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No Water For You: Obama Administration Moves To Cut Off Water To Pot Growers In Washington and Oregon

No Water For You: Obama Administration Moves To Cut Off Water To Pot Growers In Washington and Oregon

For months, the Obama Administration has been dealing with the growing revolt among the states over federal marijuana laws. Twenty states and the District of Columbia legalized medical marijuana use over the opposition of the federal government and medical use. Two states, Colorado and Washington, have legalized the sale and possession of marijuana. It is a classic conflict between states and the federal government under federalism. Some of us view the states as asserting a classic police...

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The Great Western Gas Fiasco

The Great Western Gas Fiasco

Russia’s leader Vladimir Putin usually wears a perfect poker face. But last week in Shangahi, the icy-cold Russian president came awfully close to bursting into a big grin.And why not? Putin had just stolen a march on his western rivals. The US-British attempt to wound Russia’s economy and punish Putin for disobedience had just blown up in their red faces.After 20 years of difficult talks, Russia and China had just signed a huge deal that called for Russia to export 38 billion cubic meters of...

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Rep. Zoe Lofgren: USA FREEDOM Act Secretly ‘Altered in Worrisome Ways’

On Wednesday — the day before the United States House of Representatives voted to approve the USA FREEDOM Act (HR 3361) — Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) explained on the House floor that back room machinations changed the bill between the votes approving it in the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees and the bill’s consideration on the House floor. These shenanigans outside the routine committee process, Lofgren explains, made meaningless some restraints on US government mass spying contained...

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The War on America’s Military Veterans, Waged with SWAT Teams, Surveillance and Neglect

The War on America’s Military Veterans, Waged with SWAT Teams, Surveillance and Neglect

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” —John F. Kennedy Just in time for Memorial Day, we’re once again being treated to a generous serving of praise and grandstanding by politicians and corporations eager to go on record as being supportive of our veterans. Patriotic platitudes aside, however, America has done a deplorable job of caring for her veterans. We erect monuments for those who die while serving in...

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Kudos to Ecuador’s President Correa

Kudos to Ecuador’s President Correa

Good for Ecuador’s President Rafael Correa for kicking USAID out of his country. If only every nation in the world would do that. While part of USAID’s activities ostensibly relate to helping “the poor,” that’s just a cover to disguise the real mission of the agency: to act in tandem with the CIA to engage in political activity designed to effect regime change in foreign countries.To Correa’s credit, USAID is not the only U.S. agency he’s evicted from Ecuador. He’s also kicked the DEA out of...

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The Sino-Russian Hydrocarbon Axis Grows Up

The Sino-Russian Hydrocarbon Axis Grows Up

Eight years ago, in the pages of The National Interest, Flynt Leverett and Pierre Noël identified a “new axis of oil”—a “shifting coalition of both energy exporting and energy importing states centered in ongoing Sino-Russian collaboration”—that was emerging as an increasingly important counterweight to the United States on a widening range of international issues. While, at the time, Russian oil and gas exports to China were negligible, Leverett and Noël projected that Russian hydrocarbons...

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Just Imagine… If Russia Had Toppled the Canadian Government

Just Imagine… If Russia Had Toppled the Canadian Government

Just imagine if the democratically-elected government of Canada had been toppled in a Russian-financed coup, in which far-right extremists and neo-Nazis played a prominent role. That the new unelected 'government' in Ottawa cancelled the law giving the French language official status, appointed a billionaire oligarch to run Quebec and signed an association agreement with a Russian-led trade bloc. Just imagine… If Russia had spent $5 billion on regime change in Canada and then a leading...

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US House Considers Gold Medal for Shimon Peres, Bill Touts US-Israel “Unbreakable Bond”

US House Considers Gold Medal for Shimon Peres, Bill Touts US-Israel “Unbreakable Bond”

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor with Shimon Peres The United States House of Representatives is scheduled to consider today awarding a Congressional Gold Medal to Israel President Shimon Peres. Notably, the short bill, HR 2939, that authorizes the creation of the gold medal and its award to Peres touts Peres’ “pivotal role in forging the strong and unbreakable bond between the United States and Israel” and states that “[b]y presenting the Congressional Gold Medal … Congress proclaims its...

