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Why the EU is Also Desperate for Snowden's Capture

Why the EU is Also Desperate for Snowden's Capture

photo: -lucky cat-It’s very revealing and symbolic that President Morales’ plane should have been forced to land in a European Union country after the withdrawal of overflight rights by other EU countries, because this, of course, shows how the European poodle jumps at the American circus master’s command. European governments are very obviously under the thumb of the Americans, they have shown this very blatantly. And the reason why I say it’s symbolic is that the abuses which Snowden has...

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Neocons Delighted With Egypt Chaos

Neocons held no love for Egypt’s deposed President Mohamed Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood, which some felt threatened the US “influence” over Egyptian affairs that is rented with the annual $1.5 billion foreign assistance check. That a democracy was to be undermined by tanks was no big deal to them – it’s all about influence. Charles Krauthammer said: “We have no particular stake in Egypt’s economy. Our stake is in its politics. Yes, we would like to see a strong economy. But in a country...

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Why the EU is Also Desperate for Snowden's Capture

What is Happening in Egypt?

The July 3 move by the Egyptian military to stabilize the country signals the collapse of Obama’s Middle East policy. Washington’s present interventionist regional policy began during the George W. Bush administration and was fatally flawed from the start. The Obama administration simply compounded the mistakes while moving it forward. Vice President Dick Cheney and his neo-con team created a crusade against the Shia branch of Islam targeting Iran, its ally Syria, and Hizbullah in Lebanon. The...

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Neo Con Think Tankers Unite! (To Bash China)

Three days before the recent Xi-Obama Summit, US neocons launched yet another initiative to undermine US-China relations. In a “China threat” themed report, circulated in Washington and on the Internet, neocons called for aggressive actions to contain China. The report was written by an ad hoc advocacy committee called the Asia-Pacific Strategy Working Group. Members of this group belong to such neoconservative think tanks as the American Enterprise Institute and the Foreign Policy Initiative...

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Why the EU is Also Desperate for Snowden's Capture

Obama's Wild Neo Con Dream

It is now clear that the preliminary meeting at Geneva this week of Russia, the United States and the United Nations for setting a date for the Geneva-2 conference on Syria ended inconclusively. The meeting couldn’t agree when the Geneva-2 should be held or who would be invited. A UN statement said that Russian Foreign minister Sergey Lavrov and his US counterpart John Kerry will meet next week and further talks are expected to follow. The United Nations special envoy Lakhdar Brahimi who...

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McCain: ‘Vote For Berlin Wall!’

Sen. John McCain is promoting the so-called immigration bill (S.744) in the United States Senate by emphasizing it will create "the most militarized border since the fall of the Berlin Wall." Apparently, McCain believes this argument will convince other senators to vote for the legislation. The "border-industrial complex" we have been warned about is out in the open.By the way, the militarization for "border security" goes far beyond the immediate border. The American Civil Liberties Union...

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Jeb Presents Hillary Neo Con of the Year Award

Jeb Presents Hillary Neo Con of the Year Award

Neo conservatism does not just cross party lines, it is the party line. Both major US parties share the same foreign policy, which is "humanitarian interventionism," pushing "democracy" at the barrel of a gun, militarized diplomacy, covert and overt support of subversive NGOs overseas, and so on. The trillions of dollars spent to pursue their pipe dreams destroys our economy and makes us hated and resented throughout the world. They are never right. Their every promise is a lie.What a perfect...

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Surprise: Neo Con Calls for Conscription

RPI Board Member Lew Rockwell captures the centralizing, totalitarian nature of the neo-conservatives in his well-landed critique of neocon Michael Gerson's big idea for the day: forced conscription! Because nothing makes an 18 year old love his country like being made a slave to it for a few years!Here's Lew's take, with an excellent proposal at the end: Neocon Totalitarianism A Republican neocon is worried. There is too much Jeffersonianism about these days. Americans are distrusting the...

