Just when you think that you have heard all of the asinine ideas possible about US involvement in Afghanistan, out comes one that is so hideously ridiculous that you must assume the authors are demented and writing from a well-secured asylum.The quote below comes from...
Michael Scheuer
US Thinking on Arming the Kurds: Complex, Intricate, Nuanced, or Just Plain Stupid?
by Michael Scheuer | May 18, 2017 | Featured Articles
We are halfway through May, 2017, and it seems to be a month that again highlights the dearth of commonsense in the minds of most of those who are responsible for conducting the republic’s foreign and domestic affairs. On this score, one event merits special notice,...
President Trump, with respect, start ruthlessly purging the US general officer corps
by Michael Scheuer | Apr 13, 2017 | Featured Articles
President Trump:Last time we discussed your refusal to abide by the Constitution’s hard-and-fast war-making provision, a decision that merits — as it did for most of your post-1945 predecessors — impeachment proceedings. Waging war in the manner you did in Syria is...
If you have time, Mr. President, Senator Paul can help you learn the Constitution means what it says
by Michael Scheuer | Apr 9, 2017 | Featured Articles
“While we all condemn the atrocities in Syria, the United States was not attacked. The President needs congressional authorization for military action as required by the Constitution, and I call on him to come to Congress for a proper debate. Our prior interventions...
Mr. Trump: Here is a Worthy, Perhaps Final Opportunity to Put America First
by Michael Scheuer | Nov 21, 2016 | Featured Articles
Although Obama’s effort to help Hillary Clinton’s campaign by taking Mosul on the eve of the election failed, there is a good chance that Mosul will fall to the heterogeneous coalition that is attacking it. Be that event in six weeks, six months, or a year, the United...
Mr. Trump, Explain Why America First Must Mean Ending Foreign Aid and Foreign Military Assistance
by Michael Scheuer | May 6, 2016 | Featured Articles
Now that Mr. Trump has vowed that the concept of “America First” will be at the core of his administration’s foreign and domestic policies, he should begin to tell Americans what he intends to do make that pledge a reality and why it needs to be done. He should do...
Islamic State is Winning, America Must Soon Use Its One Remaining Option
by Michael Scheuer | Aug 10, 2015 | Featured Articles
Three of the US national government’s self-imposed and surely lethal handicaps in dealing with the Islamist threat are (a) a fixation on looking at the problem in a state-by-state manner; that is, what do we do in Iraq? what do we do in Afghanistan? what do we do in...
ISIS Makes the British Lion a De-Clawed and Shabby Cat
by Michael Scheuer | Jul 4, 2015 | Featured Articles
The recent and rapid successes of the Islamic State (IS) in seizing Palmyra in Syria and Ramadi in Iraq, together with its three successful same-day strikes on 26 June 2015 in Kuwait, France, and Tunisia seem to have left British Prime Minister David Cameron rather...
Insanity’s Definition is Sending More US Ground Troops to Iraq
by Michael Scheuer | Jun 3, 2015 | Featured Articles
There seems to be great Republican resistance to the idea that their interventions in Iraq and the Muslim world are the main cause of both the mess in Iraq and the growing and increasingly powerful worldwide Islamist movement. To the extent that Hillary Clinton and...
Garland’s Lesson? Democrats, Republicans, and Neocons Bring The Jihad to America
by Michael Scheuer | May 17, 2015 | Featured Articles
Pamela GellerSince 9/11, Americans have been treated to an ongoing tutorial by the self-professed best-and brightest from America’s universities, media, Christian clergy, and national government explaining how American Muslims become radicalized into Islamist...
General Dempsey Errs by Telling The Truth, But Quickly Recants
by Michael Scheuer | Apr 29, 2015 | Featured Articles
During his term as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey has shown a decided inability to differentiate between truth and falsehood when talking to Americans and their congressional representatives, more often than not erring on the side of the...
Obama, Democrats, Republicans, and NATO: Still Playing the Islamists’ Foil
by Michael Scheuer | Aug 21, 2014 | Featured Articles
“But when we err with our eyes wide open and involve ourselves in great tribulations through sheer lack of judgment, then everyone agrees we have no one to blame but ourselves. It follows therefore if a people’s failures are due … to their own folly, then all men of...
Western Democracy-Mongers Prefer War To Admitting a Mistake on Ukraine
by Michael Scheuer | Apr 28, 2014 | Featured Articles
Once again Americans are watching their government involve itself in an issue in which the United States has nothing at stake economically and no genuine national security interest at risk. Ukraine is a place that is worth neither a single American dollar nor more...
For America, Perhaps Now is The Time For Neutrality
by Michael Scheuer | Apr 5, 2014 | Featured Articles
Among the most striking aspects of the current debate over U.S. foreign policy is the almost complete lack of perception among Americans about their country’s actual economic and military capabilities and its international influence. Whether it is Ukraine and Russia,...
Russia Annexing Crimea is the Cost of US/EU intervention in Ukraine
by Michael Scheuer | Mar 13, 2014 | Featured Articles
One wonders how deep a hole the United States and the EU are going to dig for themselves in Ukraine. It was, of course, U.S. and EU leaders — and their media acolytes — who caused the problem we face today by intervening on behalf of self-styled “democrats” in Kiev...
In Ukraine, EU and US Interventionists Nearing the Civil War They Caused
by Michael Scheuer | Feb 23, 2014 | Featured Articles
“The pretext of propagating liberty can make no difference. Every nation has a right to carve out its own happiness in its own way, and it is the height of presumption in another to attempt to fashion its political creed.” -Alex. Hamilton to George Washington, 2 May...
What I Told The Homeland Security Committee
by Michael Scheuer | Nov 7, 2013 | Featured Articles
The material below the dotted line is the written version of my part in a six-member panel’s presentation to the House’s Homeland Security Committee on 9 October 2013. I ran late on 8 October 2013 and so failed to provide the committee’s members with a typed-up...
Obama, Syria, and Interventionism: Ten Questions Worth Pondering
by Michael Scheuer | Sep 10, 2013 | Featured Articles
1) Question: Is it justifiable for America to go to war in Syria to get President Obama out of the box he created for himself by talking about a “red line” in the Syrian civil war, a conflict in which no genuine U.S. national interests are at risk? Answer: No. Obama’s...
As Scandals Deepen, Obama, His Party, and Republicans Will Militarily Intervene in Syria
by Michael Scheuer | May 21, 2013 | The Liberty Report
As three administration-wrecking scandals – Benghazi, the IRS, and the AP phone records – continue to unfold, it will become increasingly clear that President Obama is: (a) stupid; (b) unable to control his felonious subordinates; or (c) a liar and a trimmer. And as...
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