The heartbreaking violence in the Middle East, Ukraine, and elsewhere carries many messages, but here’s one Americans shouldn’t miss: The United States — no matter who the president is — cannot manage world conflict. The corollary is that when a president tries to manage it, things will usually get worse. Foresight is always defective, and tragic unintended consequences will prevail. The foreign-policy “experts” in both major political parties, and the intelligentsia generally, think...
Featured Articles
Congress to Vote to Give Obama Control of Economy During ‘National Emergencies’
by Norman Singleton | Jul 28, 2014 | Congress Alert
Tomorrow, the House will consider HR 4809, legislation reauthorizing the Defense Production Act. The Defense Production Act is a cold-war era law that gives the President dictatorial control over the economy in times of war or “national emergencies.” Specifically, the Act: “…authorizes the President to require businesses to sign contracts or fulfill orders deemed necessary for national defense. The second authorizes the President to establish mechanisms (such as regulations, orders or...
The Absurd, Bureaucratic Hell That Is the American Police State
by John W. Whitehead | Jul 28, 2014 | Featured Articles
“The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid ‘dens of crime’ that Dickens loved to paint. It is not done even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered (moved, seconded, carried, and minuted) in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by quiet men with white collars and cut fingernails and smooth-shaven cheeks who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the...
End Torture, Shut Down the CIA!
by Ron Paul | Jul 27, 2014 | Featured Articles
Remember back in April, 2007, when then-CIA director George Tenet appeared on 60 Minutes, angrily telling the program host, “we don’t torture people”? Remember a few months later, in October, President George W. Bush saying, “this government does not torture people”? We knew then it was not true because we had already seen the photos of Iraqis tortured at Abu Ghraib prison four years earlier. Still the US administration denied that torture was torture, preferring to call it “enhanced...
Israel’s 155mm Cure For ‘Terrorism’
by Eric Margolis | Jul 27, 2014 | Featured Articles
In 1956, Britain and France were convinced that Egypt’s charismatic nationalist leader, Gamal Abdel Nasser, was threatening what was left of their Mideast and African colonial empires. London branded Nasser, “Hitler on the Nile.” So the British and French governments secretly enlisted Israel to invade and annex Egypt’s Sinai. British and French troops were to seize the Canal Zone in a supposed “peacekeeping mission,” march on Cairo, and install a puppet government there. Israel would keep the...
Another ‘Saigon’: US Evacuates From Libya
by Daniel McAdams | Jul 26, 2014 | Featured Articles
One month ago today, President Obama was congratulating Libya on a "milestone" election -- even though the disintegration of the country after the 2011 US invasion was ongoing. Said Obama in June: I congratulate the Libyan people on the conclusion of the elections for a new Council of Representatives, a milestone in their courageous efforts to transition from four decades of dictatorship toward a full democracy. Today, the US announced it has evacuated all US personnel from Libya. They piled...
What Does the U.S. Support When It Supports Israel?
by Michael S. Rozeff | Jul 26, 2014 | Featured Articles
According to the Congressional Budget Office, “Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II. To date, the United States has provided Israel $121 billion (current, or non-inflation-adjusted, dollars) in bilateral assistance. Almost all U.S. bilateral aid to Israel is in the form of military assistance, although in the past Israel also received significant economic assistance.” Other special benefits also flow to the Israeli military. Each year, the...
‘Hard-Core Libertarian’ Austin Petersen’s Advice for ‘Soviet’ Ron Paul
by Adam Dick | Jul 25, 2014 | Featured Articles
Austin Petersen, who describes himself in the introduction to his Freedom Report Podcast as a “hard-core libertarian” who cares about “pure freedom,” is upset that Ron Paul wrote an editorial expressing skepticism regarding the US government’s and media’s line on the downing of a Malaysia Airlines flight in Ukraine. Petersen, indeed, provides in his Wednesday podcast some advice for Paul: No more of that saying what you think stuff. If you do that, you might make some people uncomfortable, and...
Ron Paul: ‘I Don’t Blame America, I Blame Neocons’
by Daniel McAdams | Jul 25, 2014 | Featured Articles
Facing a tough but respectful grilling on Fox Business's The Independents over his recent comments on Ukraine and the apparent downing of a Malaysia Air plane, Ron Paul argues that the US government wants to blame Russia for the shoot-down while providing no evidence for its conclusion. Paul points out that the US claim that Russia was to blame for the disaster because they supply weapons to the rebels in east Ukraine is hypocritical because the US has armed oppositionists in Syria who went on...
