Featured Articles

Everybody’s Guilty: To the Police State, We’re All Criminals Until We Prove Otherwise

Everybody’s Guilty: To the Police State, We’re All Criminals Until We Prove Otherwise

The burden of proof has been reversed. No longer are we presumed innocent. Now we’re presumed guilty unless we can prove our innocence beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law. Rarely, are we even given the opportunity to do so. Although the Constitution requires the government to provide solid proof of criminal activity before it can deprive a citizen of life or liberty, the government has turned that fundamental assurance of due process on its head. Each and every one of us is now seen as...

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Western Military Analysts, Including the CIA, Dazed And Confused

Western Military Analysts, Including the CIA, Dazed And Confused

Are we witnessing the consequences of legalized marijuana causing contact highs among the intelligence community that surrounds Washington, DC? How else to explain the parade of political and military analysts now seized with angst over the growing gulf between what they claimed would happen to Russia in Ukraine and the stark reality. Hell, even the CIA is trying to figure out what went wrong with its analysis and is still getting it wrong. Remarkable. The problem with the CIA is simple–when...

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Joe Biden’s Political Future in Europe

Joe Biden’s Political Future in Europe

President Joe Biden’s popularity among American voters has been in descent since he took the oath of office in January of 2021. Indeed, by May 25 of this year, Biden’s approval rating, as related by Paul Bedard in a Washington Examiner editorial, had fallen below that of every president back through Harry Truman at that point in their presidencies. And Biden’s approval rating has continued to drop since then. What is Biden to do? From within his Democratic Party, the message is increasingly...

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The Federal Bureau of Tweets: Twitter is Hiring an Alarming Number of FBI Agents

The Federal Bureau of Tweets: Twitter is Hiring an Alarming Number of FBI Agents

Twitter has been on a recruitment drive of late, hiring a host of former feds and spies. Studying a number of employment and recruitment websites, MintPress has ascertained that the social media giant has, in recent years, recruited dozens of individuals from the national security state to work in the fields of security, trust, safety and content. Chief amongst these is the Federal Bureau of Investigations. The FBI is generally known as a domestic security and intelligence force. However, it...

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Anatomy of a Police State

Anatomy of a Police State

Get your tickets here!For the entire 21st Century the United States has been at war. War on terror. War for "democracy." Russiagate. New Cold War. War on Covid. Information war. War on privacy. War on free expression. War on dignity. War on us. War is the health of the state. War breeds tyranny. Don't question the president. Don't question the "leaders." Don't question the "experts." Don't question the "science." Don't question the demands to sacrifice liberty for safety. Don't question the...

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What’s So Great About Democracy?

What’s So Great About Democracy?

At the recent Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles, President Biden refused to permit Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua to attend because they aren’t democracies. As everyone knows, for the past several decades, the US government has made democracy its shibboleth. It’s as if democracy is something sacred. Yet, what’s so great about democracy? It’s really nothing more than people selecting their rulers by votes rather than rulers selecting themselves. What’s so sacred about voters? US officials...

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Boston University Professor: Second Amendment is Based on 'Freedom to Enslave'

Boston University Professor: Second Amendment is Based on 'Freedom to Enslave'

As we wait for the release of the most significant Second Amendment case in over a decade from the Supreme Court (as early as tomorrow), CBS featured Ibram X. Kendi on Face the Nation on gun rights. Host Margaret Brennan discussed with the Boston University professor the “freedom to enslave” was linked to the “freedom to have guns.” There was no push back on that controversial claim or the underlying suggestion that gun ownership is largely a white impulse or practice. Kendi is the director of...

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Biden's Gas Tax Holiday – Spitting In The Wind?

