The speculations about Saudi Arabia climbing down on the regime change project in Syria in tandem with the United States’ diplomatic moves following up the Russian initiative on chemical weapons, can now be laid to rest. So indeed the animated talk in hushed tones in the regional capitals that spy chief Prince Bandar Sultan, who is piloting the Saudi project in Syria might be given the sack by King Abdullah. After carefully weighing the options, the Saudis have apparently decided to press...
Featured Articles
St. Tony Does Tirana…Again
by Daniel McAdams | Oct 9, 2013 | Featured Articles
War has been very good to former British prime minister Tony Blair. He has gone from humble humanitarian interventionist pushing Iraq's "liberation," to a $30 million dollar yearly income and a private $11,000/hr jet plane. What a success story!Of course he knew full well the evidence justifying the Iraq attack was bogus. He simply instructed his spooks to "find the intelligence" to support his decision to go to war. The US, desperate to show a broad international coalition supporting the Bush...
Back From Middle East, US Reps Freak Out About Iran
by Daniel McAdams | Oct 8, 2013 | Congress Alert
As Ron Paul wrote this week in his weekly column (free subscription here), the recent slight thaw in US/Iranian relations is reason for optimism. But, he warned, it should be very cautious optimism. He wrote that the danger from the neocons may even be greater when some progress is made in US/Iran relations: [T]hose pushing for war will not give up that easily...There will be much more war propaganda coming our way as the warmongers get more desperate. Likewise, he wrote that some Members of...
Is Turkey on the Cusp of Rethink on Syria?
by Melkulangara Bhadrakumar | Oct 8, 2013 | Featured Articles
Through the past two-year period of turmoil in Syria, President Bashar Al-Assad has shown himself to be a master tactician who consistently outmaneuvered his regional adversaries. Syria has a tough neighborhood. Al-Assad’s regional adversaries are formidable people in their own ways. But he invariably pre-empted them, staying one step ahead of them, repeatedly forcing them onto the back foot and throwing into disarray their best-laid plots. That’s what makes his latest interview last week...
Transforming America’s Schools into Authoritarian Instruments of Compliance
by John W. Whitehead | Oct 7, 2013 | Featured Articles
“To the degree that we take away play, we deprive children of the ability to practise adulthood, and we create people who will go through life with a sense of dependence and victimisation, a sense that there is some authority out there who is supposed to tell them what to do and solve their problems. That is not a healthy way to live.” – psychologist Peter Gray These days, it is far too easy to rattle off the outrageous examples of zero tolerance policy run amok in our nation’s schools. A...
An Opening to Iran?
by Ron Paul | Oct 6, 2013 | Featured Articles
Last week, for the first time since the 1979 Iranian revolution, the US president spoke with his Iranian counterpart. Their 15 minute telephone call was reported to open the door to further high-level discussions. This is a very important event. I have been saying for years that we should just talk to the Iranians. After all, we talked to the Soviets when they actually had thousands of nuclear missiles pointed at us! The Iranians have none, according to our own intelligence services. I even...
CIA Activities in Syria: Stepped Up Aid to Islamists
by Andrei Akulov | Oct 6, 2013 | Featured Articles
According to the Washington Post (CIA Ramping up Covert Training Program for Moderate Syrian Rebels, Oct.3), the CIA is expanding a clandestine effort to train opposition fighters in Syria, as U.S. officials said. The newspaper reports the CIA’s mission has been defined by the White House’s desire to seek a political settlement, a scenario that relies on an eventual stalemate among the warring factions rather than a clear victor. As a result of this policy, US officials said, limits on the...
Rep. Mike Rogers Threatens Extrajudicial Execution
by Daniel McAdams | Oct 4, 2013 | Neocon Watch
The US State Department every year releases its Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, arrogating to itself the right to judge how the rest of the world measures up to US standards of respect for human rights. One of the key measurements the US uses to determine whether the rest of the world is up to its stated standards of human rights protection is whether the country engages in "extrajudicial executions," i.e. the state killing people without a legal trial. Needless to say, countries...
Libya in Chaos Two Years After NATO's 'Humanitarian Liberation'
by F. William Engdahl | Oct 4, 2013 | Featured Articles
In 2011 when Muhammar Qaddafi refused to leave quietly as ruler of Libya, the Obama Administration, hiding behind the skirts of the French, launched a ferocious bombing campaign and a “No Fly” zone over the country to aid the so-called fighters for democracy. The US lied to Russia and China with help of the (US-friendly) Gulf Cooperation Council about the Security Council Resolution on Libya and used it to illegally justify the war. The doctrine, “responsibility to protect” was used instead,...
