Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko’s visit to Washington tomorrow (Thursdsay) is the consummation of a marriage made back in February, when the Obama administration ripped up a compromise agreement between elected president Yanukovich and the rebels who were seeking to overthrow him. Overnight, the US government endorsed the rebels’ seizure of power, and it has not wavered in its support of the coup leadership from that point. Poroshenko will arrive in town buoyed by Congressional passage of...
Featured Articles
An Unbearable and Choking Hell: The Loss of Our Freedoms in the Wake of 9/11
by John W. Whitehead | Sep 16, 2014 | Featured Articles
“I tell you, freedom and human rights in America are doomed. The U.S. government will lead the American people in — and the West in general — into an unbearable hell and a choking life.”—Osama bin Laden (October 2001), as reported by CNN What a strange and harrowing road we’ve walked since September 11, 2001, littered with the debris of our once-vaunted liberties. We have gone from a nation that took great pride in being a model of a representative democracy to being a model of how to persuade...
Under Cover of Ceasefire, NATO-Armed Kiev Poised to Attack
by Daniel McAdams | Sep 16, 2014 | Featured Articles
Just over ten days ago, as the pro-independence forces in east Ukraine were on the march with significant gains on the battlefield, a ceasefire was signed in Minsk, Belarus. According to the terms of the ceasefire, the pro-independence fighters were to lay down their arms, cease their offensive to regain lost territory in the Donetsk and Lugansk region, and disband. In exchange for this, the US-backed government in Kiev was to agree to an amnesty for pro-independence fighters, commit to...
Washington’s War Against Russia
by Paul Craig Roberts | Sep 15, 2014 | Featured Articles
The new sanctions against Russia announced by Washington and Europe do not make sense as merely economic measures. I would be surprised if Russian oil and military industries were dependent on European capital markets in a meaningful way. Such a dependence would indicate a failure in Russian strategic thinking. The Russian companies should be able to secure adequate financing from Russian Banks or from the Russian government. If foreign loans are needed, Russia can borrow from China. If...
Are You Going to LPAC?
by Daniel McAdams | Sep 15, 2014 | Featured Articles
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity will be flying the peace flag at the Liberty Political Action Conference again this year. If you are interested in Ron Paul, his post-Congress mission to promote peace and prosperity, and the Institute he created, please stop in at the Ron Paul Institute booth at the LPAC exhibition hall. I look forward to meeting as many of you as I can. I want to hear what you think about the Ron Paul Institute and what you think we can do to improve. Most of...
Will The Swiss Vote to Get Their Gold Back?
by Ron Paul | Sep 14, 2014 | Featured Articles
On November 30th, voters in Switzerland will head to the polls to vote in a referendum on gold. On the ballot is a measure to prohibit the Swiss National Bank (SNB) from further gold sales, to repatriate Swiss-owned gold to Switzerland, and to mandate that gold make up at least 20 percent of the SNB's assets. Arising from popular sentiment similar to movements in the United States, Germany, and the Netherlands, this referendum is an attempt to bring more oversight and accountability to the...
Neocons Revive Syria ‘Regime Change’ Plan
by Robert Parry | Sep 13, 2014 | Featured Articles
Official Washington’s ever-influential neoconservatives and their “liberal interventionist” allies see President Barack Obama’s decision to extend U.S. airstrikes against Islamic State terrorists into Syria as a new chance to achieve the long-treasured neocon goal of “regime change” in Damascus. On the surface, Obama’s extraordinary plan to ignore Syrian sovereignty and attack across the border has been viewed as a unilateral U.S. action to strike at the terrorist Islamic State of Iraq and...
Max Boots On The Ground
by Daniel McAdams | Sep 12, 2014 | Neocon Watch
The neocons have a jackboot in the door and they are commencing to kick it in. After they relentlessly hectored President Obama for last week admitting he does not have a strategy to deal with ISIS, the president this week decided to triangulate. Not a single US boot on the ground, he solemnly promised (though we already have 1,000), but he would bomb ISIS to smithereens wherever they might hide. Everywhere!Syrian sovereignty? Illegitimate! Why? Because we say so! Bomb them! Syrian "moderates"...