President Biden is set to announce a temporary suspension of the federal gasoline tax in the face of record gas prices in the US. However, with gas prices around five dollars per gallon, the 18 cents per gallon savings equals about two dollars per tank savings. Is this a band-aid on a gushing wound? Also today, only 11 percent of Americans buy the "Putin price hike" rhetoric. And...Congress expands US economic war on China with new import ban. Today on the Liberty Report:

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Explain It to Me, Please

Explain It to Me, Please

So Honest Joe Biden is now going to give another $1.2 billion to the Ukrainians on top of the sixty or so billion that is already in the pipeline, but who’s counting, particularly as Congress refused to approve having an inspector general to monitor whose pockets will be lined. The money will be printed up without any collateral or “borrowed” and the American taxpayer will somehow have to bear the burden of this latest folly that is ipso facto driving much of the world into recession. And it...

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We Can All Be Evil and the Germans Were Nothing Special

We Can All Be Evil and the Germans Were Nothing Special

For more than two years, the world has been swept up in covid mania. Ordinary people of almost every nationality have accepted the covid ‘story’, applauding as strong men and women have assumed dictatorial powers, suspended normal human rights and political processes, pretended that covid deaths were the only ones that mattered, closed schools, closed businesses, prevented people from earning livelihoods, and caused mass misery, poverty, and starvation. The more these strong men and women did...

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Federal Reserve’s Rate Increases: Too Little Too Late?

Federal Reserve’s Rate Increases: Too Little Too Late?

The Federal Reserve’s recent 0.75 percent increase in its “benchmark” interest rate is the Fed’s highest rate increase since 1994. This increase is a sign that the Fed has finally realized that price inflation is more persistent and widespread than the Fed initially believed.Stocks have fallen much lately. This is in part because of fears rate hikes will push the economy into recession. The Fed itself seems to believe that the economy is going to slow down in the near future, as it has reduced...

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Some Hard Thoughts About Post Ukraine

Some Hard Thoughts About Post Ukraine

The war in Ukraine has dragged on long enough now to reveal certain clear trajectories. First, two fundamental realities: 1) Putin is to be condemned for launching this war– as is virtually any leader who launches any war. Putin can be termed a war criminal–in good company with George W. Bush who has killed vastly greater numbers than Putin. 2) secondary condemnation belongs to the US (NATO) in deliberately provoking a war with Russia by implacably pushing its hostile military organization,...

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Assange Should Put the Pentagon and the CIA on Trial

Assange Should Put the Pentagon and the CIA on Trial

With the recent decision by British Home Secretary Priti Patel to approve the extradition of Julian Assange to the United States, it is now a virtual certainty that Assange will soon be brought to the US for trial. Let’s hope that he uses the opportunity to put the Pentagon and the CIA on trial. Yes, I know that whichever federal judge is appointed to preside over the trial will do his best to not permit that to happen, but what’s wrong with a little civil disobedience in what will inevitably...

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When The Lies Come Home

When The Lies Come Home

Diogenes, one of the ancient world’s illustrious philosophers, believed that lies were the currency of politics, and those lies were the ones he sought to expose and debase. To make his point, Diogenes occasionally carried a lit lantern through the streets of Athens in the daylight. If asked why, Diogenes would say he was searching for an honest man. Finding an honest man today in Washington, D.C., is equally challenging. Diogenes would need a Xenon Searchlight in each hand. Still, there are...

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The UK's Decision to Extradite Assange Shows Why The US/UK's Freedom Lectures Are a Farce

The UK's Decision to Extradite Assange Shows Why The US/UK's Freedom Lectures Are a Farce

The eleven-year persecution of Julian Assange was extended and escalated on Friday morning. The British Home Secretary, Priti Patel, approved the US's extradition request to send Julian Assange to Virginia to stand trial on eighteen felony charges under the 1917 Espionage Act and other statutes in connection with the 2010 publication by WikiLeaks of thousands of documents showing widespread corruption, deceit, and war crimes by American and British authorities along with their close...

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An Endless Stream of Scary Official Enemies

An Endless Stream of Scary Official Enemies

Any government that is a national-security state needs big official enemies — scary ones, ones that will cause the citizenry to continue supporting not only the continued existence of a national-security state form of government but also ever-growing budgets for it and its army of voracious “defense” contractors. That’s, of course, what the current brouhaha about Russia is all about. It’s really a replay of the Cold War decades, when Americans were made to believe that the Reds were coming to...

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