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Eric Cantor Leaving US House for Wall Street Millions?

Eric Cantor Leaving US House for Wall Street Millions?

Did former US House of Representatives Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) announce his resignation from the House so he can speed up private negotiations to make the big bucks in the financial industry? That is the suggestion of a new Politico article. The Politico article also indicates that Wall Street is already knocking on Cantor’s door and quotes a “headhunter” who says Cantor has “relevant talents”: Cantor has not made any public comments about what he will do next or if he has already...

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Why Won’t Obama Just Leave Ukraine Alone?

Why Won’t Obama Just Leave Ukraine Alone?

President Obama announced last week that he was imposing yet another round of sanctions on Russia, this time targeting financial, arms, and energy sectors. The European Union, as it has done each time, quickly followed suit. These sanctions will not produce the results Washington demands, but they will hurt the economies of the US and EU, as well as Russia. These sanctions are, according to the Obama administration, punishment for what it claims is Russia’s role in the crash of Malaysia...

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Political Purges Loom as Ukraine Falls Apart

The US-installed regime in Ukraine is collapsing, says RPI Academic Advisor John Laughland. The protests that eventually led to the overthrow of democratically-elected President Yanukovych were animated by demands that the power of the presidency be decreased and that of parliament increased. However, now that the new president, Poroshenko, has taken power he wants nothing of a reduction in power and has taken to outlawing opposition parties and stigmatizing as "fifth columns" his political...

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‘We Are With You…Here Are The Missiles’

‘We Are With You…Here Are The Missiles’

Though in the limited time left before Congress adjourns for August break it seemed doubtful an emergency aid package to re-arm Israel could pass, it appears the Senate is not as moribund on some issues as others.As PBS reported: The Senate on Friday rushed through a $225 million bill to replenish Israel’s missile defense system, and House approval was expected in the final hours before lawmakers began a summer break. Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) had blocked the quarter billion dollar supplemental...

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‘We Tortured Some Folks’ — Obama Admits United States Committed Acts Violating Federal and International Law

‘We Tortured Some Folks’ — Obama Admits United States Committed Acts Violating Federal and International Law

Following the admission that the CIA hacked Senate computers and lied to Congress, President Obama today affirmed that it did indeed torture people. This admission (while belated) is an important recognition by the United States of what is obvious from a legal standpoint. However, that also means that CIA officials violated both federal and international law. The question is why Obama began his first term by promising CIA employees that they would not be tried for what he now describes as...

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Not Talking to Vladimir Putin Signals Impotence, Not Strength

Not Talking to Vladimir Putin Signals Impotence, Not Strength

Understandable outrage at the terrible fate of the 298 innocent passengers on flight MH17 has led Western leaders to reach for their favourite way of coercing rogue states into better behaviour. Sanctions have been ramped up on Russia, targeting key personnel around President Vladimir Putin and cutting specific sectors of the Russian economy off from fruitful business with US and EU partners. Russia now joins countries ranging from Belarus to Zimbabwe on the US Treasury’s list of states,...

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CIA Admits Hacking Senate Computers After Months of Denials

CIA Admits Hacking Senate Computers After Months of Denials

In the same week as the State Department report endorsing findings that the CIA lied to Congress and brutalized suspects, the CIA is now admitting that its recent denials of hacking Senate computers was also false. Once again, however, there is not even a suggestion of discipline, let alone criminal charges, for CIA officials who lied to Congress (or allowed others to lie) and hacked into congressional computers. CIA Director John Brennan used the type of Orwellian speech that we have come to...

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Former Commission Heads Endorse Rep. Walter Jones’ 9/11 Declassification Bill

Former Commission Heads Endorse Rep. Walter Jones’ 9/11 Declassification Bill

Answering an audience member’s question at a July 22 Washington, DC event, Thomas H. Kean and Lee H. Hamilton — who were, respectively, the chair and vice-chair of the 9/11 Commission that published its report ten years ago this month—spoke in favor of making public 28 redacted pages in the December 2002 report of a joint House and Senate Intelligence Committees investigation of the September 11, 2001 attacks. Kean and Hamilton have thus endorsed the call in Rep. Walter Jones’ H.Res. 428 for...