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Militarist Bunkum: July 4 and the Lies of the Empire

Militarist Bunkum: July 4 and the Lies of the Empire

Did you know that 85 to 90 percent of war’s casualties are non-combatant civilians? That is the conclusion reached by a nine-person research team in the June 2014 issue of the American Journal of Public Health. The deaths of soldiers who are fighting the war are a small part of the human and economic cost. Clearly, wars do not protect the lives of civilians. The notion that soldiers are dying for us is false. Non-combatants are the main victims of war. Keep that in mind for July 4th, which is...

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The Chicoms Are Coming! Reflections On The Folly Of The War On Vietnam And Its Progeny

The Chicoms Are Coming! Reflections On The Folly Of The War On Vietnam And Its Progeny

Vietnam riots: China ships to evacuate workersBack in the spring of 1968 I also got an invitation to evacuate. It was from Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara, suggesting I evacuate my cushy life as a student in East Lansing, Michigan to join his crusade to stop the “chicoms” from annexing Vietnam. According to McNamara, Chairman Mao and Uncle Ho were joined at the hip in a crusade to turn all of Southeast Asia “red”. Unless forcefully deterred with American guns and blood, the chicoms would...

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Rep. John Fleming’s Marijuana and Libertarians Disinformation Campaign

Rep. John Fleming’s Marijuana and Libertarians Disinformation Campaign

Rep. John Fleming (R-LA) presented his absurd and deceptive campaign against all marijuana use in his opening statement for a hearing regarding marijuana laws held by a subcommittee of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on the morning of May 9. In the process, Fleming also made a preposterous mischaracterization of libertarianism. Fleming’s subcommittee statement followed his similarly misleading speech on the House floor in April in opposition to veterans using medical...

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Tax Reform is Useless Without Spending Reform

Tax Reform is Useless Without Spending Reform

Recently, Republican leaders in Congress unveiled a "tax reform" plan that they claimed would provide the American people with a simpler, fairer, and more efficient tax system. While this plan does lower some tax rates and contains some other changes that may make next April a little less painful for Americans, there is little in it to excite supporters of liberty. Taxes may even increase under this plan for some Americans, as it eliminates some of those tax deductions labeled “loopholes.”...

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Krauthamer: Bombs, Not Hashtags!

Krauthamer: Bombs, Not Hashtags!

It is not often that we agree with neocon scribe Charles Krauthamer, especially in RPI's "Neocon Watch" column. In fact we are ashamed. But we have to admit he has a point. The Obama Administration's approach to diplomacy and international affairs is rapidly devolving into infantile territory, with selfies, hashtags, and Tweets where once adults dared to tread. It is said the people get the government they deserve, and perhaps hashtags are the most appropriate way to explain complicated...

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Why Won’t Kerry Leave Syria Alone?

Why Won’t Kerry Leave Syria Alone?

US Secretary of State John Kerry seems to be on a personal mission to draw the US into an invasion of Syria. At the least, he remains determined to continue backing the rebellion against the Syrian government until the country is completely destroyed. Meeting yesterday in London, the self-styled "Friends of Syria," including, in addition to the US and UK, such model democracies as Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey, determined to increase assistance to those who for three years have fought to...

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No Nation Left Un-Invaded: Sen. McCain Would Put US Military Into Nigeria In ‘A New York Minute’

No Nation Left Un-Invaded: Sen. McCain Would Put US Military Into Nigeria In ‘A New York Minute’

Nigeria has been a failed state of corruption, outlawry, civil war and unspeakable violence and cruelty for decades. Literally millions have been starved, maimed and butchered owing to ethnic, tribal and religious clashes. And billions more have been stolen from the nation’s long-suffering people by government officials, the military and oppositionists alike in what is surely the most corrupt nation on earth. In this context, the latest episode involving the kidnapped school girls is just...

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Killing Your Own People — a Brief Guide

Killing Your Own People — a Brief Guide

Voters line up in east Ukraine, May 11, 2014 A few months ago we were being told by supporters of the Kiev putsch that President Viktor Yanukovich had “lost the mandate of heaven” by “killing his own people.” This emotive language avoided any discussion of two important facts. The first was that the Kiev mob had contained seriously violent elements, including armed men. The second was that Mr. Yanukovich had not been lawfully removed by the impeachment process provided for under the...

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Wikipedia Bias

Ten to fifteen years ago, Wikipedia, though not free of bias, seemed like a rather reliable place to find information about people, places, and events involved in modern...

Wikipedia Bias

Ten to fifteen years ago, Wikipedia, though not free of bias, seemed like a rather reliable place to find information about people, places, and events involved in modern...

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