Featured Articles
Are cooler heads really in charge on both sides, or is the United States and Russia heading for a real clash over Syria? Ron Paul Institute Board Member Mark Almond joins RT's Crosstalk to explain why, as in the run up to World War I, we should look closely at how the...
West is Gunning for Russian Media Ban
by Finian Cunningham | Oct 14, 2016 | Featured Articles
It would be monumental, but Western states seem to be moving, ineluctably, towards banning Russian news media channels from satellite platforms and the internet. That outcome – albeit with enormous ethical and political implications – seems to be a logical conclusion...
DOJ Drops Charges Against Arms Dealer – Why?
by Daniel McAdams | Oct 13, 2016 | Featured Articles
Why did the Justice Department suddenly drop charges against arms dealer Marc Turi, who said he was shipping weapons to "rebels" in Libya via other US allies in the Gulf? The government said he broke the arms control export laws, Turi insisted he was acting on...
Prepare Yourself for Blowback From Yemen
by Jacob G. Hornberger | Oct 13, 2016 | Featured Articles
If there is another terrorist attack on US soil, this time because of the death and destruction that the US government is wreaking in Yemen, I can already hear the laments and complaints of statist-Americans: “Oh my gosh, another terrorist attack against us! Why do...
The Imperial President’s Toolbox of Terror: A Dictatorship Waiting to Happen
by John W. Whitehead | Oct 12, 2016 | Featured Articles
Presidents don’t give up power. Executive orders don’t expire at the end of each presidential term. And every successive occupant of the Oval Office since George Washington, who issued the first executive order, has expanded the reach and power of the presidency. The...
The Legacy of United States Interventionism
by Philip Giraldi | Oct 11, 2016 | Featured Articles
The following in an edited version of a paper I presented two weeks ago in a debate on the topic “When should the US use force abroad and what lessons should we learn from America’s use of force in Iraq and how should those lessons inform decisions on future military...
Enough Sabre Rattling Already!
by David Stockman | Oct 11, 2016 | Featured Articles
Folks, this is starting to sound pretty ominous. The Washington War Party is coming unhinged and appears to be leaving no stone unturned when it comes to provoking Putin's Russia and numerous others. The recent collapse of cooperation in Syria----based on the false...
Kerry’s Anger as Assad Poised to Win; the US Still Serves Israel and Saudi Arabia
by Michael S. Rozeff | Oct 10, 2016 | Featured Articles
The headline reads “John Kerry calls for war crimes investigation of Russia and Syria over Aleppo attacks”. John Kerry is angry that the Syrian army is about to take eastern Aleppo. He’s angry because the US has no viable force to stop this. He’s angry because Assad...
A Government is Seizing Control of Our Election Process, and It Is Not the Russians
by Peter van Buren | Oct 10, 2016 | Featured Articles
There is an attempt underway for a government to take control of our election process and throw the election to Hillary Clinton. It is not the Russian government. Mark this day — it is when we came to understand that the American government decided to elect a...

Fifteen Years Into the Afghan War, Do Americans Know the Truth?
by Ron Paul | Oct 9, 2016 | Featured Articles
Last week marked the fifteenth anniversary of the US invasion of Afghanistan, the longest war in US history. There weren’t any victory parades or photo-ops with Afghanistan’s post-liberation leaders. That is because the war is ongoing. In fact, 15 years after...
Obama’s Syria Policy and the Illusion of US Power in the Middle East
by Gareth Porter | Oct 9, 2016 | Featured Articles
With the collapse of the US-Russian ceasefire agreement and the resumption and escalation of the massive Russian bombing campaign in Aleppo, the frustration of hawks in Washington over the failure of the Obama administration to use American military power in Syria has...
A Sandy Beach and Constitutional Political Economy
by Robert Higgs | Oct 8, 2016 | Featured Articles
I normally walk my dogs twice each day along the beach, which gives me an opportunity to ponder, among other things, issues in constitutional political economy. My late friend James Buchanan, one of the deepest thinkers in political economy during the past century,...
America’s Longest War Gets Longer
by Eric Margolis | Oct 8, 2016 | Featured Articles
Fifteen years ago this week, the US launched the longest war in its history: the invasion and occupation of remote Afghanistan. Neighboring Pakistan was forced to facilitate the American invasion or “be bombed back to the stone age." America was furious after the...
Why Snowden the Movie Matters
by Peter van Buren | Oct 7, 2016 | Featured Articles
I’ve reviewed Oliver Stone’s movie Snowden elsewhere, and it’s well worth seeing just as a movie. But of course the issues brought up by Snowden the man, and Snowden the movie, are more complex than fit into two hours. I had this hit home in a recent discussion with a...
Syria — What Cost ‘Victory’?
by Graham E. Fuller | Oct 6, 2016 | Featured Articles
A deep contradiction lies at the heart of US policy towards the present horrifying conflict in Syria. Which is better? To now reluctantly accept continuation of Bashar al- Assad in power in Damascus for the foreseeable future, thereby hastening the end of the war and...
Destroying Syria: A Joint Criminal Enterprise
by Diana Johnstone | Oct 5, 2016 | Featured Articles
Everyone claims to want to end the war in Syria and restore peace to the Middle East. Well, almost everyone. “This is a playoff situation in which you need both teams to lose, but at least you don’t want one to win — we’ll settle for a tie,” said Alon Pinkas, a former...
CNN Celebrates Iraqi Housewife Who Beheaded and Then Cooked the Skulls of ISIS fighters
by Peter van Buren | Oct 4, 2016 | Featured Articles
When Islamic State beheads someone it is terrorism. When an Iraqi housewife beheads an ISIS fighter and cooks his skull, it is freedom. That is the CNN doctrine. CNN reports the story of 39-year-old Wahida Mohamed aka Um Hanadi, an Iraqi woman who supposedly leads a...
Inside the Shadowy PR Firm That’s Lobbying for Regime Change in Syria
by Max Blumenthal | Oct 4, 2016 | Featured Articles
On September 30, demonstrators gathered in city squares across the West for a "weekend of action” to “stop the bombs” raining down from Syrian government and Russian warplanes on rebel-held eastern Aleppo. Thousands joined the protests, holding signs that read "Topple...
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