An unfortunate legacy of the Cold War is the negative attitude some American conservatives yet harbor toward Russia. Conditioned for decades to see Russia and the Soviet Union as synonymous, they still view post-communist Russia as a threat. They forget that Tsarist Russia was the most conservative great power, a bastion of Christian monarchy loathed by revolutionaries, Jacobins, and democrats. Joseph de Maistre was not alone among 19th-century conservatives in finding refuge and hope in...
Featured Articles
Washington Orchestrated Protests Are Destabilizing Ukraine
by Paul Craig Roberts | Feb 13, 2014 | Featured Articles
The protests in the western Ukraine are organized by the CIA, the US State Department, and by Washington — and EU-financed Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that work in conjunction with the CIA and State Department. The purpose of the protests is to overturn the decision by the independent government of Ukraine not to join the EU. The US and EU were initially cooperating in the effort to destroy the independence of Ukraine and make it a subservient entity to the EU government in Brussels....
America and the Arab Awakening: Déjà Vu?
by Going to Tehran | Feb 12, 2014 | Featured Articles
Three years ago, Washington experienced its own dose of “shock and awe” — the PR phrase used to sanitise its brutal invasion of Iraq — when hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of ordinary Arabs took to the streets to demand the overthrow of leaders more interested in Washington’s approval than that of their own peoples. But American policy elites’ professed surprise was primarily a function of their own self-imposed amnesia and delusion. No one in Washington seemed to realise or care that...
Congress Votes to Bring Ukraine to Heel
by Daniel McAdams | Feb 11, 2014 | Congress Alert
Not to be outdone by the hyper-interventionist State Department of John Kerry, Victoria Nuland, and US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt, the US House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly yesterday to jump head first into the Ukraine crisis. By an overwhelming vote of 381-2 the House went on record demanding that the democratically-elected government of Ukraine bow to the demands of protestors in the streets and accede to "the...European aspirations of the people of Ukraine, and their...
Victoria Nuland Comes Clean with Dirty Language
by Finian Cunningham | Feb 11, 2014 | Featured Articles
The leaked private phone conversation between senior US State Department official Victoria Nuland and the American ambassador to Ukraine – in which Nuland is heard to disparage the European Union with a vulgar expletive – comes as a welcome relief. It is a moment of clarity, in which the US government inadvertently comes clean on its hidden agenda. All the elusive speculation about what Washington’s agenda in Ukraine is now laid to rest. Nuland’s own words make it clear that the US agenda is...
Diagnosing Sochi Media Coverage: Virulent Russophobia
by Justin Raimondo | Feb 10, 2014 | Featured Articles
Any illusions some naïve soul may have had about the objectivity of the US media has been dispelled by their embarrassing performance at the Sochi Olympics: the chorus of whining complaints might as well have been written for them by the US State Department – which, come to think of it, is entirely within the realm of the possible given the imperious tone. The water, the toilets, the hotels – nothing pleases our pampered media divas, whose hatred of all things Russian oozes from between the...
Victoria Nuland’s ‘Ukraine-gate’ Deceptions
by Daniel McAdams | Feb 9, 2014 | Featured Articles
"That's some pretty impressive tradecraft," said Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland of the interception and leak of her now-infamous call to US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoff Pyatt. The call consisted of the two plotting to install a US puppet government in Ukraine after overthrowing the current, democratically elected government. Tradecraft means "spycraft." In other words, Nuland was crediting a foreign intelligence service with impressive use of technology to be able to hack into her...
Will No One Challenge Obama’s Executive Orders?
by Ron Paul | Feb 9, 2014 | Featured Articles
President Obama’s state of the union pledge to “act with or without Congress” marks a milestone in presidential usurpation of Congressional authority. Most modern presidents have used executive orders to change and even create laws without Congressional approval. However President Obama is unusually brazen, in that most presidents do not brag about their plans to rule by executive order in state of the union speeches. Sadly, his pledge to use his pen to implement laws and policies without the...
‘F**k the EU’: Tape Reveals US Runs Ukraine Opposition
by Daniel McAdams | Feb 6, 2014 | Featured Articles
In the latest debacle for the US State Department and the Obama Administration, US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland was caught on tape micro-managing Ukraine opposition party strategies with US Ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt. That the Ukraine regime-change operation is to some degree being directed from Washington can no longer be denied.The tape (listen below) was released today, on the eve of Nuland's second trip to meet with Ukrainian protestors and opposition leaders in...
