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Five Steps to Save Free Speech on Twitter: A Musk Roadmap

Five Steps to Save Free Speech on Twitter: A Musk Roadmap

According to reports, Elon Musk is now expected to take over as the temporary CEO of Twitter as soon as his financing of the purchase is finalized. It is good news because buying Twitter may prove a mere skirmish in comparison to the coming battle. Political forces in the United States and abroad are already aligning to resist his effort to restore free speech to social media. If history has shown one thing, it is that it is easier to lose rights than to regain them. Musk has a product in...

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US Officials Say US Intelligence Is Helping Ukraine Kill Russian Generals

US Officials Say US Intelligence Is Helping Ukraine Kill Russian Generals

According to a report from The New York Times citing unnamed senior US officials, intelligence provided by the US on Russian military units has helped Ukraine target and kill Russian generals. Ukraine has claimed to have killed 12 Russian generals, but the number is not confirmed, and Kyiv has an interest in exaggerating its success on the battlefield, and the officials wouldn’t specify how many Russian officers were killed as a result of the assistance. But either way, the claim by US...

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The Return to the Good Old Days of Ignoring CDC Recommendations

The Return to the Good Old Days of Ignoring CDC Recommendations

It has been two weeks since a United States district court struck down President Joe Biden’s mandate, imposed through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), that people wear masks when traveling via public transportation, or by taxi or ride-share service, as well as when at related locations, such as airports. After the court decision, most transportation companies and locations have been quick to make clear that people are free to leave their faces uncovered. Many people have...

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Sleepy Joe’s $33 Billion Abomination

Sleepy Joe’s $33 Billion Abomination

Donald Trump has been well relegated to the sidelines of America’s political debate, but the TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) lives on, more virulent than ever. The latter is what’s behind Washington’s descent into the current mindless Ukraine war fever—an outbreak of irrationality that makes even the post-9/11 hysteria seem like an orderly discourse. At the center of this madness, of course, is Vladimir Putin, the Devil Incarnate. Prior to February 24th he had attained that designation in...

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Why Social Issues Dominate

Why Social Issues Dominate

Inflation in the US is at forty-year highs, while interest rates on ten-year Treasury notes just hit 3 percent—signaling trouble for home buyers. Truck drivers pay more than $1,000 to fill their rigs with $5 per gallon diesel to deliver your increasingly expensive groceries and Amazon packages. Crime and homelessness skyrocket in large cities, exacerbated by virulent opioids like fentanyl and krokodil. And America’s proxy war with Russia in Ukraine gives rise to the most serious threats of...

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Biden Visits Lockheed: 'Make More Javelins For Ukraine!'

President Biden visited a Lockheed-Martin weapons manufacturing plant yesterday, praising the workers and demanding Congress hand him $33 billion MORE to send to Ukraine. It's all about jobs, Biden said. Meanwhile, Russia has warned that NATO transports inside Ukraine delivering weapons are legitimate military targets. What could go wrong? Also today: According to a new poll, Americans aren't buying the "Putin's price hike" explanation for inflation. Today on the Liberty Report:

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Biden's Brzezinski Plan for Russia

Biden's Brzezinski Plan for Russia

(This is a shortened version of a Ron Paul Institute free update. Subscribe here) A few reflections about the current status of the US/Russia war. Yes, I wrote it: US/Russia war. Let's call things what they really are. In fact, this is no conspiracy theory at all. The true goal of US policy in the region was revealed this past week by none other than US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, when he clarified that the aim wasn't really to help plucky upstart Ukraine recover its "democracy," but...

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Weaponizing the Current Thing: Biden's Ministry of Truth & its Origins

Weaponizing the Current Thing: Biden's Ministry of Truth & its Origins

What has the Department of Homeland Security’s Disinformation Governance Board — or rather, the Biden Administration’s Ministry Of Truth — been up to since its founding?  Nobody really knows, but the timeline of its creation coincides with increasingly disturbing activities launched within Homeland Security to target not Russians, but American citizens. Far from targeting foreign disinformation or anything of the sort, the activities of DHS have increasingly focused on targeting and...

