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Don’t Let Lunatics Make Our Policies

Don’t Let Lunatics Make Our Policies

Things seemed crazy in the US and Canada last week, with a shooting on normally tranquil Parliament Hill in Ottawa and a grisly hatchet attack on two New York City policemen. Add in an American doctor who returned to the big city from Ebola-stricken West Africa and proceeded to run around all over town – from the Bronx to the west Village to a bowling alley in Brooklyn – just as he was coming down with the dreaded sickness. New Yorkers are a pretty tough bunch, so panic was mild, but in this...

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Once-Peaceful Canada Turns Militaristic; Blowback Follows

Once-Peaceful Canada Turns Militaristic; Blowback Follows

In 1968 the government of Canada decided to openly admit Americans seeking to avoid being drafted into the US war on Vietnam. Before, would-be immigrants were technically required to prove that they had been discharged from US military service. This move made it easier for Americans to escape President Johnson’s war machine by heading north. Although a founding member of NATO, Canada did not join the United States in its war against Vietnam. The Canadian government did not see a conflict 7,000...

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Anti-Assad Warmongers Drag in the Holocaust

Anti-Assad Warmongers Drag in the Holocaust

“The irony is that the Nazi holocaust has now become the main ideological weapon for launching wars of aggression,” Norman Finkelstein tells Yoav Shamir in “Defamation,” the Israeli filmmaker’s award-winning 2009 documentary on how perceptions of anti-Semitism affect Israeli and U.S. politics. “Every time you want to launch a war of aggression, drag in the Nazi holocaust.” If you’re looking for evidence in support of Finkelstein’s thesis today, you need look no further than the U.S. Holocaust...

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Rep. Pete King Wants ‘All Out’ Surveillance Of Muslims

Rep. Pete King Wants ‘All Out’ Surveillance Of Muslims

One would have hoped that after Ron Paul schooled Rudy Giuliani on the concept of “blowback” in front of a national audience, US politicians would have paid attention. Sadly, it was back to foreign interventionism as usual. Once again, it appears that the latest tragedy in Canada, may be attributed to “blowback.” Here in the US, instead of reassessing foreign policy, Rep. Pete King wants to ratchet up surveillance on “Muslims” and “Muslim communities.” Buzzfeed quotes Rep King: We can have all...

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Fragile Fact-Checking: How The Media Fell in And Out of Love With The Sikorski ‘Revelations’

Fragile Fact-Checking: How The Media Fell in And Out of Love With The Sikorski ‘Revelations’

What’s worse than a junior neocon? A junior neocon trying to make a name for himself. Ben Judah’s meteoric rise, aided by his staunch anti-Russian credentials in a climate of fear, has imploded as quickly as it began. As I learnt the hard way, when you are a young man in a hurry it’s easy to trip up. The first few times you’ll, probably, be forgiven but once it becomes a trend, even the most ardent supporters will abandon you. The fewer redeeming features you possess, the faster it’ll happen....

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Hollow Justice and Courts of Order in an Age of Government-Sanctioned Tyranny

Hollow Justice and Courts of Order in an Age of Government-Sanctioned Tyranny

“The Constitution is not neutral. It was designed to take the government off the backs of the people.”—Justice William O. Douglas Justice in America makes less sense with each passing day. A Michigan couple that has been raising chickens in their backyard as a source of healthy food for their family could get up to 90 days in jail for violating a local ban on backyard hens. A Kentucky prison guard who was charged with 25 counts of sexual abuse against female inmates, trafficking controlled...

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The Cuban Embargo is an Attack on Both Cubans And Americans

The Cuban Embargo is an Attack on Both Cubans And Americans

Sen. Robert MenendezIn its October 11 Sunday edition, the New York Times published an editorial calling for the lifting of the 45-year-old Cold War-era economic embargo against Cuba. The Times pointed out: Over the decades, it became clear to many American policy makers that the embargo was an utter failure. But any proposal to end the embargo angered Cuban-American voters, a constituency that has had an outsize role in national elections. Among those who got upset this time by the proposal to...

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National Service is Anti-Liberty and Un-American

National Service is Anti-Liberty and Un-American

Former Clinton Administration Labor Secretary Robert Reich recently called on the government to force young people to spend two years either “serving” in the military or performing some other type of government-directed “community service.” Neoconservative Senator John McCain has introduced legislation creating a mandatory national service program very similar to Reich’s proposal. It is not surprising that both a prominent progressive and a leading neocon would support mandatory national...