Washington Institute: ‘Let’s Bomb Syria’
by Daniel McAdams | Feb 5, 2014 | Neocon Watch
After the careful and reasoned consideration usually given to foreign affairs by the neocons, the AIPAC-founded Washington Institute for Near Policy (WINEP) has come to a conclusion: we need to bomb Syria. In an article titled, "A New Approach to the Syria Crisis," the neocons at WINEP offer not only a very old approach to the crisis, but actually their only approach to any crisis: bombs away!The author, former US ambassador to Iraq James Jeffrey (2010-2012 -- heckuva job!), is listed as the...
Sanity Emerges: US to Legalize Some Hemp Growing
by Adam Dick | Feb 5, 2014 | Congress Alert
Researchers in several states soon should be able to legally grow hemp for the first time in decades because of legislation approved today in the US Senate. While the new exception to the US law prohibiting growing hemp will be limited and will not affect US government prohibitions related to other substances under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA), the exception is significant as a rare instance where a prohibition under the CSA — a statute at the core of the US drug war — is limited...
Victoria Nuland: The Bride At Every Wedding
by Andrei Akulov | Feb 5, 2014 | Featured Articles
The United States increases pressure on Ukraine while preparing sanctions against the country. It sends a high-level State Department official to visit the country only a month after her previous visit. US Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland is going to Kiev on Thursday, February 6. The event is coordinated with the European partners. EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton will also visit Ukraine on February 5. According to US State Department’s statement,...
Nice Job, Conservatives
by Jacob G. Hornberger | Feb 5, 2014 | Featured Articles
When Barack Obama was elected president, the chickens came home to roost above the sordid nest that conservatives made for us after the 9/11 attacks. It was after those attacks that conservatives, quivering and quaking in their shoes over the thought that the terrorists were coming to get us, traded away the freedom of the American people to the federal government in the hope of gaining safety and security from the terrorists. What were the terms of that fateful trade? They surrendered to...
What is the Real Price of Starting Another Cold War?
by Franklin C. Spinney | Feb 3, 2014 | Featured Articles
In the late 1980s, the leaders of the west promised Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev that they would not expand eastward if the Soviet Union pulled out of Eastern Europe and ended the Cold War. That promise was not kept. A triumphal West stuck it to the Soviet Union’s greatly weakened Russian successor, by incorporating the former Warsaw Pact countries into NATO and the EU. But that was not enough to sate the lust of the neo-liberal triumphalists in search of a new imperium. Their...
The Continuing Al-Qaeda Threat
by Ron Paul | Feb 2, 2014 | Featured Articles
Appearing last week before the Senate Intelligence Committee, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper testified that he could not say the threat from al-Qaeda is any less today than it was ten years ago. It was a shocking admission. Does he mean that the trillions of dollars spent fighting the war on terrorism have resulted in no gains? That those who urged us to give up some of our liberties to gain security have, as Benjamin Franklin warned, lost both? There may be reasons Director...
Jennifer Rubin’s Obsession With An Israeli Attack On Iran
by Chris Rossini | Feb 1, 2014 | Neocon Watch
Neocon commissar, Jennifer Rubin, is one of the loudest voices in calling for Iran to be turned into a parking lot. She doesn’t put all her eggs (i.e., bombs) in one basket either. If the U.S. doesn’t take the lead in the destruction, she has a backup plan: the Israeli military. Watch her obsession unfold over time: 2013 - May 20 - Israel’s government, now a broad-based coalition, and its citizens are united on this issue: Iran can’t get the bomb, and Israel will act if need be. 2013 - Oct. 1...
Senator Mark Warner: Jan. 6th Protesters Like 9/11 Terrorists!
US Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) said on Face the Nation yesterday that the Jan 6th protesters were insurrectionists who attacked "our democracy" just like the 9/11 attackers 21...
Senator Mark Warner: Jan. 6th Protesters Like 9/11 Terrorists!
Sep 12, 2022
US Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) said on Face the Nation yesterday that the Jan 6th protesters were insurrectionists who attacked "our democracy" just like the 9/11 attackers 21...
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