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Breaking! Rep. Massie to Introduce Bill Blocking Syria Rebel Military Aid

House sources tell RPI that Representative Thomas Massie (R-KY) is preparing to introduce legislation to forbid the president from providing military assistance to any of the combatant groups in the current Syrian conflict. Absent a Congressional declaration of war, the legislation asserts, the president may not expend money appropriated by Congress for the purposes of arming any side in Syria. While not explicitly prohibiting provision of so-called “humanitarian assistance,” which often...

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Major Drug War Expansion on Senate Agenda This Week

The so-called immigration bill the United States Senate is considering this week (S.744) is about much more than immigration laws. As Ted Hesson explains at ABC News, the bill would significantly expand the US Border Patrol's already large role in the US government's war on drugs. Putting the legislation in context, San Antonio Express-News columnist O. Ricardo Pimental advises that the legislation advances what he calls the "growing border-industrial complex," which operates much like the...

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Why the EU is Also Desperate for Snowden's Capture

Why Is No One Listening to the US Government?

photo: See-ming Lee 李思明 SMLThe US government is in panic mode over the apparently successful escape of NSA leaker Ed Snowden from Hong Kong. US government officials are swinging wildly at any target in sight while howling at the disintegrating illusion of US omnipotence. The rest of the world will not do what they demand. They will not hand over Edward Snowden. The injustice!White House Spokesman Jay Carney screams at China: "We are just not buying that this was a technical decision by a Hong...

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Now That Syria Door is Open, Neo Cons Marching In

Now that President Obama has officially opened the Syrian door, neocons are tripping over themselves to pile in and deepen the US commitment. For the neocon warmonger, the toughest battle is getting that initial opening. Neocons have been persistently aggressive during the entirety of the Syrian conflict, and have said whatever was necessary to get Obama to overtly commit. Unfortunately, they’ve once again received their wish. Obama has stated that the U.S. will send “small arms” and...

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Farm Freedom: US House Votes for Pro-Hemp Amendment

The United States House of Representatives voted 225-220 on Thursday to remove the US government prohibition on colleges and universities growing industrial hemp for research purposes in compliance with state laws. The vote was taken on an amendment offered by Rep. Jared Polis and cosponsors Reps. Earl Blumenauer and Thomas Massie during consideration of the farm bill (H.R. 1947). While the farm bill failed to pass in the House, the amendment vote has established majority support in the House...

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Why the EU is Also Desperate for Snowden's Capture

Obama Chooses Intensified but Strategically Useless Violence over Serious Diplomacy in Syria

Last week, Hillary Mann Leverett told Al Jazeera’s Inside Story, see here, that the Obama administration’s recent decision to begin providing direct military aid to Syrian rebels is “a signal to the rest of the world, particularly to…those who are looking to deal with Syria politically, in a negotiated way, that the United States is not serious about that.  The United States is much more serious about ensuring a continued quagmire in Syria, to keep both the Assad government and the rebels...

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Why the EU is Also Desperate for Snowden's Capture

A Tipping Point in Syria Conflict

photo: FreedomHouseThe Guardian newspaper featured on Friday an infinitely sad picture of a Syrian young boy, hardly nine or ten years old, crossing a street holding an old rifle with bayonet. He apparently belongs to the ‘Martyrs of Maaret al-Nuan’ battalion holding control of the southern town of Maaret al-Numan. Child soldiers in a cradle of the Islamic culture and civilization and in one of the most modern societies in the Arab world – this would have been unthinkable. The western powers...

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House Intel Committee’s Sham Hearing on Mass Spying

Today the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence in the United States House of Representatives is holding a hearing designed to cheer the US government's secret mass spying programs. The committee leadership's one-sided agenda is highlighted by the title of this morning's hearing—How Disclosed NSA Programs Protect Americans, and Why Disclosure Aids Our Adversaries—and the hearing's witness list, composed entirely of high-level managers and lawyers in government entities administering the...

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