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The Real Secret of Iraq’s Germ Weapons

The Real Secret of Iraq’s Germ Weapons

Back in the 1990’s, journalists used to joke, “Of course we know Iraq has chemical weapons. We have the delivery receipts to prove it!” The joke turned out to be the exact truth. While covering Iraq in 1990 – just before the first massive US bombing campaign – I discovered the US and Britain had secretly built a germ weapons arsenal for Iraq to use against Iran in the eight year-Iran-Iraq War. This while both the US and Britain were fulminating with breathtaking hypocrisy against the alleged...

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The Neocons — Masters of Chaos

The Neocons — Masters of Chaos

If you’re nervously watching the stock market gyrations and worrying about your declining portfolio or pension fund, part of the blame should go to America’s neocons who continue to be masters of chaos, endangering the world’s economy by instigating geopolitical confrontations in the Middle East and Eastern Europe. Of course, there are other factors pushing Europe’s economy to the brink of a triple-dip recession and threatening to stop America’s fragile recovery, too. But the neocons’ “regime...

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Warmongering Washington Hunting for Ebola, Russia and Islamic State

Warmongering Washington Hunting for Ebola, Russia and Islamic State

The US Secretary of Defense Secretary categorized Russia as a global threat – much like Obama in his UN address last month - in the same breath as Ebola and Islamic State. For anybody who took at face value the Obama administration’s past commitment for a “reset” with Russia, US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel’s speech on Wednesday should dispel those grand illusions once and for all. But first, there’s the deadly Ebola virus for the US military to contend with. In commemorating the US...

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Ron Paul Blasts ‘Deeply Flawed’ US Foreign Policy – Interview With Larry King

RPI Chairman Ron Paul appeared on Larry King's "Politiking" program this week to discuss Ebola, Obama, foreign policy and so much more.A big "thank you" to Larry King for mentioning the Ron Paul Institute in his introduction!Dr. Paul and Mr. King hit on a wide variety of issues that will be of interest to RPI readers.On Ebola, which is on everybody's mind, Dr. Paul is asked whether he believes the current outbreak is serious or overplayed. Dr. Paul responds that it is very serious and he is...

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The Politicians Are Scaring You Again

The Politicians Are Scaring You Again

They are doing it again. “They” are the war-party politicians, Democrats and Republicans. “It” is scaring you into supporting another war in the Middle East. When will the American people learn? If in a republic the people are the ultimate check on government power, a gullible, easily frightened public is a disaster waiting to happen. Where is the derisive skepticism Americans are reputed to feel toward politicians? A high-ranking official and, say, CNN’s Christiane Amanpour need only say...

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Seven Worst-Case Scenarios in the Battle With the Islamic State

Seven Worst-Case Scenarios in the Battle With the Islamic State

You know the joke? You describe something obviously heading for disaster -- a friend crossing Death Valley with next to no gas in his car -- and then add, “What could possibly go wrong?” Such is the Middle East today. The U.S. is again at war there, bombing freely across Iraq and Syria, advising here, droning there, coalition-building in the region to loop in a little more firepower from a collection of recalcitrant allies, and searching desperately for some non-American boots to put on the...

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Defense Secretary Hagel to Congress: ‘Give the Military More Money’!

While you might expect there would be a “peace dividend” with the winding down of the United States military occupations in Afghanistan and Iraq, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel is making the rounds over the congressional recess to project the message that the United States Congress must not dare reduce military spending — even via fake sequestration “spending cuts” that just cut the rate of spending growth.The Hill reports Hagel delivered this message on Wednesday to an audience assembled by...

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Committing Highway Robbery to Fund Police Militarization

Committing Highway Robbery to Fund Police Militarization

The militarization of local police in the United States is not being fueled just by the federal government providing military equipment, including machine guns, grenade launchers, and armored vehicles, to local police departments. The police are also funding the rise of SWAT with billions of dollars obtained through asset seizures that amount to highway robbery under the guise of law enforcement. In an October 11 Washington Post article, Robert O’Harrow Jr. and Steven Rich offer some revealing...

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