Obama’s ISIL Speech: Five Lies, Four Truths, and a Potential War Crime
by Justin Pavoni | Sep 12, 2014 | Featured Articles
Five Truths Truth #1: “We have not yet detected specific plotting against our homeland.” This is an extremely important admission to understand. If there is no specific plot against America then America must by definition be acting pre-emptively to wage war on the organization known as the “Islamic State.” Whether you think that is a good thing or a bad thing, it is by definition, the truth. Truth #2: “ISIL poses a threat to the people of Iraq and Syria and the broader Middle East.” This is...
Obama, Speak Plainly: This is War!
by Louis Fisher | Sep 12, 2014 | Featured Articles
President Obama, Wednesday night, provided further details on his plans to meet the challenge of ISIS, relying on a broad coalition of partners to degrade and destroy the Islamic State. He said he would rely on US airstrikes, not combat troops, and would work with other nations to cut off ISIS funding. He warned there would be no safe haven for any organization that threatened America, implying that military operations in Iraq could spread to Syria and perhaps to neighboring countries,...
Obama Distorts Founders and Constitution to Promote War and Worldwide Domination
by Adam Dick | Sep 12, 2014 | Featured Articles
President Barack Obama, in his speech Wednesday to make the case for a United States war on ISIS, suggested merely talking with some Congress members is enough to legitimate the war and invoked the Founders as supporters of worldwide US domination. In contrast to Obama’s assertions, the US Constitution places in Congress the war declaration power and the Founders largely prescribed a foreign policy centered on nonintervention. Many people hoped in the early days of the United States that calls...
Barack, We Hardly Knew Ye
by David Stockman | Sep 11, 2014 | Featured Articles
With your drums and guns and guns and drums, hurroo, hurroo With your drums and guns and guns and drums, hurroo, hurroo With your drums and guns and guns and drums The enemy nearly slew ye Oh my darling dear, Ye look so queer Johnny I hardly knew ye….. This memorable stanza from the classic anti-war song could not be more apt with respect to Barack Obama. He became President because he campaigned across the land draped in the garlands of peace. Yet he has now promised to spend his final three...
Obama’s Speech: ‘Bush on Steroids’
by Daniel McAdams | Sep 11, 2014 | Featured Articles
RPI Director Daniel McAdams joined a panel on RT tonight to discuss President Obama's Sept. 10 speech outlining a new US war in the Middle East. His points: Obama adopts Bush Doctrine, attacks on Syria illegal, mainstream media does bidding of US regime.
Prof. Peter Kraska’s Police Militarization Testimony for the US Senate Homeland Security Committee
by Adam Dick | Sep 10, 2014 | Congress Alert
The following is the informative and thought-provoking written testimony of Eastern Kentucky University Professor Peter B. Kraska for the United States Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee’s Tuesday hearing “Oversight of Federal Programs for Equipping State and Local Law Enforcement”: Professor Kraska: Mr. Chairman, Senator McCaskill, Senator Coburn, Members of the Committee, and wonderful staffers -- thank you for inviting me and helping me through this process. Let me...
Obama Follows Bush’s Iraq Playbook
by Sheldon Richman | Sep 10, 2014 | Featured Articles
U.S. politicians are exploiting the gruesome beheadings of two American journalists to whip up war fever against ISIS, the “criminal gang” masquerading as an organization of devout Sunni Muslims that controls large parts of Syria and Iraq. The American propaganda campaign seems to be working if recent polls are accurate. No decent person is anything but appalled by those executions. But are they grounds for the United States to go to war? No, they are not. Barack Obama says his job is to...
Obama: I Do Not Need Congressional Approval To Go To War With ISIS
by Jonathan Turley | Sep 10, 2014 | Featured Articles
President Obama is again asserting his right to act unilaterally and without congressional approval in going to war. In what has become a mantra for this Administration, Obama reportedly told members of Congress that he does not need congressional approval to unleash a comprehensive military campaign against the Islamic State. The President informed a few members at a dinner — a striking image of how low congressional authority has become in our tripartite system of government. We have been...
Donald Trump / Ron Paul 2024
Ron Paul has thrown his hat in the ring in three presidential races. Paul vied for the 2008 and 2012 Republican presidential nominations, after having campaigned as the...
Donald Trump / Ron Paul 2024
Aug 21, 2022
Ron Paul has thrown his hat in the ring in three presidential races. Paul vied for the 2008 and 2012 Republican presidential nominations, after having campaigned as the...
Peace & Prosperity Blog
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