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The Rise of the ‘Petro-yuan’ and the Slow Erosion of Dollar Hegemony

The Rise of the ‘Petro-yuan’ and the Slow Erosion of Dollar Hegemony

For seventy years, one of the critical foundations of American power has been the dollar’s standing as the world’s most important currency. For the last forty years, a pillar of dollar primacy has been the greenback’s dominant role in international energy markets. Today, China is leveraging its rise as an economic power, and as the most important incremental market for hydrocarbon exporters in the Persian Gulf and the former Soviet Union to circumscribe dollar dominance in global energy—with...

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Stop! Thief! Stop! — The Looting of Ukraine

Stop! Thief! Stop! — The Looting of Ukraine

Kiev’s hastily assembled, post-coup coalitions couldn’t hold, and Ukrainian PM Arseniy Yatsenyuk threw in the towel last Thursday. On his way out, news stories said, the PM expressed his “disappointment with Ukrainian parliament’s decision to reject a bill that allows the government to hand over up to 49 percent of the country’s gas transport system to investors from the European Union and the United States.” In other words, what the US and the EU have got themselves up to in Ukraine isn’t so...

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On Dominoes, WMDs And Putin’s ‘Aggression’: Imperial Washington Is Intoxicated By Another Big Lie

On Dominoes, WMDs And Putin’s ‘Aggression’: Imperial Washington Is Intoxicated By Another Big Lie

Imperial Washington is truly running amuck in its insensible confrontation with Vladimir Putin. The round of new sanctions is a counter-productive joke. Apparently, more of Vlad’s posse will be put on double probation, thereby reducing demand for Harry Macklowe’s swell new $60 million apartment units on Park Avenue. Likewise, American exporters of high tech oilfield equipment will be shot in the foot with an embargo; and debt-saturated Russian state companies will be denied the opportunity to...

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In Foreign Affairs, Not Doing Anything Is The Thing To Do

In Foreign Affairs, Not Doing Anything Is The Thing To Do

The heartbreaking violence in the Middle East, Ukraine, and elsewhere carries many messages, but here’s one Americans shouldn’t miss: The United States — no matter who the president is — cannot manage world conflict. The corollary is that when a president tries to manage it, things will usually get worse. Foresight is always defective, and tragic unintended consequences will prevail. The foreign-policy “experts” in both major political parties, and the intelligentsia generally, think...

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The Absurd, Bureaucratic Hell That Is the American Police State

The Absurd, Bureaucratic Hell That Is the American Police State

“The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid ‘dens of crime’ that Dickens loved to paint. It is not done even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered (moved, seconded, carried, and minuted) in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by quiet men with white collars and cut fingernails and smooth-shaven cheeks who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the...

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Congress to Vote to Give Obama Control of Economy During ‘National Emergencies’

Congress to Vote to Give Obama Control of Economy During ‘National Emergencies’

Tomorrow, the House will consider HR 4809, legislation reauthorizing the Defense Production Act. The Defense Production Act is a cold-war era law that gives the President dictatorial control over the economy in times of war or “national emergencies.” Specifically, the Act: “…authorizes the President to require businesses to sign contracts or fulfill orders deemed necessary for national defense. The second authorizes the President to establish mechanisms (such as regulations, orders or...

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End Torture, Shut Down the CIA!

End Torture, Shut Down the CIA!

Remember back in April, 2007, when then-CIA director George Tenet appeared on 60 Minutes, angrily telling the program host, “we don’t torture people”? Remember a few months later, in October, President George W. Bush saying, “this government does not torture people”? We knew then it was not true because we had already seen the photos of Iraqis tortured at Abu Ghraib prison four years earlier. Still the US administration denied that torture was torture, preferring to call it “enhanced...

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Israel’s 155mm Cure For ‘Terrorism’

Israel’s 155mm Cure For ‘Terrorism’

In 1956, Britain and France were convinced that Egypt’s charismatic nationalist leader, Gamal Abdel Nasser, was threatening what was left of their Mideast and African colonial empires. London branded Nasser, “Hitler on the Nile.” So the British and French governments secretly enlisted Israel to invade and annex Egypt’s Sinai. British and French troops were to seize the Canal Zone in a supposed “peacekeeping mission,” march on Cairo, and install a puppet government there. Israel would keep the...

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