
The Emperor’s New Clothes

The Emperor’s New Clothes

Just as a fictional emperor paid his tailors a fortune for clothes that no one could see, and then marched naked in a grand public procession while his subjects roared with laughter, so, too, is President Joe Biden attempting to march clothed with the Constitution he...

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Killing the Messenger

Killing the Messenger

This article first appeared in an update to RPI subscribers. Subscribe for free here. One call from the White House or State Department could have saved California-born journalist Gonzalo Lira's life. Living in Ukraine-controlled Kharkov (to be close to his children),...

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Biden’s war on Gaza

Dangerous embrace – when Joe Biden bear-hugged Benjamin Netanyahu, he embraced the Zionist agenda and all its deadly consequences. No matter how the American administration wants to parse its role in Israel’s war on Gaza, the US is ultimately accountable for Israel’s...

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