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This Time, NATO Better Take Putin’s Ukraine Warnings Seriously

This Time, NATO Better Take Putin’s Ukraine Warnings Seriously

In one of the great foreign policy blunders of modern times, US and European leaders repeatedly disregarded Vladimir Putin’s warnings that Russia would never tolerate Ukraine becoming a NATO military asset. Because of resistance from the French and German governments (which had as much to do with Ukraine’s chronic corruption as with concerns about Russia’s reaction), the Alliance delayed offering Kyiv a Membership Action Plan – an essential step toward membership. Nevertheless, at the 2008...

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End the Culture War. Separate School and State.

End the Culture War. Separate School and State.

A Florida bill restricting classroom instruction regarding sexuality in kindergarten through third grade has become the latest culture war skirmish.Supporters of the bill say government schools have no business being involved in this type of instruction with young students. They make a good point. The use of government power to indoctrinate children in certain political and social beliefs — regardless of the wishes of parents — is a major problem.While the instruction at issue in Florida is...

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Western Civilization Is Being Organized Around Winning US Infowars

Western Civilization Is Being Organized Around Winning US Infowars

The US-centralized empire’s use of propaganda, censorship and Silicon Valley algorithm manipulationis the single most urgent issue of our time, because it’s what prevents attention from being drawn to all other issues. And all signs indicate it’s set to get much, much worse.I feel the need to reiterate once again that the censorship we’re seeing about Ukraine is of a whole new kind than anything we’ve seen before. There’s no pretense that it’s done to save lives or protect democracy this time...

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Iraqis’ Oil Did Not Pay for Rebuilding Iraq; Russians’ Yachts Will Not Pay for the US War on Russia.

Iraqis’ Oil Did Not Pay for Rebuilding Iraq; Russians’ Yachts Will Not Pay for the US War on Russia.

In March of 2003, as the United States military prepared for its imminent invasion of Iraq, Paul Wolfowitz suggested to US Congress members that the US would not foot the bill for rebuilding Iraq after the devastation the US invasion would bring to the country. Wolfowitz, who was then deputy secretary of defense, assured Congress members that Iraq, through its oil revenue, could pay for its own reconstruction. Reality turned out much different. As Krishnadev Calamur wrote at The Atlantic in...

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The Sweet Sound of Censorship: The Biden Administration Seeks the Perfect Pitch for Disinformation Governance

The Sweet Sound of Censorship: The Biden Administration Seeks the Perfect Pitch for Disinformation Governance

Many politicians and pundits are in full panic over Elon Musk’s threat to restore free speech values to Twitter. While Hillary Clinton has called upon Europeans to step in to maintain such censorship and Barack Obama has called for US regulations, the Biden Administration has created a new Disinformation Governance Board in the Department of Homeland Security. It appointed an executive director, Nina Jankowicz, who is literally pitch perfect as an advocate for both corporate and state...

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Will Putin Submit to US-Imposed 'Weakening'?

Will Putin Submit to US-Imposed 'Weakening'?

"Once war is forced upon us, there is no alternative than to apply every available means to bring it to a swift end. War's very object is victory -- not prolonged indecision." So said Gen. Douglas MacArthur in his April 1951 address to Congress after being fired by President Harry Truman as commander in chief in the Korean War. And what is now America's goal with our massive infusion into the Ukraine war of new and heavier NATO weapons? Said Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on his return from a...

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Biden's Mammoth $33BN Ukraine Package Includes Help With Wartime Propaganda

Biden's Mammoth $33BN Ukraine Package Includes Help With Wartime Propaganda

Politico's Christopher Miller noted earlier that the record-smashing $33 billion spending package that the White House is proposing for Ukraine actually "dwarfs the annual defense budgets of most nations." To which we naturally asked: how many billions of dollars does it take to turn a 'proxy' war into a 'direct conflict'? For starters it's clear that such a massive amount of taxpayer money means that Washington clearly doesn't expect that the war will end anytime soon, as multiple US defense...

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$4 Billion and Counting: the DC War Machine Feasts on Ukraine

$4 Billion and Counting: the DC War Machine Feasts on Ukraine

After going a full administration without a new war to fill their coffers, the D.C. defense industry has finally found their next big prize. After dismissing the prospect of diplomacy between Ukraine and Russia, the Biden Administration continues to flood Ukraine with an endless supply of military hardware, while using extraconstitutional means to perpetually lengthen the size and scope of America’s involvement in the Russia-Ukraine war. Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson had their...

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