What Can Be Learned From the Golden Dawn Arrests?
by Daniel McAdams | Oct 3, 2013 | Featured Articles
Greece's far right Golden Dawn party looks like a rather nasty piece of work. Supporters have been photographed in what appears to be Nazi-esque salutes; its party logo looks suspiciously like a swastika. The party has nonetheless skyrocketed to prominence in Greece in the aftermath of EU-imposed austerity programs, which have bailed out foreign speculators in Greek debt at the expense of the Greek economy. The party, which was formed in the 1980s, came from electoral nowhere to win seven...
Mother Agnes Mariam Attacked…By Human Rights Watch!
by Daniel McAdams | Oct 2, 2013 | Featured Articles
Since when does a human rights organization take to arguing the case for a military attack that will kill scores of innocent civilians? If you are Human Rights Watch, it's all in a day's work. The US regime's favorite "human rights " organization, which once praised the Obama Administration's continuation of its predecessor's torturous CIA "extraordinary rendition" program, pulled out all stops to bolster Obama's claims that the Syrian government was responsible for the August 21st chemical...
Max Boot Deflates
by Chris Rossini | Oct 1, 2013 | Neocon Watch
Let’s go back to the beginning of September, when war fever was sweeping the U.S., and when Nobel Peace Prize winner President Obama was about to attack Syria. The hysterics coming forth from the neocons were a sight to see. They were about to get yet another war. Here was the Grade A propaganda that Max Boot published on the alleged chemical weapons use by Syria’s Assad: The result if the U.S. does nothing: Bashar Assad will get away with the most significant use of chemical weapons since...
Pletka Paralyzed by Prospect of Peace
by Chris Rossini | Sep 30, 2013 | Neocon Watch
Ron Paul has long advocated talking to the Iranians in lieu of another wasteful and dangerous war. Back during the last Presidential campaign Dr. Paul said as follows: “I don’t want them [Iran] to get a weapon. But I think what we’re doing is encouraging them to have a weapon because they feel threatened. If you look at a map of Iran, we have 45 bases around their country, plus our submarines. The Iranians can’t possibly attack anybody, and we’re worrying about the possibility of one nuclear...
Own a Piece of Ron Paul History
by Ron Paul | Sep 30, 2013 | Featured Articles
Going, Going...Gone! Congratulations and a big "thank you" to Jonathan Cole, whose generous donation of $15,100 to the Ron Paul Institute won him a piece of Ron Paul history -- the "green pea"! We will be sure to bring you photos of the handover ceremony with Dr. Paul and Mr. Cole. Thank you to everyone who participated and thank you to all RPI donors.------------------In 1979, when I was headed to DC for my first full term in Congress, I bought a car to keep there. It was a 1979 Chevrolet...
From NSA Spying and VIPR Sweeps to Domestic Drones: A Round-Up of the Police State Programs NOT Affected by a Government Shutdown
by John W. Whitehead | Sep 30, 2013 | Featured Articles
Like clockwork, we’ve ticked back to the annual government shutdown scare that invariably dominates news headlines and sends stocks seesawing for a few scant weeks until, at the very last moment, the nation is miraculously pulled from the brink of disaster. It’s always an entertaining show, with both Republicans and Democrats doing their best to one-up each other with heartbreaking anecdotes about the millions who will suffer in the event of a government shutdown and showy bravado over the...
AFRICOM: The US Pivot to Africa
by Nick Turse | Sep 29, 2013 | Featured Articles
They’re involved in Algeria and Angola, Benin and Botswana, Burkina Faso and Burundi, Cameroon and the Cape Verde Islands. And that’s just the ABCs of the situation. Skip to the end of the alphabet and the story remains the same: Senegal and the Seychelles, Togo and Tunisia, Uganda and Zambia. From north to south, east to west, the Horn of Africa to the Sahel, the heart of the continent to the islands off its coasts, the U.S. military is at work. Base construction, security cooperation...
Inflation Reduction…Or Inflation PRODUCTION?
Birch Gold's Phillip Patrick is again joining today's Liberty Report to discuss the just-passed Inflation Reduction Act, which spends massively on "green" energy and more drug...
Inflation Reduction…Or Inflation PRODUCTION?
Aug 11, 2022
Birch Gold's Phillip Patrick is again joining today's Liberty Report to discuss the just-passed Inflation Reduction Act, which spends massively on "green" energy and more drug...
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