Breedlove…or Strangelove?
by Daniel McAdams | Jul 25, 2014 | Featured Articles
NATO's Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, Gen. Philip Breedlove, wants to light a torch under the rapidly reconstituting Cold War with Russia. According to the Times (UK), NATO's top military commander has plans to transform an old military base in Poland into a tip of the spear pointed at Russia.At a briefing in Naples this week, Breedlove outlined his plan to supply the Multinational Corps Northeast, in Szczecin, Poland, with “pre-positioned supplies, pre-positioned capabilities and a...
Ron Paul: What’s So Bad About a Split-Up Ukraine?
by RPI Staff | Jul 24, 2014 | Featured Articles
In an in-depth commentary about the recent Malaysian Airlines crash, Dr. Paul makes the point that no one in western media or government wants us to ponder: if eastern Ukraine wants to be closer to Russia and western Ukraine wants to be aligned with the EU, why can't they just go their separate ways without outsider meddling?Said Dr. Paul: The only thing we can hope for as American citizens is just hope our government would slow up. Just slow up the neoconservatives who are immediately all...
9/11 Commission: 10th Anniversary of a Bootlicking National Disgrace
by James Bovard | Jul 23, 2014 | Featured Articles
Ten years ago, the 9/11 Commission released its report on the challenges to the nation. Tom Kean and Lee Hamilton, the chairman and vice chairman of the commission, have a platitude-laden piece this morning in USA Today: “The 'generational challenge' against terrorism we anticipated 10 years ago has entered a new and dangerous phase. America cannot afford to let down its guard.” But the 9/11 Commission let down its guard for the American people long before they issued their final report. The...
Parallel Construction: Unconstitutional NSA Searches Deny Due Process
by Peter van Buren | Jul 23, 2014 | Featured Articles
The NSA sits at the nexus of violations of both the Fourth and Fifth Amendments with a legal dodge called Parallel Construction. Parallel Construction is a technique used by law enforcement to hide the fact that evidence in a criminal case originated with the NSA. In its simplest form, the NSA collects information showing say a Mr. Anderson committed a crime. This happens most commonly in drug cases. The conclusive information is passed to the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), who then works...
On Malaysian Crash, Obama’s Case Against Russia Disintegrates
by Daniel McAdams | Jul 23, 2014 | Featured Articles
Tuesday the US government admitted it had been bluffing about its certainty that Russia was behind the downing of Malaysian Air Flight MH-17 over Ukraine. This dramatic turn of events started with State Department Spokeswoman Marie Harf claiming Monday that the State Department's certainty of Russian involvement in the apparent downing of the plane was primarily based on "social media" evidence. That means with a likely budget of more than $100 billion, the US Intelligence Community is making...
Kerry’s Latest Reckless Rush to Judgment
by Robert Parry | Jul 22, 2014 | Featured Articles
Secretary of State John Kerry boasts that as a former prosecutor he knows he has a strong case against the eastern Ukrainian rebels and their backers in Russia in pinning last Thursday’s shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 on them, even without the benefit of a formal investigation. During his five rounds of appearances on Sunday talk shows, Kerry did what a judge might condemn as “prejudicing the case” or “poisoning the jury pool.” In effect, Kerry made a fair “trial” almost impossible,...
Rubin & Rubio Try To Keep Conservatives In Line
by Chris Rossini | Jul 22, 2014 | Neocon Watch
Panic time for neocons! Another poll has been released showing American disdain for the sprawling US military empire. This time Politico hands a piece of kryptonite to the warmongers. An incredible two out of three Americans want the US to stay out of foreign conflicts that are not a direct threat to US national security. Jennifer Rubin the hectoring commissar is surely not happy. She trots out a quote from neocon Senator Marco Rubio to quell any conservative doubters that may come into...
Free Speech Freak Out: Censors Panic As Musk About To Purchase Twitter
The on-again, off-again Elon Musk purchase of Twitter has occupied the minds on both sides of the free speech debate. Musk calls himself a "free speech absolutist," sending...
Free Speech Freak Out: Censors Panic As Musk About To Purchase Twitter
Oct 5, 2022
The on-again, off-again Elon Musk purchase of Twitter has occupied the minds on both sides of the free speech debate. Musk calls himself a "free speech absolutist," sending...
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